Chapter 1

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A/N: I have been trying to write new genres recently XD LOL. I hope this is better than what you guys had expected~~ I went to do my research for this fic that my head hurts from all that XD I'm sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations (>_<)

WARNING: Violence and mild language ahead. Read at your own risk.

Chapter 1: An assassin and a tsundere?!

As the wind gently blew Takahashi Minami's hair, she slowly walked towards the edge of the building as she stood at a certain building's rooftop.

Takamina stood near the edge of the building and squat down so that she won't be easily spotted by her enemy. She took her binoculars and looked at the opposite building's window on a certain floor.

"Bang!" A shot was fired. Takamina quickly spoke into her earpiece. "This is Takahashi reporting from point 2430. Did anyone pull the trigger?"

"This is Oshima reporting from point 3012. No one has pulled the tigger yet. We are still waiting for further instructions to make a move." Oshima Yuko replied. "Roger that. Send the the team in. You are allowed to kill upon seeing any enemies in your way." Takamina said and took her sniper rifle out and look though the scope.

Oh shoot... Someone was killed. Sigh... I have to do another stupid fucking long report for the higher ups... Takamina thought as she aimed at her enemy's head. Wait... A girl?! They killed a lady in front of her!! Those assholes... Ah... And she's kinda cute too~~ Wait!! What am I thinking?! I have to save that girl before she's killed... Takamina thought and quickly spoke into her earpiece.

"This is Takahashi reporting from point 2430. Yuko, go to the 24th level. At the end of the corridor, you should see a door. Kick that door open and cover a girl's eyes for me... I will do my job next. But be careful... The enemy's back is facing the door." Takamina said as she looked though the binoculars.

"Roger that. Leave that to... Sae who is good at breaking people's neck. I will cover her." Yuko said. "Do whatever you guys want... We need to save that girl." Takamina said and looked though the scope again.

"Sorry. You have to die for my sake." Takamina said as she placed her finger over the trigger.

As soon as Sae kicked the door and rushed over to the girl who was held hostage, she covered the girl's eyes as instructed. Takamina carefully looked through her scope and aimed. Takamina pulled the trigger. Within seconds, her enemy was down on the floor. Dead.

Sae continued to cover the girl's eyes and carried her out of the room. "Let me go!! I don't want to die yet!!" The girl screamed as she struggled in Sae's arms. "Oh shut the fuck up kid. I'm tying to save your ass here. You will be dead if it wasn't for our captain." Sae said as she carried the girl.

"Why didn't you come earlier?!" The girl shouted as tears rolled down her cheeks. Sae and Yuko didn't say a single word when the girl asked them. Knowing that both her rescuers didn't want to say a word about that, the girl closed her eyes shut as she silently cried.

Sae and Yuko continued to make their escape from the enemy territory with the girl in Sae's arms.

Takamina checked the area for any sight of enemies before calling for backup. "This is Takahashi reporting from point 2430. Haruna, go to the assigned location to pick Sae, Yuko and a girl up... I will join you guys... After I'm done with something. Go to point 4031 and wait for me. If I don't turn up after 5 minutes, you may return to HQ first." Takamina said.

"Roger that captain. But... Something? You better be alive and kicking... Or your fans will be killing us." Kojiharu said. "Don't worry about me, Haruna. I won't die so easily." Takamina said and grinned at what Kojiharu said.

"Now then... What should I do with you?" Takamina said and slowly turned around to face her unexpected company.

A dark figure stepped out into the light. "I'm surprised that you detected me so easily, Takahashi-san." A man who is wearing a suit and holding on to a handgun said as he pointed the gun at Takamina.

Without hesitating, Takamina took her handgun out and quickly shot a few rounds at the man. The guy dropped to the ground and groan in pain. "I'm not going to kill you... I have my personal reasons to keep you alive, asshole." Takamina said and walked away.

"This is Takahashi. I won't need to say my fucking position again right? It's so fucking annoying to say that everytime I want to give instructions or whatsoever." Takamina said with an annoyed tone.

"It's the rules, captain." Sae replied. "Nope. I'm not going to say it." Takamina said and checked her watch. "We have one hour and thirty minutes before our deadline... Sae, I need you to come over to help me carry a man who you will be interrogating later." Takamina said and looked at the man who was groaning in pain.

"Interrogating?! Awesome!! I love you captain midget!!" Sae shouted and Yuko's annoyed complaints could be heard in the background.

5 minutes later, both Yuko and Sae arrived at Takamina's location. "This guy can die anytime. We need to get his ass to the medical room with some first division members to look after him. Let's get back to HQ." Takamina said and carried her sniper rifle on her back.

"Ah~~ I have to carry that bloody man? Geez... Give me a break cap'n~~" Sae said and turned to Takamina but Takamina was no where to be found. "Takamidget had already went down. Good luck... I'm not going to help you carry him. If I'm dirty, Nyannyan won't let me have skinship with her later~~" Yuko said and gave a thumbs up to Sae.

Without another word, Sae tied the man up and carried him to the car. Yuko followed behind and helped Sae carry her belongings.

10 minutes later, when they arrived at HQ, Takamina stepped out of the car carrying the girl in her arms and went straight to the medical room to get someone to check the girl's condition. The man was taken away by a few first division members to a special medical room to treat his injury.

Takamina stepped into the medical room while carrying the girl in her arms. "Hey!! I need a doc here!!" Takamina shouted to get the nurses attention. "Captain Takahashi!!" All the nurses greeted at once. "Oh. Takahashi. Welcome back!! Looks like you are in one piece~~" A doctor greeted when she saw Takamina.

Suddenly, a second division member rushed into the room and called for Takamina to report to the higher ups immediately.

Takamina put the girl down gently on a bed and cursed a few words before turning to Yuko who was following quietly behind her. "Yuko, do me a favour and look after this girl while I report to those stupid motherfuckers higher ups. Stupid reports and stupid team when I love solo-ing. What kind of fucked up world is this?" Takamina cursed and swear. "Whoa... Chill Takamidget~~ I know you like to go solo... But you will get yourself killed." Yuko said and tried to calm Takamina down.

She ignored Yuko and took her leave.

"So... Are you alright?" Yuko turned and faced the girl who was quiet from the beginning. "Y-yeah... Just kinda tired from what happened...." The girl replied. "Oh... What's your 3 siz-?" Before Yuko could finished her question, Kojiharu who entered just in time before Yuko could ask the question she knew Yuko would have asked.

"Idiot!! Don't ask the girl that question!! You will scare her!!" Kojiharu scolded. "What's new?" Itano Tomomi asked as she followed behind Kojiharu. "Ah! Tomochin~~" Yuko greeted when she saw her close friend walking in.

"Welcome back Yuko... Who's this?" Tomochin asked and pointed at the girl who was sitting on the bed. "Ah... She was a hostage... Takamidget brought her back~~" Yuko said and hugged Kojiharu.

"Hmm... It's rare for Takamina to bring someone back to HQ..." Tomochin said as she looked at the girl closely. "What's your name?" Tomochin asked the girl.

"M-maeda Atsuko... Nice to meet you..." The girl said as she introduced herself. "Atsuko eh? Nice name." Tomochin said and smiled at the girl. "I'm Itano. Itano Tomomi. I'm under captain Takahashi team too... Um... That small midget that carried you here?" Tomochin introduced herself nicely.

"I-I see... Nice meeting you... Tomomi-san." Acchan greeted and bowed slightly. "Oh? Looks like the higher ups was right... Maeda Atsuko I presume?" Takamina said as she walked into the room with a clipboard in her hands.

"H-hai! Um... Where am I?" Acchan asked Takamina. Takamina flipped though her documents and put down the clipboard after looking through the documents that was attached to it. "Let's introduce ourself properly again..." Takamina said and took a deep breath.

"I'm Takahashi Minami of Team48. I'm under the elite team. I'm the captain of the team... And I'm also in charge of Team48... In a way. We are under a special government organization." Takamina introduce herself and put her hands behind her back.

"Oi. Takamina... Don't be so stiff..." Yuko said and tried not to giggle at Takamina. "I'm not..." Takamina said and relax a little from her position.

"I'm Oshima Yuko~~ That girl who hit me is Kojima Haruna. And... You should know Tomochin already~~" Yuko said and pointed to her teammates.

"Now that we are done with the introductions... Maeda-san, you will be staying here so we can protect you of any danger that might come in your way." Takamina said and looked at Acchan in the eye.

"Okay... It's not like I have anywhere to go..." Acchan agreed and looked down on the ground with a sad expression pinned on her face.

Before anyone in the room could say another word, a woman broke though the window. "Welcome back midget!!" The woman greeted Takamina and patted her on her head like a kid. Takamina slapped the woman's hands away from her head and took a few steps away.

"Don't pat me like I'm some kid or something!!" Takamina shouted. "Calm down~~ I'm just here to tell all of you something." The woman said and laughed at Takamina's reactions. "Something? That's rare... What's up Marichan?" Yuko asked as she waited for her to continue.

"I'm Shinoda Mariko. I'm one of the so called "stupid motherfuckers higher ups" like what Takamina would describe it. I'm not so high ranking though." Mariko said and winked at Takamina. Takamina just looked away and grumbled about something.

"Anyway... Listen up elite team... One of you will be guarding Maeda Atsuko as she goes to school... After all, she's a high school student. She have to go to school. Except, she will be staying here. Which means... After school, both of you will return to HQ." Mariko said as she finished reading out the instructions that was given to her and threw the documents into a bin that was nearby.

"Which means... One of us will be going to school with her?" Yuko asked. "Yup. That's right." Mariko replied. "Doing those high school stuff?" Tomochin asked. "That's right~~" Mariko said and smiled at everyone.


To be continued.

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