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The girls got ready and made the first move. Ellie and Amy were in the right beat but the other girl wasn't. 

"What's her name?" I asked Adrian. 

"Oh her? She's Emma." Adrian replied. 

"Emma, you're taking the wrong beat. You are a little slower than others." 

Emma shrugged. 

"You need to get in the beat starting right after Amy finishes. And Ellie, your pitch is a little high. Try to lower it just a little bit." 

"If you are that good, why don't you give it a try?" Emma said, quietly.  Amy and Eliie agreed to that point.

"Yeah, why don't you show us how it's done." 

I had no choice. It has been a huge amount of time since I did DALLA DALLA. I could hardly remember the lyrics, but I thought I might give it a try. 

"Okay then. Adrian put the music on."

A familiar beat followed. It reminded me of the days I spent in the practice room practicing this song. And surprisingly, the lyrics and the moves were still in my head as I started dancing. After I finished, the girls, especially Ellie, were surprised. 

"How could you do that? I mean, it was different from what we did 10 minutes ago." Amy said, surprised. 

"And your faces. Aren't you tired? I think you did at least 100 different faces while dancing."

Ugh the bad habit inside me had come out. My teacher would always talk to me to improve my face while I dance. And yet it still had come out. 

"Now that I show you how it's done, it's your turn, isn't it?"

The girls nodded, and we practiced about an hour long. They improved way more than they did an hour ago. Not to lie, I was kind of surprised by the improvement they made. I mean, they couldn't even barely sing the right note of the song but now, they perfectly finished the song until the first chorus. I was drinking water and looking at my phone when Ellie called me. 

"Irene, you didn't choose a club to attend yet, right?"

"U-huh. But why?"

"Irene, can you please be a member of Bliss?" 

"Wait what? But why?" 

"We need your help, Irene. We do. Look how much improvement we made when you came." Emma said. 

"Err I might need to think about that."


"My parents don't want me to dance. They think I should stay out of this idol thingy." 

"But you are so talented!" Amy said. 

"My parents don't like me singing and dancing. They say it is best for me to rather study. That's the reason I came here." 

Amy and Ellie both looked surprised. 

"Well, you are always welcome to tell us when you change your mind. Today was wonderful. Bye, Irene." 

They both left the studio. There were just me and Adrian left. 

"You're new to this neighbor, right?" Adrian said. I nodded at him. 

"How about getting dinner? There's a subway right there. Have you tried the subway?"

"Of course I had. It was one of my favorites."

"Then let go"

Adrian took me to a Subway right next to the corner. After we ordered our food, Adrian and I sat at a table. 

"Why did you stop being a trainee?" 

"Well there was this girl named Juile and she bullied me for so long. She made a lot of bad news about me, which led to me not going in the debut team, and she did."

"Wait are you talking about Julie from the group Wave?"

"Err yes."

"How could she do such a thing to you?" Adrian asked, surprised and with a face filled with anger. 

"Well, she was jealous of me, for sure."

"No way." 

"Promise me not to tell anyone about this. This is the first time saying it in front of a person."

"Your mom and dad don't know about this either?"

"I didn't tell them because I don't want them to worry about me." 

Awkward silence continued as I started chewing on my sandwich. 

"Do you like to dance?"

"Of course I do. It is the best thing in the world."

"Then you don't you join the club? I mean, you were awesome when you performed DALLA DALLA in front of the girls."

"Well, but my parents....."

"Irene, a huge piece of advice for the future. Don't think about your parents and just do what you want."

After finishing dinner, Adrian guided me to my house. He said goodbye to me at my house, and I walked in. Mom was in the kitchen doing the dishes while Dad was looking at his phone on the couch. 

"Oh, you came. How was the first day of school?"

"It was fine, mom" 

Mom and Dad both gave signs of relief. 

"We were so worried that you hated school. I knew you would do great here in America. Riverside High School is a great school, Irene. If you study hard there, you can go to any university you want. " 

I just smiled at him. For the first time in 4 years, I never saw them that excited. 

"Irene, did you choose what kind of club activity you want to do?" 

The word dance club almost came out of my throat, but I didn't want to ruin their happiness of me going to high school. 

"I'm just thinking about it. I didn't choose anything yet." 

"You should choose something quickly. Club activity is related to universities." 

"Okay, but I want to go to my room and get some rest for tomorrow." 

I hurried to my room and found a box I hid my stuff inside. There were signed posters and signed albums of my favorite group OF LIFE. I put on the music and looked at the posters. I thought what Adrian said. Do something you want and don't think about your parents. The thing I wanted was singing and dancing. But my parents would be furious if they found out. Should I follow what my heart says? And my answer was yes. 

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