Three, Training

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I wake up to the mouth watering smell of cooked bacon and eggs. I took a deep breath and fluttered my eyes open tiredly. I find Howard sitting across from my bed with a plate of steaming hot bacon and eggs in his hands, which he carefully sets on the table. I pull the covers over my body.
"Mr. Stark you should know better than to walk into a woman's room without permission." I furrow my brows in anger. "Oh sorry, you woke up late and I just got your breakfast." He said standing and walking out. "Your first training session is at six!" He shouts down the hall and I scurried out of bed.

The alarm clock read 5:30. Damn.
I quickly gobbled down the food and grabbed my hair and make up. I won't have time for me usual hair-do so I can only have curls today -like Peggy. I frowned at the thought. I wondered how her first day without me is going. I shrug it of and apply the hair spray to my brunette curls. Then the lipstick. I hope Peggy can make more for herself, I have taken the last one we had.

I put the new jacket, cap, and slacks they had given me on and the gun holsters. I grab the guns from under my pillow and into the holsters. I take a quick glance in the mirror and meet sergeant Duffy in a buggy and without any conversation, we ride to the training grounds.

Puddles splash mud against the sides as the officer carelessly drives through every pothole, like he meant to. Duffy offered his hand for me to get out but I just hopped off the side into a puddle, splashing cold dirty water against my tall boots and beginning of my thighs.

"They're over there stretching." Duffy directs a finger to a large group of men stretching. I walk over and stand before them. They start to stop and take a look at me and cue the hoots and They clap, cheer and do almost everything to insult a woman.

I pull my gun out and fire into the sky to silence them. They all become quiet and startled. Even Duffy steps back. I place my gun back and fold my arms behind me back.

"Good morning ladies!" I shout walking slowly in front if the first row. "My name is Ms. Boise and you will only refer to me as such." My voice loud a clear as they all stand up straighter. "I will be leading you into the fight of your lives. This training will be harsh, painful, and terrifying!" I think of my father.

"You are to do as I say and nothing other!" I shout. "And what if we don't?" A man with scruffy dark hair and stubble speaks up. I walk to him and let out a small laugh. He smiles then I punch him in the jaw and knocked him back, stumbling and he wipes his bloodied lip with his hand and straightens. "Then, that will happen!" I yell to all of them. "Am I clear?"
"Yes ma'am!" They all agree.
"Then we'll get along just fine fella's." I smile.
"Fifty push ups, go!" I screech and they begin on the ground. Some failing an attempt and others almost finished in this first second.

I walk around them, studying they're skills. I watch them closely, making most uncomfortable. I liked making them uncomfortable, made me feel superior. Though I know I already am. They can try to pull a fast one on me but never succeed. Its kinda sad really, a fully grown man to a fully grown woman. You'd think they'd win at least once.

I watch as most stop after fifty, some still going. They're chests rise up and down.
"Again." I smile as they groan and give me frustrated looks and after a moment they start again.

After about ten more minutes they're done.
"I have a feelin' you wanna kill us." A man barely spoke with all his heavy breathing. "Maybe I am." I smiled walking past him. "Alright ladies, time for our run...I mean you're run." I grinned as the same man gave me a smile.

They all got in formation and started jogging around the large track, as I hopped in the buggy and was driven around. After the first twenty laps Duffy lead them in front of a flag post.
"No ones ever gotten that flag down in seventy years. And if you do, you'll get a ride back with agent Boise."

The men started scrambling to it, trying to climb, and push it down, all failing. I smiled at the mess of men.
"That's enough, let's go!" He yelled and the engine started as they ran. The man from earlier slows beside the buggy. "I'll get that ride, one way or another." He winked and I gave him a polite smile. "Barnes! Back to you're position!" Duffy shrieked, and instantly he ran back.

We drive past them and Barnes gives me a look, though I just stare. As we ride back to the base for dinner. I can't believe that took all day. This is going to be a long trip.

We got back and my group changed and showered and were ready for dinner. I stand in the dinning hall patiently waiting for Howard, and finally see him rounding a corner. Our eyes meet and he smiles.

"Hello." I smile back.
"Hey, how'd it go?"
"Good, though they really do need more training."
He nods. "How about you?" I ask, intrigued about his work. "Good, we got the machine working and functioning well."
"You'll have to show me some time."
"I guess I will." He smirks. I swallow, "So dinner?" I say changing the subject. "Oh yeah, tonights wieners and beans." I have absolutely no idea what that is, but willing to try it. I give him a confused look. His cheeks redden lightly, "oh, uh, its hot dogs and beans." I nod and we walk off to grab these, wieners and beans.

After we get our trays we search for a place to sit. We finally find a spare table and sit together. I shove a spoonful in and I'm delighted by the taste. It really is just hot dogs and beans.
"Its good." I say.
"Well, its not fondue but..." I smile at his words. "Though we really do need to get it, together," I nod, eating more, "we do."

We keep talking, even after finishing our meals. That's a thing I like about Howard, he's so easy to talk to. About anything.
"...that's how my dad had to use butter to get my head out of the stair well." We laughed and my eyes watered, what a silly man.

"I better be going soon, uh thank you for waking me this morning you really saved my ass," I smiled getting up from my seat. "Any time." He grinned. "I'll uh see you tomorrow." I nod and walk to the tray holster where a man leans his back casually.

"Excuse me sir," I say to his back and he instantly turns to face me. Barnes. He grins widely. "Sorry agent Boise," his friends leave from where he was facing. "My names Bucky." He says as I place my tray down. "Strange name." I grin, arching a brow. He chuckles, "its a nickname, my names James."
"Well, James, my name is Ronnie." He arches his brow, "Short for Veronica." I add.

He nods. "Well I'll see you tomorrow Barnes." I say turning but he grabs my arm gently, "I'll see you at lunch?" He smiles."Sorry Hunn, I'm busy at lunch." He releases his grip and frowns, and I walk back to my cabin for the night.


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