Chapter Four

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Drake heaves 👆
Here's an update.
I'm dedicating this chapter to my favorite person on wattpad That_Nerd_15, thanks for your love and support dear

Sorry for the grammar and spelling errors 😊

Drakes POV.
We all sit at the table and I raise my head to take a peek at Bella.

She looks slutty as always and I always seem to wonder what the guys at our school see in her.

For Pete's sake she's fricking fake...

My subconsciousness trials to thoughts of Stella , no one has ever seen her face it's always covered by her hair or her hoodie whom she's super attached to.

She's mysterious but in a good kind of way.

I've never heard her speak either and it's kind of weird and I like weird.

I realise I have to make her open up to me somehow, I just have to.

I'm about to ask Bella to go get her sister when she walks in.

All heads turn towards her direction including mine and I can't help but stare.

I'm left speechless. At least now I know what she looks like and trust me when I say she's BEAUTIFUL.

She walks to the farthest end of the table and an idea pops to my mind.

"Stella come seat next to me." I chime and smirk.

She takes a quick glance at her mother and timidly walk to the seat next to mine.

She smiles awkwardly and the dinner begins.

Stella's POV.
I'm about to start eating my potato chips and dip when I realise I have to put on a fake and well mannered behavior.

So, I pick up a fork and pierce in my chip, then take a dip before chewing it carefully.

I'm about to repeat the process when I feel a slight pain on my feet I bend my head slightly down the table to see Bella's heel buried deep in my feet.

I look up at her face and she just looks towards me and smirks like the green grassed snake she is.

I mentally cringe and continue eating trying to ignore the pain until she kicks my knee with so much force that I stumble backwards on my chair and spill my dip sauce all over my shirt.

Everyone at the Table gives me weird looks including my parents and I used to hair to cover my face to cover my embarrassment.

"Stella what happened?" My mother asks me looking concerned.
But I know it's just an act to fool the heaves.

"Nothing mom." I say flowing with her fake show of concern.

My parents have no idea that I'm bullied at my school or by my sister and I try my best to conceal it from them using my hoodie as a cover for the bruises.

My sister also puts a fake show whenever we're around them so it's pretty easy hiding it from them.

I hate any form of sympathy and pity especially from my parents.

I stand up and excuse myself to change my clothes.
I knew this dinner would turn out horrible.
I just got a chance to talk to my crush but Bella just has to destroy every ray of happiness in my life.
I can't help but wonder what I did to deserve this treatment, not that I care but it really hurts at times.

I walk into my room and quickly change into a blue baggy T-shirt and loose fitting jeans then I plop down on my bed and start studying even though I have no test to write.

I consider going back to the dinning but I just can't face Drake after that embarrassment.

So I while away time with my books.

It's been over an hour since I left the dinner.

And I'm about to take my bath when a head out pops into my room.

I mentally face palm myself for forgetting to lock my door.

I sigh when I remember that I still had clothes on.

"Can I come in? "

A voice snaps me out of my thoughts

"You're already in." I say to Drake.
He mouths a never ending wow

"What?" I ask almost immediately.
"Y-your voice."he shutters

"What's wrong with it?"I ask with a confused expression on my face.

"It's-its amazing, I've never heard anything like it before."
I feel my cheeks heat up at his compliment, and I zone out for a while.

So, you missed school for some days, plus I heard what happened I hope you're okay.

I nod my head, I thought no one noticed Nerdizila was gone.
But Drake, he cared.

Urghhhh, what's wrong with me, he doesn't like me and he never will, I have to stop this weird feelings so I don't get hurt".

"Stellaaaaaaaa!!!." He screams

"Yes,"I reply
"Wow you seem to zone out alot, I've been trying to get your attention for a while now."

"Sorry." I say and I'm about to continue when Drakes mom screams his name.

"I've got to go, see you in school Stella." He butts in and walks out my door and closes the door behind him.

Omgggg....i just talked to Drake heave. THE drakes heaves, and it's a million times better than all my fantasies.

I skip to my bed blushing like a Tomatoe. I'm about to sit on it when my mom screams my name.

Yay another chance to see Drake.

Oh my freaking God
BTM just reached a hundred reads.
I'm freaking out right now
Thank y'all lovelies for the votes.
Thanks for the reads
And above all thanks for the amazing comments.
I can't love you less😘😘

Don't forget to click that tiny star below this page it means alot to me.😜😜
Next update: Tommorow
Thanks for reading lovelies 💞💞

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