Chapter 5: Kegs, Tunes, & A Firm Fist To Your Heart

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The week seemed to drag on and I felt rather unfocused in most of my classes. Ever since my interaction with Paxton Reever, he was the only thing I could manage to focus on. There was something about him that pulled my eyes in his direction. We had shared a brief moment in that hall before he had instantaneously turned cold. Government class with him consisted of a lot of stares in my direction while the other boys whispered back and forth.

Lots of stares and whispers, but he didn't attempt to try and talk to me again. Was the connection that I felt all in my head? I wasn't the type of girl to ever feel obsessed. I wasn't a weak girl who needed a man to solve my problems and I didn't really even have problems. Considering that I was essentially an orphan, separated from the only family I ever had known and shipped off to a strange and unfamiliar place, it didn't strip me of my confidence or my pride like it might have done to some.

I had always been the girl who never put her heart on her sleeve and only had good thoughts when I looked in the mirror. I didn't obsess over my weight or eating habits and I felt compassion for girls that did. I couldn't imagine what girls like that struggled with. I was perfectly content with who I was, I just needed to keep focused so I could graduate and move on. That was always the plan.

It was Friday and I welcomed the weekend. The bell chimed, signaling the end of the first block and as I headed to the door to make my way to my locker, I felt the brush of a hand across mine. My eyes adverted to the right and came to rest on his chocolate brown eyes. A slight smirk formed in the corner of his mouth, within my view, but hidden from that of his snarling brother. His fingertips grazed my hand as if he desired to hold it in his, but he knew better than to try. I quickly brushed past him and his mesmerizing stare, and entered the hallway. I could feel his eyes on me and when I turned to look he was standing with his group of friends, acting like he was listening.

I smelled the familiar scent of cinnamon and when I looked up, a bright eyed Colin was perched next to my locker.

"Hey Talz. How's your week been?" He flashed me his cute crooked smile, but I shuttered a tad at his new found nickname for me. Talz sounded so much like he was calling me a towel and for a second, I really wanted to set him straight. I was not fabric that you wiped yourself off on!

"It's been a week," my response was rather cold and I secretly hoped that he would get the clue and just move on. However, where he was standing allowed me to secretly keep my eyes on the mysterious boy looking my way. Colin just talked and talked, for a while I had absolutely no idea what he was even going on about, until the words party and tonight formed a sentence.

"Talz. Are you coming?" I suddenly stood up straighter and acknowledged him.

"Yeah, I suppose. I'll talk to Lizbeth." Just like that my phone buzzed and I reached into the pocket of my backpack. The name on the caller ID stated that it was my less than charming father, Killian.

"Hey Colin, really sorry but I need to take this. I'll see you tonight." I flashed a fake smile in his direction and headed outside of the hall.

"When I call you answer immediately!" his voice was harsh and frankly, I didn't have the desire to deal with his crap today.

I sighed, for a second wanting to unleash a barrage of hurtful words in his direction, but seeing as students were milling around outside, I chose not to cause a scene. " I was in class, for your information. What do you need, I only have five minutes before my next block?"

"I need you to come with Lizbeth to the house on Sunday, we have some things to discuss," his voice was deep and irritated. It signaled that I really didn't have a choice in the matter and had I said no, he probably would have come down to the school and dragged me to that car by my hair.

"Yeah. Whatever, I'll be there." I clicked the end call button and shoved my phone back into my bag, making my way to my next block. Realizing I was already late, thanks to the unpleasant interaction with Killian, I decided to just head back to my locker first.

The hall was quiet and empty, but I made my way up the staircase towards my next class. I was halfway up, when I spotted his figure standing against the window. He was leaning up against the stained glass, with his arms crossed in front of him. Part of me wanted to engage him, but the other part of me, which still was favoring a really nice bruise on my arm from where he had grabbed and thrown me into the cold night, really wanted to push him out of that window.

I decided to just bypass him and make my way to my next class, but when I brushed past, he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to his body. I could feel his warm breath on my face, which smelled like mint, his intoxicating smell mixed with the lingering scent of his morning shower gel.

"Get your hands off me! I don't know who you think you are, but I'm not interested in your crap after the other night," I kept my voice down, but the anger in it was very apparent. His grip on my shoulders relaxed slightly, until he could feel me pulling away, then it tightened and he pulled me closer into him.

He placed his mouth up to my ear and I could feel his breaths quicken before he spoke, "I know who you really are and why you're here."

The expression on my face was utter shock. The only thoughts to fill my heart were things like, oh crap and does everyone know who I am? I thought about Killian, who would surely decimate me if he ever found out that someone knew I was a Wyndham. For a second, I thought about my mother and how sad she would be if she knew that at this moment, I was probably going to be the one thrown out of this window, splayed out on the hard cement underneath. Was this the bitter end that Killian had warned me about?

All I could do was look up into his stunning eyes and hope that for a second his intentions were not malicious, but the look on his face was stern and almost frightening. I prepared myself for the tragic end to my story, clenching my eyes and relaxing my body, ready to die.

I felt my body being lurched forward, but I never collided with glass. I felt my lips smash against something warm and wet and then it hit me. He was kissing me. Wait! He was kissing me???

I opened my clenched eyes to see him, his mouth on mine and his arms wrapped around my body and for a moment, I gave into him. His taste was euphoric and for a second, I wondered if I was stuck in a daydream. My hands found their way to his strong face, cupping it like one would cradle a small animal. His arms tightened around me, his lips pressing into mine, engulfing me and then in an instant, his kiss turned to poison and I snapped out of my trance.

I pulled away from him suddenly and could see the disappointment in his face at my actions. My words were trapped in a cage within my body and for a moment, I couldn't think straight. He must have sensed my confusion, because he leaned in again close to my ear and whispered, "Your secret is safe with me, for now."

He pushed me aside and walked down the staircase, leaving me to brace myself up against the cold brick wall. My fingers searched the brick behind me for something to latch onto. I could hear my fingernail crack under the pressure, because I was digging my fingers into the hard surface. The feelings that were welling up inside of me were pure lust mixed with immense fear, and I didn't like this combination at all. For the first time in my life, I was genuinely afraid of something and I felt a hint of weakness springing from the pit of my core.

I hurried and composed myself, looking down on the delicate gold banded watch that I wore, which was pulled up near my elbow. It had been my grandmother's watch, so it had one of those really old lady metal bands that stretched. My mother had given it to me when I was eight, because I used to sneak into her hidden jewelry box, which was nestled in the corner of her closet and play with my grandmother's costume jewelry contained within. The watch face snapped me back to reality when I realized that I was now in fact twenty minutes late for my Anatomy block.

I threw open the stairwell door and rushed into Mrs. Collins' class, looking disheveled and out of breath. Mrs. Collins snapped her head in my direction, a stern look on her face, "Well Miss Grey, so happy that you've decided to finally grace us with your delightful presence. Whatever was more important than coming to class on time?"

My face turned to a scowl and biting back my hateful words, I simply just replied, "Woman problems."

Her face turned a tad softer as she motioned for me to just go and sit down. I headed in the direction of my table and was instantly greeted by the award winning displeased face, that Damian flashed me. As I sat down, the only thoughts to skim through my head were whether he also secretly knew who I was, like his brother did. Was the whole reason for his constant hateful demeanor towards me, simply the fact that he was birthed to hate my blood? Blood I never chose as my own.

In that moment, I wondered if I could run away in the middle of the night and catch a bus back to Minnesota to escape this hateful place. I missed Minnesota.


"Omg Talia. Do you own anything that isn't black and covered with spikes?" Lizbeth tapped her foot, her hands sifting through the clothes hanging up in my closet. I had tried to reason with her that what I was currently wearing was perfectly fine for going to a Friday night party.

She had looked down at my appearance, my black skinny jeans with the slashes across the thighs and knees, paired with the skin tight black and white raglan t-shirt with a big spray painted rose on the front. Apparently, my wardrobe didn't hold a candle to her version of esthetics.

"I own exactly what's in that closet. Unlike you, I can't afford a whole closet of Louboutins." I shot her a sarcastic smirk and she rolled her dark brown eyes that were painted with a perfect wing tip.

"Here, I guess this could work, now what do you have for shoes?" She threw in my direction a black plaid, sleeveless halter dress, that had a ring buckle joining the two straps in the back at an X. The bust curved downwards into a slight V and it had a corset like waist. The skirt flared out a tad, but nothing too much that it would look preppy.

I took it into our en suite and changed out of my jeans and t-shirt. The dress was made in a manner in which one didn't need to wear a bra, so I slipped mine off and hoisted the dress above my head and put it on. It hugged me in all the right places, but was still comfortable. I stepped out into the room and Lizbeth turned towards me. She was on her hands and knees going through my shoes, flinging pairs around, looking for just the right accessory for the party.

"Those were organized and very well I might add." I shot her a scowl and she smiled.

"Wow. That dress is pretty amazing, go figure. Now, just to find the right pair of shoes." She turned back and continued rummaging through my closet.

"Thanks. My mom made it for me," I bit back the statement. Here I was again offering the Wyndham family a taste of how amazing my mom had been and it was another taste that they didn't deserve to be gifted with.

Instead of commenting further, Lizbeth just flung through the shoes until her eyes snapped over to the corner and she grabbed a pair, whipping them into the air and exclaiming in a happy voice that she had found the ultimate treasure. She pulled from the back of the closet a pair of black suede , round toed ankle boots. They had a lace up front and across the back and down the chunky heel were spike rivets.

She threw them on my bed and went into the en suite to check her hair for the thousandth time. I had just decided to leave my hair in its famous relaxed curls that cascaded down to the middle of my back and around my face. I threw on the boots and grabbed the tube of ruby red lipstick off my desk, placing a thin layer on my lips. I never was big on makeup or needed it, so I always stuck with the basics, which were eyeliner and some kind of lip color.

Lizbeth headed in the direction of the door, grabbing her small clutch purse off her desk and heading into the hall. I grabbed my jean jacket out of my closet that had safety pins across the one arm and a huge stitched on t-shirt patch of a intricately painted skull with roses on the back.


We made our way down to the massive covered parking lot, near the campus, which was lined with row after row of the typical displays of the rich and even richer. There wasn't an ordinary car in the lot and for a second, I realized how out of place I was here, even more than I had been previously. Lizbeth clicked the button and the lights flashed on a silver Lexus LFA convertible.

When I stepped inside, it was like I had entered a nightmare. The seats were pink leather and it smelled like strawberries. She started up the car, letting it warm up for a few minutes, while fumbling with the stereo. When she had chosen a station, she backed up quickly out of her slot and zoomed out of the lot. The drive to Colin's mansion was quicker than I thought. It was just a straight shot down the hill from the academy and a quick right through a large gated community. Lizbeth had explained on the short drive that most of the wealth was congested into this gated community, with the exception of two families.

The Wyndham estate sat nestled behind secure gates, about three miles to the North of the town, while the Reever's gated estate was located directly five miles outside of town to the South. Neither family had the desire to live congested in town, or near each other for that matter. All the regular residents who worked at the academy and in town, had small homes in the center of town or apartments above the businesses that were situated there. Money separated itself from common in this town, that much was apparent by the way Lizbeth spoke.

She also explained that there was a school for the common students who resided in town, but that a bus came to pick them up each morning to drive them to the nearest town over. Again, common didn't associate with the elite and that fact made my stomach churn. I hated classism and the fact that I was being forced to engage with it soured my already sour stomach further.

The house, if you could even classify it as a house, that we pulled up to was massive and ornate. Large pillars graced the doorway and outside on the lawn were several statues imitating Greek goddesses and fountains that had been turned off and drained in preparation for winter. The impeccable lawn was neatly manicured, all hedges trimmed into different shapes and the trees graced the lawn with their ever changing colors.

You could hear the music coming from inside and students milled around outside, propped up against the marble columns, holding red cups in their hands. Some of the students staggered around, which signaled that drinking had been in full swing for some time now.

We entered the foyer and there was a large constructed dance floor to the right, with strobe lights and a DJ who was pumping out the hottest chart topping dance mixes. It was like sardines in a can on that dance floor; students grinding on each other, cups high in the air, faces smashed upon other faces. Lizbeth signaled to me that she was taking off in the direction of the bar area and I decided that it was better to distance myself from her, for fear that the Reevers were lurking somewhere. As I stood around looking, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to find an already extremely tipsy Colin smiling at me.

His words were slurred and his eyes bloodshot, "Talzzzzzz. Yews came, I am so happy. See my happy face?" He pointed to his smile with the free hand that wasn't clenching his drink firmly to his chest. A permanent smile graced his cheeky exterior. As he stood there, he swayed a little bit on his feet, but it definitely wasn't the music that was causing his clumsiness.

"Yeah, thanks Colin," I motioned around the room with my finger before adding, "Looks like a real rager."

Just as he was about to answer, another guy who I noticed from his group of friends came over and clasp him on his shoulder, whispering something in his ear. He turned back around to me and excused himself, promising that he would return and that he wouldn't be empty handed. I just nodded and turned to walk towards the kitchen area.

I entered a state of the art, massive kitchen, where several people were hanging around, sitting on the island and counters chatting away with drinks in their hand. I walked over to the fridge and slipped out a bottle of water. I didn't trust people grabbing me drinks or open bottles because let's face it, bad things happened to girls, especially at parties. I had never been a big drinker anyways and could always have fun without the effects of alcohol, so I decided to bide my time and gauge if this party was worth sticking around.

I shut the fridge and opened my water, turning to take in the room when I saw the eyes of my sworn enemy staring in my direction. Standing next to him were those chocolate eyes that I couldn't get out of my mind since we shared that kiss. Damian had a perpetual scowl on his face as he looked at me, taking a few swigs from the beer bottle in his hands as he leaned up against the counter. Paxton stood behind him, talking with a couple of girls, while flashing an amorous wink in my direction.

It was those stolen glances that caused my skin to crawl and not always in the best possible way.


A/N: Hey guys!

UPDATE will be Friday probably, because we are headed up the coast to see Lady Gaga in concert, so since there will be no weekend updates on either book, till Tuesday. I will double update Friday :) <3

Stay tuned to see what happens at the party!! DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA!!! I love cliffhangers, which you will learn... LOL.

So, thoughts about THAT KISS!!! between Talia and Paxton?

Picture up top is Paxton. Isn't he dreamy!!

Should we ship them yet? Give me your best names for Paxton + Talia.

Please COMMENT AND VOTE! I love to read your thoughts

Check me on Twitter: @amina_leeds

Love ya, Amina<3

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