Beginning of the End

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The sky and sea we have so long admired

ablaze with the inferno of uninvited demons

unleashing the evil and fury of hell

Harden your stance and grip your blades tight

Keep your heads up through the endless night

Be the best damn story you will ever tell

smile when blood spilt is not your own

show them that this is your life!

this is your home!

Countless of times we have dealt with tremendous pain

Whether we are young or old it is much the same

So our bodies and bones are heavy from endless years

And so we are shaken from our childish fears

But when the world be saved

Every hero's bravery and sacrifice will be praised!

Forbid us from forgetting the fallen men in battle

Who cannot ever again risk their lives for humanity

As they have not any more fight from life to give

But we who now stand in the wake of evil have stories yet to live

As fear descends don't yet write an end

Maybe not the wounds of our hearts, but our bodies will mend

It is time again to war on those we do not know

May they forgive us when we strike them deep

And strike them low

Forever and ever we will prevail

Even when into the deep sea our vacant bodies sail

And long after this final tale

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
