Six: 'Absence Makes the Heart Grow Remorse'

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The drive home was silent. Neither Bendy, nor Boris spoke a word as they drove back to the creaky old building they called home. Streetlight after streetlight passed, both silently agreeing that they didn't want to talk about the events that took place not too long ago.

After pulling into the gravel driveway; the doors were locked, the beds creaked, and all illumination husked away little by little. Only the moon shone through the windows, providing very minimal light. Sleep was nearly impossible for the two as their minds were blistering with the memories of everything that happened merely hours beforehand. The night was long, seconds seeming like years. 

Eyes locked with the bottom of a bunk, sleepless. The breeze swayed the trees outside, the chilly gasps of wind blocked by the thick glass of a window. Boris found his eyes wander to the clock, squinting as he read the time. Two in the morning. Odd, he could have sworn it was three o'clock minutes prior to him checking. Could he be dreaming? Boris held his hands in front of him, his fatigued mind trying to register the state of reality as he pressed his index finger to his palm, feeling a soft pang as a result. Nope, still awake. The wolf let his arms fall back to his sides, giving a soft sigh as he found his gaze lift to the bottom of Chester's bunk. 

The smiley faces were faint, but visible regardless, Boris tracing the features of the carvings with his eyes as he drifted away in his own mind. The canine closed his eyes gently, telling himself that he should at least try to sleep. But he couldn't find himself to do it, his mind running too rapid for him to even get a second of peaceful shuteye. When the wolf finally had enough, he sat up in his spot and slowly got to his feet, making sure to be as silent as possible while he made his way to the doorway. Luckily there was no door itself, so Boris wasn't too fearful of waking the others. If he couldn't sleep, then he didn't want to lay around waiting for dreamland to take him.

When the sun began to rise, small birds from outside sang happily from their perches. Though it would be nice to anyone who was up and ready for the day, it wasn't so great for all the toons who were rudely interrupted from their slumber. Bendy had been up for a few hours, and after he heard the chirping birds, not even a minute later he could hear a voice yelling 'SHUT UP!'. Though muffled, the demon could tell almost immediately that it was Ricky who was screaming angrily from the other room. It was common for the birds to be making a ruckus this early, but it was usually taken care of in shifts with those three. Bendy couldn't help but scoff at the idea of them sleepily grumbling at each other until someone finally got up.

A soft knock on the door caused Bendy to snap out of his train of thought, lifting his head from the perch of his palm. "Come in." The demon responded curtly. The door opened slowly, Bendy twisting around in his chair to face the toon that entered, finding himself meeting gazes with Boris. The wolf grinned softly in greeting, "I would have come in earlier b-but I just assumed you were asleep." Boris murmured softly, chucking gently as he entered the room. Bendy rung his hands as the wolf began to speak again, "So, I-I don't know how you'll feel about this, but..." Boris sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck as he gathered up the sentence he's been preparing for nearly an hour. "I called my s-sister earlier this morning and she's e-expecting, I was just wondering if I could go down to S-Scranton for a few days to v-visit her." The wolf asked, his voice shrinking away as Bendy didn't flinch for a while. The demon raised a brow, "Expecting?" Bendy repeated with confusion.

Boris flattened his ears against his head, his smile widening ever so slightly, "I'm gonna be an uncle." The wolf responded with a beaming sense of glee. Bendy's eyes widened for a moment, before he caught himself and mustered a weak grin. "Oh, well congratulations." The fiend murmured half-heartedly. Boris' tail swayed happily, "Thank you..." the wolf's glee faltered ever so slightly, "but, will you let me leave and come back sometime next week, Mr. Devil?" The canine boldly questioned.

Bendy exhaled gently as he pondered for a good while. "I don't see why not." The fiend responded with a brief shrug. Boris was practically jumping up and down in his place at the responce, his features showing nothing but delight. "Thank you so much!" The wolf exclaimed excitedly. Bendy gave a phony smile with a loose shrug at the gratitude. "We haven't met up in years so I'm really glad to go and see her. This really means a lot to me." Boris graciously mused. 

"No problem, kid." Bendy replied, trying his best to lather up a warm tone. Boris smiled wide as he began to back up against the door, "Alright, w-well, I still have a lot of packing t-to do." The wolf murmured, blindly reaching for the doorknob behind him. "Honestly I d-didn't think you'd say 'y-yes'." Boris added with a soft chuckle as he opened up the door and scooted out of Bendy's office.

"Hey, uh, Boris,"

The wolf stopped abruptly, feeling something entirely new as he was called by his name for once. Boris turned his gaze back to the demon that sat in his desk chair, whom of which stared blankly in the direction of the toon in front of him. Bendy leaned forward in his chair, "I just wanted to say..." The demon's voice trailed before he self-consciously stopped himself mid-sentence.

He was silent for a long while before he straightened his posture, "Enjoy yourself over there." The demon murmured simply before mustering a meak grin and twisting in his chair. Boris summoned the strength to give a small smile, even under the circumstances of being silently disappointed. "Right, thanks, I will." The wolf murmured as a reply before finally managing to shut the door behind him.

"So how long are ya gonna be gone anyway, Bori?"

"Just a few days."

"You want some help with yer bag?"

"No, I got it."

"Are ya sureeee...?"

"Pretty sure, Chester."

There was a pause.

"... Okay, a-actually some help would be nice."

There was chattering coming from outside of Bendy's office, followed by lopsided footsteps and worried voices, which caused the demon to hoist himself from his chair out of curiosity. The foot that had fallen asleep caused him to trip over himself a bit as he began to walk, but he caught himself before disaster struck. The demon opened his office door slowly, catching Chester and Boris heaving heavy luggage down the stairs. Bendy opened up his door wider, peering out of his office wordlessly. 

"Hey, you don't have to, but do you think you could grab him some coffee when you get around to it? I usually get him some around this time and-"

"Yer way too much of a worry-wart, jeez. Besides, dealin' with no coffee this mornin' is the least he can do for you savin' his life."


"Oh hush, I'll take care of it when I get back, don't worry."

There was grunting and a loud clunk as suitcase hit wooden flooring. "There we go, that should do it. And ya said yer brother is gonna be at the airport, when?"

"Hmm..." there was a pause as Boris checked his watch, "maybe thirty minutes or so."

Bendy slowly crept out of his office and peaked his head over the stairwell. Shortly afterwards he crossed his arms and leaned against one of the posts, silently listening to the conversation from above.

"A'ight! Are we ready ta get this show on the road?"

"I'd say we are."

Boris glanced up and spotted Bendy casually standing by the staircase. The wolf managed a soft grin and waved farewell, Bendy hesitantly doing the same in response. Chester tried to hoist up the suitcase, heaving with the remaining energy he had left. He released the handle with a huff to straighten his posture before turning his head towards the other end of the hallway and calling for William to assist him. The massive canine was slow to respond but happily did as requested, effortlessly picking up Boris' luggage and walking with the duo outside the back door. Bendy was pondering whether he should follow after them, but ultimately decided against it.  With a hesitant twist of his foot, he headed back to his office to get back to his notes.

Though sales were going fairly well, the smaller deals were really what kept them on their toes. Thanks to Charley and his most recent attempt to sabotage not only his career but his very life; they weren't able to afford much outside of a new pair of fancy shoes. Which, Bendy would admit, Chester or Ricky might find useful due to their habit of walking everywhere barefoot.

Dammit. The demon rubbed his temples as he thought about the night before. We really could have used that phony loan. What the hell was I thinking?  When the demon sat himself down, he reached into a nearby drawer, sifting his hand around until he found his pack of cigarettes followed by one of his lighters. Popping a nicotine roll in his mouth, he was unhesitant to light it. After waiting a few moments he was quick to close the lid on his lighter, taking in a long breath with his lips pressed to the end of his cigarette. Maybe I should've walked the kid out. Bendy pondered bitterly as he stared at the puny item in his fingertips.

Plucking his pen from his desktop, Bendy hovered the tip of the writing utensil over the piece of notebook paper in front of him. His eyes glared at the words, not even bothering to read them. He found himself stuck. Irritated, he angrily dug the tip of the pen into the written jumble of names, not realizing the ink was staining into his notepad as his mind wondered elsewhere.

The fiend could hardly believe Barley was dead. Bendy almost tried to tell himself that it was all an elaborate dream, but the blood stained into his gloves suggested otherwise. It was difficult to swallow that someone he's known for longer than a decade was gone, and could never come back. Even if his feelings were cluttered with hatred, he couldn't help the twinge of grief buried deep below his anger. Although he wanted to believe his mind was solely focused around Barley's death, he couldn't shake the incredibly close call he was in. He could only imagine what would have happened if Boris wasn't there with him.

You'd be dead. Bendy told himself gravely. He could have let you die if he really wanted to. The demon felt his head give a soft pang as he reflected, his eyes shifting slowly as his shoulders hung loose.  Why didn't he?

Bendy snapped himself out of his train of thought as he once again felt his head give a sudden throb. The demon found himself glancing down at his paper only to find an deep puddle of black staining into almost half of his paper. All of the notes had been engulfed in ink, soaking into the demon's desk. Bendy lifted his pen with a groan as the words he had written earlier were only barely visible.

"Great." He grumbled sharply with a groan. As he threw aside the pen- not caring where it landed- he felt his head give another sharp pound. Bendy drew his hand to his head and massaged his temples for a moment to relieve the pain. Only then was he starting to realize that he must be experiencing withdrawals. Taking one last inhale from his cigarette, he pressed the flaring end to his overflowing ashtray and stood from his chair. Some caffeine would get his mind off of things.

Bendy slowly made his way down the stairs, hearing distant chatter coming from down the hall as he neared the bottom. He barely paid much attention to what was being said, as his headache was beginning to overwhelm his senses. As the demon moved into the kitchen at a snail's pace, he stopped abruptly in his tracks as he glanced around. 

The kitchen was... spotless? Bendy could hardly believe the sight. The sink was completely empty, the pots and pans were all put away, and the counters were cleaned off with something that smelled faintly of lemons. And not only that, but the cupboard drawer that had been broken for months was adjusted and placed neatly back in its original spot. It was like his eyes were playing tricks on him. When could this possibly have happened? 

He slowly stepped foot into the squeaky clean room, feeling a little bit unnerved by the tidiness as he cautiously walked over to the coffee-maker. The demon hesitantly lifted up the pot, finding it to be half full as he swished it around. Glancing towards the cupboard, he carefully grabbed hold of the the previously broken drawer, scared that the hinges would give way as they always did. But to his dismay, is opened smoothly; revealing the large array of multi-colored mugs he forgot they even had. He randomly plucked whichever cup was closest to him and began pouring the day old coffee into the mug. After placing the pot carelessly back in its place, he twisted in his steps and leaned on the counter. Bendy lifted the mug to his lips, taking in a big gulp, only to hate the unfamiliar temperature instantly. Not only was it cold, but his tastebuds were strongly displeased. Sure, he was used to the bitter taste, but it had a senile undertone in the flavor that he didn't like in the slightest. Even so, he decided to suck it up; he couldn't be bothered to make another batch.

It was a little too quiet for the demon's comfort, which he found odd; it never bothered him before.  Even so, his thoughts drifted into bliss as he pondered the days without Boris. No more annoying knocking on the door, no meaningless chatter... The demon mindlessly took a sip from his mug as his mind drifted off, not even tasting it. I don't have to worry about getting guilt tripped for not going to dumb little get-togethers that I wouldn't give a shit about otherwise. Bendy rolled his eyes at merely the memory of some of those dumb invitations. Golf? Bowling? Please. He doesn't have time for such idiotic pastimes. Not to mention it'd be a pain in the ass anyway. He'd be recognized in a heartbeat if he didn't cover his head. At Looney Poons he wasn't too concerned, there were too many drunken morons for them to even register he was a wanted criminal. When they're sober morons, that's when it's an issue. The fiend found himself staring into his mug with distaste. He could live without a goofy-grinned numbskull for a few days...  Bendy sourly took another sip from his cup, only to recoil as the horrible taste flooded his tongue.

It was going to be a long week.


Day one without constant knocking on the office door. 

The house was still as quiet as it was the day prior, even after Chester returned. Although it was uncomfortable for Bendy, he tried not to let it get to him too much. He called up all his clients, apologized profusely for requesting their orders again, and created the previously destroyed list all over again. He cost himself hours of work, all because he got lost in thought for a little too long. After ringing up the final number, writing down the order, and hanging up, the demon found himself craving for something to munch on. He gandered at the clock, only to be bewildered by the fact that it was already five in the afternoon. Bendy slunk out of his office and made his way downstairs, only to hear television chattering as he came closer to the gameroom. Peering inside, he spotted Ricky fast asleep on the floor while Chester and William were casually watching their program with blank faces. Bendy cleared his throat to catch their attention, but nobody even bothered to turn their heads. "Hey Ben." Chester murmured as his eyes locked with the screen.

"Isn't Alice supposed to be bringing something by now?" Bendy questioned, raising a brow. Chester barely turned his head, his gaze still staring at the television, "Oh yeah." The feline replied flatly. Bendy tapped his foot impatiently after he received the vague reply. The demon walked over to the nose of the couch and stood in front of the television to block their view, "'Oh yeah' what? Did you call her or not?" Bendy snapped with impatience. The duo sitting on the couch broke out of their trances instantly, "Hey, we're watchin' our program." Chester whined, cranking his head as he tried to catch a glimpse of the television. "Is this what you've been doing all day?" The demon questioned as he crossed his arms.

William and Chester exchanged a quick glance before replying with a blunt, "yes" in sequence. Bendy rubbed his temples briefly, "So did you call Alice or not?" The fiend repeated. Chester shook his head, "Boris usually does all that." The feline replied as he still tried to gaze beyond the demon that blocked his view. Bendy sighed before stepping away from the television, "I'll take care of it, but until the kid gets back you're dealing with grub. I ain't doing this more than once." The demon ordered. The toons that were awake waved him off with a few half-assed replies to make him go away.

Needless to say, Bendy was on duty for calling Alice more than once during Boris' leave.


Day two without useless small-talk. 

Bendy began getting used to grabbing his coffee every morning, and he even started to teach himself how to make a fresh batch all over again. He didn't realize how nice it was to get out of his musky office every so often... and he also started to realize how much he depended on Boris on the business end of things. After chatting with the remaining toons of his team that evening, Chester commented about how Boris was helping with orders. It'd been nearly a month and a half since Bendy's known the kid and he had no idea. After questioning what the wolf assisted with, two-thirds of the bunch were eager to boost the toon's reputation. William told his leader that he still prepared orders, but Boris was better at memorizing them.  Chester mentioned that he'd been using the moronic process of counting bottles one by one for the past two years, and Boris had suggested that he counted them in fives instead.  Ricky was reluctant to remark, but he admitted his habit of lending the shipment to the youngest member of the group. Although Bendy didn't want to believe it at first, the looks on his companions' faces suggested that what they said was nothing short of the truth.  And the more the demon processed, he started to realize how much slower things were moving as of late.  How odd.


Day three of getting his own damn grub. 

It was a long day per usual, and not that eventful either. Not much outside of staring at the television and nibbling on snack foods. Anyone and their grandmother would describe it as boring. Bendy tried to stay by his telephone for a good chunk of the day, smoking more than half a pack of cigarettes in the process. Eventually he just decided to doodle in order to pass the time. The more he really thought about it, the demon started to realize that he didn't really have hobbies. Card games, darts, sure, but those got dull over the years. He was getting older and even more so bitter, things weren't really all that exciting or 'fun' to him anymore. Hell, getting shot in the hand probably wouldn't impact him that much either. Being the downtown devil ain't all that and a bag of chips if you sit around all day. But what was he to do? He didn't have the energy to cause mischief as much as he did in his early twenties. 

All he had left was selling his ink product, and even then, there wasn't much to sell when you're new in town and word's still getting around. Whenever they moved shop, it's always the biggest pain in the tail to get back on their feet. Especially lugging around that damn ink machine. Glancing towards the clock, Bendy thinned his lips in a firm line as he watched the thin hand tick around the ring of numbers. It was getting late. Slowly, he found his gaze rest on his telephone, which hadn't rung a single time throughout the entire day. Reluctantly, he reached over and spun the dial, calling up a toon he dreaded to speak with in the evening. After he finished dialing the number, he rubbed his index finger and thumb together as he impatiently waited for the other line to pick up. Within a few moments, the tone stopped.


The voice was cold, obviously disliking the uninvited call. "Heya, toots," Bendy began, leaning back in his chair, "the boys were talkin' about chicken wings." A long sigh came from the other line.

"Alright, I'll see what I can find."

"Thanks, doll. Say, how was work?"

"...Same as usual."

"Same as usual, huh."

There was another long exhale from the other toon.

"What I just said, yeah."

"Nothing jaring?"


"Not even a hammered knucklehead you had to kick out? C'mon, I'm sure there's at least something-"

"Do you want me to get the damn chicken or not?"

Bendy was taken aback by the response, sitting up straighter in his seat as he mustered up a bitter reply. "Sorry for trying to make conversation." The demon snapped back.

"Conversation is for that trainwreck you call a team. Shove your small talk where the sun don't shine and let me do what you pay me for."

The lady toon hung up before the demon could utter a word in response. Bendy sat in silence for a few moments before scoffing sharply and setting the phone piece back into place.

Hours later, a loud knock on the door caught the attention of nobody except for Bendy. He almost wanted to yell for the others to get it, but decided against it. It wouldn't kill him to walk downstairs and see the delivery girl. Opening the door, his faulty delight shifted into a frown as he was greeted by only the tree-covered surroundings of the perimeter. Shifting his eyes left and right, he couldn't help but scratch his head at the scenery. Suddenly, his gaze lowered to his feet, spotting a large, brown, paper sack lying inches away from him. A little puzzled at first, he bent down to lift it from the gravel, loosely shaking off whatever rubble clung to the bottom. Instinctively he noticed a note taped to the bag that had two simple words attached.

'Fuck you' written in cursive lettering with a little heart for a period as an added bonus.


Day four without invitations for silly get-togethers. 

A late night order gave Bendy the push to go out for a drive; not for any distinct reason aside from the responsibility. He very well could have asked Ricky to take care of it, but he couldn't fight the need to get out and about. After dropping off what was requested, he headed over to Crescent Tavern. He'd usually bring his boys along with him on the trip so one of them could stay sober and drive them all home... but his lack of sleep drove him to do otherwise. A drink couldn't hurt. But it was never just one drink. It escalated to another, and then another, until finally Moon refused to give him anything more. The demon's vision was blurry and his mind felt like it was full of holes, he was beginning to forget where he even was. Blindly angered at the refusal, Bendy's trashed senses concluded it would be a brilliant idea to take his fury out on the toon sitting beside him. Little did he even realize how outweighed he was by his opponent, and after throwing a few terribly aimed punches, he was knocked upside the head by a foul swoop of an arm. Out like a light.


The area around his right eye had swelled, and he could have sworn one of his teeth was chipped from the blow of a fist from the night prior. By day five, the only thing Bendy had the strength to do was think. More specifically about his emotional state as of late. Why do I feel like this? Anger? It's possible. Boredom? No, that couldn't be it. The enveloping dread of the past? Nah.

He noticed he was incredibly needy, and felt like something was missing. It nagged at him more than that puny fruit fly that's been fluttering in his office for months now. He pressed the butt of his cigarette to his lips and took in a deep inhale of the nicotine, sighing gently as he stared out into the city. Bendy bitterly pondered to himself, sitting comfortably on the roof of his car. Ever since yesterday, a feeling's been eating him out alive. Days prior it wasn't as bad, but now it was so overwhelming he could barely even think of anything else. Guilt, was the only way he could possibly describe it. But for what? Usually he'd be guilty for not working but that couldn't be the case. He'd been craving merely the idea of going out and about, and if it really were about his job, he would know. It was something else... something he couldn't quite put his finger on.


Day six. 

Bendy got so wasted that evening that he could barely even speak. Mindless babble was the only thing he could mutter as he practically drooled on the surface of the bar counter. The only thing he remembered during his blackout was when he was struggling to get up from the ground.  He could have sworn he saw the silhouette of a toon with a pair of thin, round ears that stuck up in the air as it generously reached forward to help him up. Bendy thought he recognized the blurry figure and couldn't fight a stupid smile forming on his lips, only for the grin to vanish as he was hoisted to his feet and got a clear view of his aid. Moon dusted him off swiftly and shook his head, "Alright, let's get you home." Bendy mumbled something inhuman before the bartender rolled his eyes mockingly and swung the drunken demon's arm across his shoulders. Slowly but surely, Moon walked Bendy to his vehicle and slunk him in the back, not even bothering to buckle the thrashed fiend in his seatbelt. The bartender sat in the driver's seat with a huff and threw back his wrist, moving his fingers as he gestured for the party in the back to notice. 

"Keys." Moon stated firmly. Bendy slurred incoherent babble before sloppily reaching in his pocket, pulling out what was inside and handing it over lazily. Moon stared at what was given to him, glaring at the light cardboard box for a moment before carelessly tossing the empty cigarette box to the passenger's seat and giving Bendy a more stern glare. "Keys." The bartender repeated, irritation lining his tone. The demon replied with something along the lines of 'I just did' but it came out as more of a blubber than a lucid reply.

After much trial and tribulation, Moon was able to get Bendy back to his home safe and sound. The others seemed incredibly relieved for his return, especially the feline, whom of which thanked him profusely for the trip. To the demon, however, it was all white noise. He was out of it, and nobody could deny that. William offered to go with Moon to drive back to his pub, meanwhile Chester was swift to take Bendy up to his office to rest. More than likely, he was given plenty of goodnights and sweet dreams, but Bendy was already asleep by the time his head hit his pillow.


On day seven, Chester got a call that evening, overjoyed to hear the voice on the other line. Bendy, whom of which was dealing with a massive hangover, miserably slept through the event. When the demon finally gathered enough strength to lift himself out of bed, he was a little baffled to find nobody in the house except for Ricky.

Before the demon could even speak, the raccoon already had an answer for the question he knew was going to be asked. "They went out to go get him." Ricky mumbled as he watched his program. Still confused, Bendy raised a brow, "Who?" The demon questioned. Ricky grit his teeth, more so at the idea rather than at the question. "The kid." The snarky toon grumbled. The demon simply blinked at the reply. "When did they leave?" Bendy asked.

"Two hours ago maybe."

Bendy, with a foggy mind, tried his best to process the reply. He wanted to ask more questions but his mind continued to snap in and out of focus. The moment he opened his mouth the reply was already withering away from his mind. Although he could barely even think, the idea of a drink hung in his mindscape as his tongue felt incredibly dry. After stumbling to the kitchen and turning the handles of the faucet, the demon mindlessly took in gulps of water. Bendy towered over the sink with his shaky hands keeping him loosely stable. His head felt smoggy and diluted, unable to shake the idea that he might've caused a permanent hole in his brain. The fear of passing out was overshadowed by the tough pang in his head. His breathing suddenly got shallow, feeling his vision darkening by the edges. The sight of which, only caused him to inwardly panic more and more by the second. Were the walls always this close? Why did it feel like his lungs were collapsing?

"Hey, are you a-alright?"

Bendy suddenly snapped out of his mini panic attack as he heard the familiar voice. Turning his head, the fiend caught sight of a skinny wolf standing in the kitchen doorway with a worrisome expression. "I heard the s-sink and I wasn't s-sure if-"

"I'm alright." Bendy interrupted weakly as his shoulders loosened. Boris took in a deep breath as his eyes couldn't help but glance elsewhere as they stood in silence for a while. The demon cleared his throat and shakily straightened his posture, "How was Scranton?" Bendy questioned with a soft slur.
"It was great! My niece is just the s-sweetest thing and it was really nice to see my sister and her f-fiance again." Boris beamed proudly. The wolf swallowed as he noticed the features on Bendy's face, "But uh, you look like you've had it p-pretty rough." He noted slowly as he couldn't help but glance at the demon's swollen eye. 

Bendy grinned softly, "You kiddin'? Should've seen the other guy." The demon remarked with a weak scoff. Boris scratched his neck sheepishly, "Well, a-at least you feel better than you l-look." The wolf replied with a tiny smirk. The fiend couldn't fight a gentle smile perking up the corners of his mouth. In that very moment, Bendy felt a strong pang in his chest while his fatigued mind struggled to grasp a flacid reply. Without much thought, the demon clicked his tongue.

"Hey, uh, kid, there's actually something I've been meaning to tell you." The fiend murmured softly.  Boris stood with a curious expression as he silently ushered for Bendy to continue. 

'Sorry' was the first word to pop into Bendy's fatigued brain, more words of a similar fashion flooding him shortly afterwards. The fiend took in a deep breath, almost speaking his mind before shooing the speckled thoughts away.

"I think it's about time we start some sort of training for you." Bendy stated without a second thought, his words slurring ever so slightly as he felt his head give another pang. That should be a good enough placeholder for now, he figured. Boris perked his ears ever so slightly underneath his hat, "T-Training?" The wolf repeated hoarsely. The demon gave a weary nod, mustering a weak, but mildly encouraging grin. "How does learning how to handle a sniper rifle sound to you?" Bendy questioned.

Boris' eyes lit up, a smile spreading cheek to cheek on his face. "Really? Y-You mean it, Mr. Devil?" The canine stammered. Said fiend gave a brief nod of the head while he murmured a gentle remark. Afterwards, however, his gaze glimmered with something indescribable as he chuckled.

"And just call me 'Bendy', kid."


SURPRISE!!  Sorry for the random update, I think it's gonna be pretty inconsistent from now on.  Motivation has been a real struggle for me, but I hope you enjoyed regardless <3

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