looking for someone?

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Lukas's PoV

Jess and I searched everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. From the many parks to the shops in town and even to the edge of the town, where there was a fence keeping things away from us. Or the fence was keeping all of us in.

Two years ago, they stopped all contact with the outside world, so no flights, no roads leading out into the world. Just a simple metal fence keeping everything in order. Once or twice, I stood at the fence, trying to find out what was beyond. However, there was nothing but sand and dirt.

"Where could he be? Beacontown isn't that big." Jess said, wiping her face which was looking a little red from running all over the place. "On foot it is." I told her, looking around for the thousandth time. "Should we just go ahead and tell Petra.?" Jess suggested. I glanced at her exhausted face and I bit my lip. Seeing Petra was going to be the hardest thing I've ever done ever since the accident but I nodded. "It's time to end all this."


Jess and I stood in front of the hospital. It was like some scene out of a movie or something. With the wind blowing and the leaves scattering everywhere. "You okay?" Jess asked, taking my hand and squeezing it. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak because I was wondering what would happen.

"I heard you're looking for me, Lukas Fletcher." I spun around to see a boy, standing behind us. "NOW you appear! What took you so long?!" I demanded, making Jess and Ivor look at me quizzically. "Uh.. I heard you were looking for me?" Ivor said, slowly starting to back away.

Jess sighed and placed a hand on my chest, making me look at her. "Apologies. You must be Ivor Alchem, right?" Jess asked, as I took her hand away from my chest. "Yeah. Why were you looking for me?" Ivor asked, raising an eyebrow. I cleared my throat but Ivor glared at me, with a hostile look.

"You were there when Aiden beat me up, and you didn't help. So I'm not talking to you. I'm gonna talk to your girlfriend here." Ivor said. I sputtered, "She's not my girlfriend." I said quickly. Jess flushed a dark red, as Ivor stared at the two of us. "You're not? Shame, this girl's got guts."

Jess looked at me. "Can you stop matchmaking?" I said, "Look. Your sister is in that goddamn hospital and your father-." "I don't have a sister." Ivor interrupted. Jess and I frowned. "But, you don't remember?" Jess asked. Ivor shook his head, his dark hair covering one eye. "Ivor. Alchem. Jackson." I said loudly, waving my arms for whatever reason.

"All I remember is waking up in those woods. I don't remember anything when I was younger." Ivor pointed to the direction of the woods. "You don't remember being... missing?" I asked.

Ivor shook his head and glanced at Jess. "I don't remember anything. All I can remember is waking up in those woods. End of story. Nada." Ivor shrugged. "So I guess this was a waste of time." Ivor raised a hand but Jess grabbed it and pulled him backwards. "You're staying until we can figure this whole mess out." she told Ivor, who yanked his arm away.

"This is your problem! Not mine!" He yelled but I had enough of this. Without even hesitating, I grabbed his arm and forcefully dragged Ivor into the hospital, ignoring his rants.


"Room 385." I told Jess as Ivor walked around in circles, around and around the lobby while Jess and I watched silently. "He's acting like a big baby." I muttered, making Jess grin. "Lets just bring him home. To his family." Jess added. "Don't want! Don't want! Don't want!" Ivor exclaimed as I dragged Ivor towards Petra's room.

"Shut up, you big goon." I told him as I pressed the button for the lift. The chirpy elevator music played overhead as we entered the lift. "I don't know how's older. You or us." Jess spoke up, jabbing a finger at Ivor, who looked grumpy.

"Where are you staying now?" I asked Ivor, who frowned at me and looked expectantly at Jess. "He asked where are you staying now."Jess told him, pressing the buttons over and over again, as if that would make the lift go faster. Ivor looked at us with a bored expression. "At a friend's house. They've been good to me."

"Once you see them, your family, don't bail out-." "Or cry." I interjected, making Jess glare at me. "Don't listen to him. He's nonsense." Jess held the door open as Ivor and I trooped out of the lift. "Room 385." I said, repeating the numbers over and over again, counting the doors.

"So what's my sister's name?" Ivor asked, rubbing the carpet with his foot. "Petra Dakota Jackson. Your dad-." "Got it!" Jess said, pointing to the door. "What's behind door number 385?" Ivor muttered, imitating a game show voice. "Shut up." Jess and I said at the same time.

Taking a deep breath, I raised a hand and knocked twice. "Coming!" someone called. There was a pause, making Ivor look at the both of us. "Did the person say come in, or coming?" he asked.

We stood there for awhile. "We look like idiots. I think the person said come in." Ivor said. Jess rolled her eyes and opened the door. "I cant believe we just stood at the door deciding if the voice said come in, or coming." I told Ivor just as the door opened.

Here comes the moment of truth.


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