four | dirts are good

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— April, 2012

     The sun enables life, the rain grants it safe passage! Today's sky has been tart-black since morning, grey clouds are shimmering to drop out at any time. Elan is arranging the book on the shelves of the local library— where it's been her part-time job for the past six months. She heard a tapping sound in the window, soon it became a pitter-patter sound.

     Suddenly the thunderous sound occurs rapidly, thank goodness she's reached on time! This place is no less than a heaven for Elan; a place of smell papers & magic for the minds! It's filled with magical piles of information, long stretching out rooms are filled with people always; who tend to escape from reality. Although the extravagant numbers are few today because of the sudden weather change. 

     Elan's work to arrange the books haphazardly, people take the books randomly — if they replace them in the same place! "Do you know which books may be suitable for eight years old?" Having heard a voice so close, in this empty hall— Elan nearly stumbled on the table where she's standing to get the books on the upper shelves but before she could fall right across in the mother-earth and break some bones, she regained her posture merely. But the books dropped on the floor with a thudding sound.

    By looking for the voice, she found at last— a pair of grey orbs, looking at her with concern. "Oh gosh, Evan! You've scared the shit out of me," she said while putting a hand on her thumping heart. "Well, you're so absorbed with the books. I didn't mean to startle you," he added. "It's alright!" She said while getting the books from the floor.

    "Ela, everything's fine?" A lady chimes in— with grey hairs, round glasses trimmed on eyes but it's fallen down on her thick nose & eyebrows knitted together to understand the situation. "Yeah, everything's fine Granny! Here my friend, Evan— he wanted some books," Elan replied. 


 The old lady is getting aged properly with the shadow leaves; fallen in the withering winter— sign of departing! Since she's the age of Elan's grandma— she opt to call her granny. "Be careful, some people are getting disturbed by annoying noise!" She left immediately without glancing twice! Elan looks around, indeed she can see some people have bowed their heads on the table & buried their nose in the smell of fresh papers.


   "I guess, we should look for some space here! And I have some great recommendations! People tend to get distressed with the noisy environment. They can still hear the murmuring of rain through the window, it's buzzing like angry bees. Evan trails off behind her. After looking thoroughly in a certain section— it's written in bold letters— classics, Elan ejaculated, "Aha! Found it! It will be perfect for children full of thrillers & adventures! And your brother would love it."

   "Peter pan! How do you know, it's for my brother?" Evan examines the book. It seems nice, although he never read books in his childhood. Seeing the exhilarating enthusiasm on Elan's face, he figured out it must be good! He sees some faint scars on her arms; above the wrist.

    "Basically everyone always loves to chatter about the perfect boy in school. And yes, this one is a must read book— my mom always used to recite me as a bed-time story," Elan said in a duh tone but never faltering with a smile. "So, you know everything about me!" Evan takes in her figure now, she's not in her usual attire today. It's different— a soothing kind of difference— she wore a white flannel tank top today, although with full net sleeves and blue jeans to complete the normalcy to beautiful.


    "Don't flatter yourself," She said, rolling her eyes. The sleeves always hide her full arm, mayhaps that's why he never noticed it before— but today it's visible when she extended her arm to give the book, "Where did you get the scars?" Evan asks.


     Elan gives him a bewildered look; she understands in the next second, where it's going. She quickly averted her gaze & hid her arm in the sleeves. "Nothing, I once fell in the fence while working in the ranch with my mom." They both are friends for sure yet it's not another level to share the deepest secrets. Evan nodded, understood the dismissiveness, and decided not to push further.


    Elan's watch beeps, a reminder it's time for leave. "Alright, my job is done for today. You wanna stay here for a little longer? Evan shakes his head, "I got the book already. Let me pay for it, we can go together."

    "Nah, it's fine! Take it as a gift for Orion on my behalf!" Elan said with a faint smile.


    "No if buts, Evan! Let's go!"

     People are running for cover outside as the clouds spat out their beads of water. Elan opens her umbrella and sees Evan is standing motionlessly behind her! She says softly, "Evan, Evan— Finally, Evan's trance broke.

    "Where's your umbrella?" He just shrugged it off, "My friend— Alex dropped me here." "So, you will go home like this without anything? You will fall sick."


    The sky isn't weeping heavily anymore, instead the droplets faded into a musical chime. And birds splattering in their nest. "Don't worry! I'm used to the rain, these little droplets can't do anything. It makes me feel something— when the water splashes against me. What about you? Are you gonna walk home?"


    "Yeah! It's better by walking. Besides, my house is only a few blocks away." The puddles plunge into waterfalls. A car passes by, sprinkles some dirt on Elan's white top. She seethes away with annoyance. Upon seeing her face, Evan starts to laugh! "Can't believe this? Why are you laughing at me?" Elan asks with a shaken voice.


    "I'm not laughing at you. You're looking so cute, besides some dirt is good! The stains leave memories for us. Let the rain absorb everything, maybe the hope and despair yet isn't it amazing the sun may come out as a casting slanted glance on the meadow!"


    Sometimes, Elan can't figure out what's really there behind his dark humour. As the sun is still dark & hollow, it's better if they go home now. Elan took off in the road but she knew someone's staring at her back and she didn't need to look back to see who. Evan eventually averted his gaze & started to run with drizzling.

      The dark sky is known as widow's sky as it stays glooming, no one can induce it when it may writhes its hunger & leash after shrieking! It will beam as a new bride as Evan thought or will drench them into the abyss, time will say. 


Wow! I never meant to write more than 500-700 words since it's flash fiction but I guess it's alright if some are little longer than my limited words. Hope you're enjoying so far!

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