Night Walkers

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Slowly as if a secant was a month I saw the silver blade fall.

I felt its sting.

I felt its coldness.

I felt its weakness.

I felt nothing.

I clutched my abdomen as blood came like a flood from it. The crimson rivers flowing between my fingers. The metallic smell of it flooded my scents.

Tears flood down my cheeks and carved paths in the gore smear. My eyes watered. I looked up to him as I fell to my knees.

He smiled as he approached me. He swung his blade.

I felt it sliver my skin like a raiser cut, but it stopped. I looked up, the tears pooling in my eyes. He stood over me, a confused expression on his face.

Then he too dropped to his knees. His mouth gaped wide in awe, his eyes so full of life. Unlike me. "Ebony Sable?" He whispered.

"Tis I, Night Hawk." I could barely hear my own words.

He wrapped me in his arms. "You would allow me to kill you?"

"I would do any thing for you." My hoarse voice was only above a whisper. I could no longer feel the warm blood sap from my wound or fall past my fingers. I could not feel his warm breath on my neck or his arms around me.

"Then live. For me. Please Ebony, please." His voce was fading as the light of the noon day sun was. Every thing was growing dark and cold.

"I can not." My strength was waning. "For you or any one." My head was no longer pounding. "Live for anything." The sounds of battle faded. "I die because I can." The last bit of warmth sapped out of me.

"Fight Ebony!" His tears mixed with my own. "You said you would stay with me!" His sob shuck us both, the sudden movement shot fresh pain through me.

"I always have been." That was the last of my strength.

"I...I have some thing to say then." His voice was distant almost gone. "I do love you."

I mustered my last strength and faintly smiled. After that I faded, I was gone.

Whoa, Whoa back up a moment. My ending is a chic-flick? This cant be right. Let me rewind it...Lets say five years.

But before I do I wanna tell you something about me. Ok? Ok.

Hello my name is Jessica Di-ann Celestia, I run with a gang called Night Walkers, In the gang we use nicknames so the cops cant track us. My nick name is Ebony Sable (Yes it means Black-Black. Ha ha very funny) My two friends created the gang with me when we were 14, as a escape from our lives. As you guessed my favorite color is black. I live in the gangs host town and only insiders really know who I can be. Most people see me as the typical quite Goth that knows how to creep you out and is always underestimated. Night Hawk, well you will learn about him later.

Any questions? No. Ok, lets go back to when I was 15, five years before my stupid hideous chic-flick death.

My sneakers slapped the cracked asphalt as I ran down the streets. Slowly out of the dark the phantoms joined me. They massed around me in a black crowd of bodies. As one we turned left then flooded into an open plane of park grass. With swift strides I covered the ground and didn't hesitate as a chin link fence appeared out of the mist. When I neared the fence everyone around me fanned out and lepted up onto the fence. As one we climbed it and the barbed wire at the top didn't hinder us. As my feet hit the top rod I took off, as if I could fly.

But we did not fly. We fell, far. I landed lightly on my feet and rolled. Some of my comrades were not so lucky. To my left a woman let out a his of pain as she landed on her ankle wrong. "You ok Tatiana?" She grunted as I pulled her to her feet. "Yo Gwen take her to Ginger. You will be excused." A teenager of about 17 came forward and lifted the smaller girl off my shoulder. He dragged her away into the dark gloom.

I looked around and everyone was over the fence. "Ok peeps lets fan out and conjugate at the rink." Without a word everyone around me faded into the night mist.

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