Fourteen, Strings Attached

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I wake up extra early today. Since this plan on the train commences early as well.

I find Howard eating an apple outside of the men's quarters.

"Well?" I ask.

"It got canceled." He says and I smile brightly, holding in my thankfulness.


"I didn't finish." He adds taking a bite of the red fruit.

I frown intensely, awaiting the pain....

"It's postponed. Not over. They're heading tomorrow instead." He says and I sigh, placing my hands on my hips, staring intensely at the ground. Thinking of a way I could stop this.

Ever since I met James I can't picture myself without him.

My life would be dull and wasted without the vibrance and color that is him.

I'd be only a beating heart. Not living. Forced to.

"Alright. Thank you." I say, raising my head with a slight nod.

Tomorrow it shall be.

I walk swiftly over to the General, salute and start talking.

"Mr.General, sir, I would like to stop the shenanigans which is the silly plan with the train."

"No can do... We need that great idea of Barnes and Rogers. Those two work wonders brainstorming together." He writes down stuff on a map swiftly.

"Sir do you know how crazy it is?!"

He places his pen down to stare me in the eye.

"Crazy is what keeps us alive... You'll see." He continues and I stop trying and walk off glumly.

I look up to find Peggy spying over Steve's shoulder, watching him draw.

" told me I was meant for more than this... Did you mean it?" He closes the book to stand.

"Every word." She says with a love in her eyes I've never seen before.

"Then you'll let me go." He says before stamping off.

She sighs but see's me and forces a grin.

"Don't play all happy... I heard what you guys said. I'm trying to stop it from commencing. Maybe if you help me we can—"

"No, its what they want. Its their choice. And I don't want to stop them from making their own decisions of their own life... I can't." She shakes her head.

"But... They'll die... For sure."

"I stand by what I just said." There are tears in her eyes but she bats them off. She's strong.

Stronger than ever.

I'm... Not.

She looks at me and then walks away, grabbing Steve's book.

I sigh and notice Bucky from across the dirt path and beckon for him and, like a dog, he is immediately at my side.

"It got canceled." He starts.

"I heard."

"Howard? Man that guy knows everything." He smiles, flashing his whites slightly.

"Until tomorrow." You frown, looking over his shoulder at the General.

"Yes. So... We have today to ourselves." He whispers, his hands snaking their way around your waist, pulling you close but you swat him off.

"What's eating you, Doll?" He pouts his lips.

"We do not have today to ourselves. There is a war going on beyond those fences, soldier, and we have today for training. You want to fight? You want to be a man? Give me twenty laps." You narrow your eyes furious.

"Wait—twenty?!" He says, bewildered.

"Now!" You yell and he scampers off down the track, but quickly comes back to kiss your cheek then proceeds down the track again.

My shoulders fall weakly as I watch him smile at me, walking  backwards at first, then spiraling to run to the track.

I frown deeply, the only thought in my mind is that this may be the last time we ever see eachother.
The last time I see his smile.
The last time I hear his voice.

Oh, Ron,
I think to myself,
What have you gotten yourself into.

Thirty minutes have past and I stand solemnly, leaning myself against a pole as Bucky runs towards me, a smile still on his lips some how.

He slows down to a complete stop in front of me, smiling down to my sad face.

"There. Your laps." His chest heaves and he sweats through his shirt meanwhile I have beads of cold sweat along my forehead just from standing and worrying.

"I know wjat you're gonna say, you're gonna say: no, go out there and give me twenty more!" He attempts a high pitched squeaky voice to try and mimic me but I only stare up at him blankly, my eyes holding weights.

I wrap my arms around him carefully, leaning my head against his chest gently, relaxing myself against his body. Feeling the warmth of him, the smell of him, the feeling of his heart under my cheek.
He gently relaxes too and hugs me tightly and securely.

I carefully close my eyes and tiredly lean my weight against him.

"It's okay." I mumble.

"Hm?" he purrs, happily content just cuddled together as we are.

"It's okay if you go." I frown, obviously not meaning it. I mean, it's a suicide mission.

"Really?" He smiles and halfway let's me go so he can see my face.

It's sad and lacking color.

"Yes." I nod slightly and he smiles brightly sending my heart into a shriveling mess.

He leans down and presses his kiss against my lips and I melt completely into it.

"I am in love with you, Veronica." He whispers, leaning his forehead against my own.

I smile softly and kiss him once more, letting  the feeling linger, pressing harder, yet having the same gentle touch as before.

"I just wanna stay here. With you. Forever." He smiles, hugging me close once more, closing his eyes peacefully.

"I wish it were that simple." I sigh and sniffle slightly.

"I'll be fine. C'mon, Ronnie, I'm me." He smiles and so do I before kissing him with a soft passion once more, my hand tenderly caresses his neck and his arms strongly hold my back.

He pulls away and stares deeply into my eyes. Content.

"I can't wait to see the look on your face when we get back here." He grins goofily and I roll my eyes, securing my arms around his neck.

"That'll be the day." I smile.

Duffy clears his throat, approaching at our left.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything, Ms. Boise, Sergeant Barnes." He says, a look of annyoance and anger spreads across his face and I shake my head.

"Not at all." I smile sweetly.

"You never do." Barnes says bitterly and I shove my elbow into his ribs slightly.

He smiles.

"Anyways... Your father made a will.
The general has it and wants you there, obviously." He says with a salute before carrying on.

I look up and over to Barnes who looks to me with a harmless smile. No strings attached.

Word count: 1123



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