02. Miss Goody Two Shoes

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She hurriedly got out of the car and thanked Daniel when he parked near her driveway as she had directed.

"Shall I wait for you?" She caught a glimpse of him through the glass.

"No, thank you. If you don't want to be late, you should go." She ended the conversation with a wave. She was fully aware that she would be unable to attend school today. This will be a first for her because she never misses school.

She didn't wait for his car to go before taking enormous steps and sprinting towards her uncle's house. When she eventually came to a halt on the porch at the front door, she closed her eyes and took a big breath. Opening the doorknob was like entering a deathtrap, as if no one knew what type of monster her uncle could be.

He was waiting at the bottom of the stairs with a baseball bat, so she didn't have to take any more steps. For years, it was merely slapping, punching her in the stomach, or dragging her from the hair, but that appears to be changing now.

"There you are, little slut." His voice was still venomous. "It's good to see you again." He grins as he swings the baseball bat at her.

She didn't want to imagine what was going to happen next because she already knew as the bat landed on her left shin with a loud thud. It happened again and again until her legs gave out and she fell to the floor.

"Are you going to tell me, where were you?" He yanked her hair so forcefully that she screamed.

"Answer me!" He slapped her in the face. Tears streamed down her cheeks regularly. Her legs are numb, and the left one can't feel anything.

"I - I was-" She couldn't even speak correctly. She already had a hangover from the wine she consumed the night before. As if emotional anguish wasn't enough, she also has to deal with bodily anguish.

"Where the hell were you?" He raised his hand to slap her again, but a voice cut him off.

"That's enough, Dad. You're going too far." A young man said, concernedly staring at his cousin.

"Max, stay out of this. You can't save her right now." Jack yelled at his kid, his gaze fixed on the crying female.

"How could you have done this to her?" She is the daughter of your only sibling. "Doesn't she feel like a daughter to you?" Max moved closer to his father's position.

"Please, Dad, stop! Uncle Mark probably doesn't want to watch his daughter harmed by his adored brother."

He exchanges glances with his son and Adrianna before letting her hair fall and going out of the living room, saying nothing in return. When she lost her father, he lost his brother. It hurts him every time someone brings it up. That is also why he despises Adrianna.

Max approached Adrianna with a troubled expression. When he tries to assist her in getting up, she groans in pain.

"I apologize. I had no idea -" He avoids making eye contact with her by looking aside. "I didn't know he was going to beat you like this." He attempts to apologize.

"No! It's fine." She attempted to grin, but as she tasted her blood, she groaned.

"Here, let me help you." He picked up her bridal style taking her to her room. He placed her on the bed with care.

"I'll get the first aid box." he scratched the back of his neck. "Is it all right?" He motioned to her left leg. "I'll drive you to the doctor. It appears to be quite awful. Like -" He inhaled deeply. He wants to comment, "Like it was broken," but decides against it.

"Is it?" Her voice was hardly audible. "I don't even feel anything." She tries to make a joke, but the look in his eyes tells you how guilty he felt after hearing that. He hurriedly moves his gaze away. "You don't appear to be in good shape. First, take a break. Let's go to the hospital later to check on that." She returned his smile with her own.

"I apologize. I swear I'll never let him beat you again. At least when I'm present." He sighs, remembering the days when he wasn't home and his father was abusing her. Even if it wasn't as bad, seeing her like this makes him sad. She is, after all, his favorite cousin.


"Ria, you awake?" When her cousin Max didn't hear anything, he decided to enter the room after knocking on the door.

"I'm coming in." When he walks into the room, his gaze is drawn to the girl sitting at the window, embracing her legs and staring out like she's deep in thought.

With a sigh, Max moved closer to her and sat beside her. He took his time inspecting her evident bruises. Fortunately, when they went to the doctor, he gave them painkillers and assured them that there was nothing to worry about because the leg was simply swollen. It hurt him to see her like this every day, but a faint grin emerged on his face as he realized how beautiful she still looked despite her scars. He was relieved that her leg was not cracked or severely harmed.

"I know, I have the looks but it's rude to stare at people." She manages to make the situation better with a joke, as she always does. 

"Who wouldn't, when that person is their sister?" Max smirks, making both of them laugh.

"Too bad she is unlucky to get beaten up and getting treated like trash by her only family." Max flinched at her words, knowing how accurate they were. But he has no control over it. He'd never felt so helpless before.

"Ria..."She already feels guilty for making him feel like a monster, even though he is the only person who cares about her life. "Max, I didn't intend it that way. I just..." 

Max stood up and shook his head. With a tiny smile, he touched her shoulder. "Don't wait too long. Remember to take your medication before you go to bed."

"Max, wait!" Adrianna stood up and hugged Max, putting her head on his chest. Max lovingly hugs her back, smiling to himself.

"Thank you." She sighed, savoring the warmth of his body.

When the next day arrived, she felt completely normal. After yesterday's event, she found it difficult to conceal the bruises with her cosmetics, which she saves for special occasions. Her leg appears to be improving after several cold packs were applied. Although the pain medicines assist, her legs aren't strong enough.

She proceeded to make breakfast for her uncle and Max after she finished preparing. Although Max normally only eats cereal in the morning. When he's around, she always makes him a cheese sandwich.

She got her sandwich after preparing everything and walked to the door to leave for school. Max is always late and takes his time getting ready, so they never go to school together. He's also a year older than she is.

"Adrianna!!!" Cedric was waiting for her in the driveway, which startled her. He was dressed in a plain white t-shirt, blue jeans, and grey canvas shoes. She couldn't see his eyes because he was wearing sunglasses. In response, she noticed his trademark smirk. She swiftly returns her gaze to her house and goes towards him on shaky legs.

"What exactly are you doing here? Furthermore, how do you know where I live?" She yells at him in hushed tones.

"I just wanted to check in on you. You were absent from school yesterday." He answered completely ignoring her second question.

"Since when did you start caring about me?" She inquired, placing her arms across her chest. "Because last time I checked you and I were nothing near as friends."

"Oh, I'm sorry for thinking that your lunatic uncle must have done something to you from the way he talked to you that day." Hearing him say that, her eyes widen. Nobody knew her uncle's actual nature, yet even though he hardly knew her, he figured it out without explanation.

"Besides, Daniel won't stop asking me about you." He removed his sunglasses and placed them in his jeans pocket. "You seem fine but I wouldn't add too much makeup just to hide those scars like you." He remarks while pointing to her left cheek. He knows far too much for a boy his age. Let's say he's a little too clever for his own good. She moves her mouth like a fish, unsure how to answer him.

"Please excuse me. "I'm off to school now." When Arianna does not answer, he opens the car door to leave. 

"Cedric! Wait." She firmly touched his forearm, preventing him from entering the driver's seat. "I'm sorry." She wants to explain everything to him for some inexplicable reason, but she's scared he won't want to hear any of it. "Thank you very much for everything. You're not as horrible as they said." She responds with a little smile.

"Oh. So she's talking now." He leans in closer, his breath hitting her cheek. He was so close that he was invading her personal space that it caused her to stop breathing. "Trust me, I also tell myself that I'm not that bad too." She scoffs and backs up, unable to hold her breath any longer.

"Gosh! "Why are you so arrogant?"

"It comes with the package, love." He winked at her, causing her to flush. But she soon snapped out of it. "Would you like to ride? I'm also headed in the same direction; perhaps I can-" Before he finished, she stepped over to the passenger seat, closed the door, and fastened the seat belt to put herself at ease.

"Well, that works too." He smirks again as he looks at her. She couldn't help but stare at him from the side as he drove away to school. She had to admit that, as cocky as he might be, he was attractive. Girls at their school are fighting for his attention. She couldn't stop thinking about how easily he could see through her. He seems to know her better than anyone else. It was a little spooky.

"I know. I'm sexy and hot. So, sweetheart, stop looking at me." She had a vision of someone saying something similar to that the day before. This is when she recalls what happened at the bar. Everything began to play back in her head. But it comes to an end as she knocks out. 

"Tsk. Like there's nothing more to look for."

"Do you remember?" She nods her head. "What happened after I.." She gives him another look before taking another step. "You know, After I-"

"I brought you home. And you slept soundly. That's the end of the story." She laughs as she hears him say it. It may seem insignificant to Cedric, but it means everything to Adrianna.

"Thank you very much, Cedric. I'm relieved it was you." When she says those words, she means it. Cedric felt the same way.

"Oh! Do you know how much you snore at night?"

"I don't snore like that." She almost swats his arm in protest.

Cedric laughed. When his phone began to ring and he requested her to answer it, he had no idea what his insane friend would say next.

"My man, Ced-d*ck. Is there any fresh news regarding Ariel? Stop being a jerk and go check on that girl. Will you? I'm dying of anxiety since I haven't heard anything about my sweet angel." Adrianna tries unsuccessfully to stop herself from giggling. "What the fuck is going on?  Who are you with, dude? Shit! Is that you, Ariel?"

"Good day, Idiot. I'm perfectly fine. I had no idea you had a special spot for me." She teasingly smiled from ear to ear. Cedric noticed how her mood changed when she heard Daniel's voice. It was the first time he had heard her laugh. 

"Ced-Dxxk! Are you there, honey?" Daniel calls him once more.

"How many times did I tell you not to call me that, you shit-head?" Cedric, offended by his friend, inquired.

"Then shall I call you 'my princess' instead?"

"Fuck off!" Mother fxxker."

"I love you too, my Rico." He made kissing noises simply to irritate Cedric.

Adrianna burst out laughing as Cedric finally cut the call. Their friendship appears to be something else. She had never idea they would act this way until now. 

"As much as I like hearing your laughter, my darling. I don't think you want to be late for the first lesson after missing the last one." She felt her skin burning in her cheeks for the second time that day.

"All right, let's go. Everyone is waiting." Only then did she realize they had parked in the college parking lot and that everyone had been staring at them.

"Oh, God! Why are they staring at us?"

"Waiting for something like this to happen." Before she can question what he means, he leans forward and kisses her cheek before exiting his car. She was taken aback. The girls in the audience scream and some even faint theatrically, making a scene. Cedric opened the door alongside her and she was too stunned to react.

"Come on, Let's go." He bends forward to unbuckle her seat belt, but she is stuck like glue. When he held her hand, she stood up to depart the car when her left leg suddenly gave way. She is almost taken in by his attraction until she realizes his true character. It's all a game to him. She shouldn't think about it. 

"Whoa! Are you all right there?"

"Anna!" They both turn to face the man who called her. When Kyle decides to approach them, Cedric's arm protectively tightens around her.

"What do you want Kyle?"

"I should have asked you that, Haynes. Why are you clutching, my girl?" Kyle locked his gaze on Cedric. His gaze moves to where Cedric is touching her waist. Adrianna was stunned to see him after nearly three months away.


Author's Note:

Hello, everyone!

How is everyone doing? 

I had intended to write two chapters this weekend, but I'm feeling a little sleepy. I went to a BBQ party at a friend's house on Friday night and returned home yesterday evening. Then we had a family movie night, so I hadn't gotten much sleep in the previous two days. But I'll upload a new chapter tomorrow or tonight. I'm excited to write this story, and I hope my readers are enjoying it as much as I enjoy writing it. 

Stay Safe everyone. Take care!

Don't forget to comment, Share, and Vote (Click the star at the end of the bar) to support my story. 

Thank you,


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