| Chapter Ten |

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Raffo Leflore wasn't seen for the rest of the evening.

Ruth didn't know where he had gone, nor did she care. Very much. If at all . . . well, she shouldn't. He could run off and be upset for the rest of his life and she shouldn't feel a damn thing about it. What the hell was he even upset about? If anyone should be feeling fragile, it was her!

For the rest of the evening, Ruth was forced to give smiles and swallowed down any accusation or questioning she wanted to throw Jana and Eddie's way. It was a natural reaction to want to bombard them with fierce questions that revolved around her ex-boyfriend—was that really all he was? Just a boyfriend?—but she didn't voice anything out loud yet. She understood Raffo was Eddie's best friend, and Jana was going to be his wife. And even if Ruth knew Raffo was coming, she wouldn't miss the party for anything in the world. It wouldn't have made much of a difference, but at least she could have mentally prepared herself!

Now there she was, leaning against the balcony of the roof, standing before her pacing girlfriend. Ruth sighed, crossing her ankles before her. Emily had just pulled her aside and now here she was preparing herself for Ruth's answer before she even had the chance to say anything.

"Okay," Emily breathed, running her fingers through her blow-dried waves. Her dark brown eyes sought Ruth's with an intensity that prevented Ruth from being able to look away. "Was tonight the first night you saw Raffo?"

Ruth swallowed down a large lump in her throat, guilt leaking into her voice. "No."

Emily flapped her arms down to her sides in frustration, a sharp breath of air pushing through her teeth. "And you didn't think to tell me? Don't you think I have a right to know that you talked to your ex?"

"I didn't talk to him," Ruth defended lamely, though it made little difference to the situation as recognition settled in Emily's narrowing eyes and thinning lips.

"Wait. You saw him the day you went downtown, didn't you? He's the guy who yelled at you," Emily accused, her eyes blazing.

Ruth's gaze fell.

"I fucking knew it!" Em exploded, her voice rising an octave with her scoff.

Ruth, wracked with guilt, looked up, her heart settled in the pit of her stomach. Her eyes stung, her nose wet, and she had to blink her eyelids rapidly a few times to clear her senses. Though she knew Emily had a right to be upset, it still hurt her to see her look so betrayed. Can people just stop giving her that look?

"I'm sorry, Em I—I just didn't want you to be upset or think something was happening," Ruth admitted. Emily only snorted.

"How do you expect me to believe anything you're saying when you literally lied to me, Ruth? Not to mention you didn't talk to me for hours that day—"

"For fuck's sake, Emily I was having a fucking panic attack," Ruth snapped, glaring heatedly at Em with hurt swirling in the pit of her stomach.

Emily glared right back, her jaw clenched. "Then why didn't you just tell me that? Why hide him from me, huh? Why not tell me you were even having the panic attack in the first place? You just caused a big fucking mess based off of your assumptions rather than trusting me with the truth."

Ruth pushed herself away from the balcony's edge. A striking warmth of rage trembled throughout her body at the insinuation of Emily's words, despite the little part of her that knew she was right. If Ruth had just be honest up front, maybe the situation wouldn't have blown up the way that it did. But it didn't mean Emily had to stoop to such low lengths to get her points across. It did nothing but piss Ruth off more.

"I wasn't 'hiding him' from you," Ruth growled. "I said I was sorry, and I won't hide shit like that from you again. But I refuse to stand here and listen to you accuse me of wanting the man who broke my heart. It's gaslighting and demeaning and I won't put up with it."

She refused to allow that shit from her mother and she'd be damned before she let her girlfriend do the same to her.

Emily inhaled sharply at Ruth's words as she openly gaped at her. "I wasn't gaslighting you! I'm just trying to make you see where I'm coming from. You lied to me, Ruth. And when you lie to someone, it makes them question everything."

"Well, my loyalty to you shouldn't have been questioned. I won't stand for that."

Emily grew quiet at that.

Ruth tiredly shook her head and went to walk away, irritated with the lack of response. What the hell were they thinking arguing like that at Jana's party? Granted, they were away from everyone, but still—

A hand gripped Ruth's tightly and twirled her back into a soft body, forcing a surprised gasp out of her mouth. Lips soft and inviting pressed against them, swallowing the sound. Emily's familiar curves move solidly against Ruth's, sparking her with both annoyance and desire. A dangerous combo, particularly when one was outside with their partner. Alone. On a rooftop.

Ruth, unable to help herself, relaxed against Emily's roaming hands that wandered down to her thighs.

"I'm sorry," Emily whispered against the corner of Ruth's lips. She moved back an inch so that Ruth could see the sincerity in her eyes and recognize how real her apology was in that moment. "When it comes to Raffo, I just . . . I feel like . . . I don't know. Like I can't compete with him. That you'll want to go back to the relationship you guys had together because I will never be him."

Ruth frowned. "I don't want you to be him, Emily. I'm in this relationship because I care about you, not what you can or can't give me. It sounds cheesy as hell, but Raffo's my past and you're my future. There's absolutely nothing to compete with."

Emily drifted her fingers down Ruth's back, hopefully ignoring the way her heart jumped at the words pouring from her mouth. "You sure?"

"Positive. I just need you to trust me."

A suggestive glint glimmered in Emily's pretty brown eyes. "Want me to show you how much I trust you?"

Ruth threw her head back and laughed. "You're terrible!"

"Hey, all I need is five minutes," she winked. "But, on a serious note, you don't have to lie to protect me. I'd rather know these things than have you hide them and I have to find out another way."

Ruth nodded. "You're right. I promise I won't hide the truth from you, okay?"

Emily kissed Ruth's cheek. "Okay."

For now, Ruth's word will just have to do.


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