Chapter Nine

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The comments from the last chapter were really inspiring and I'll like to thank y'all for that...
Shout out to @averysummers for her amazing support and her really wonderful comments, words aren't enough to express how grateful I am to her....
Here's an update....
Fingers crossed, I hope you enjoy it.

Breathe Stella, don't forget to breathe.
Clutching to my backpack like my life depended on it and with shaky legs I wobble my feet to my locker avoiding eye to eye contact.

A few people nudge at me snickering but I don't really care anymore, its more of a habit.
I hate being me.

I huff a deep breath and open my locker once more and surprisingly all the pictures of the day before were gone, it as just me and my empty locker.

I chuckle and it soon turns to a laughter in relief, I just can't handle another breakdown. Maybe, just maybe my bullies weren't bullies after all.

"Yo! Guys she's here, let the game begin."
I turn around to see Charlie and His gang glaring at me, smirking and I zero my eyes at them.

Our school's speaker switches on and I stand to Stare at it expecting very important news, anything to distract me from Charlie.

"Dear diary I'm really stupid and mute....blah blah blah. I like front seats and I'm a loser with high grades...blah blah blah.... Some stuff about pain and pressure, blah blah blah...
   Lots of love Nerdizila.
If you don't know me yet I'm the dumb ass girl standing at the front of her locker with a gaping mouth."

At that moment I realize my mouths opened and I quickly shut it closed.

The entire students in the hall way turns towards my direction and y'all knows what follows after that but incase you don't...they laughed, they laughed like never before without no look of sympathy in their eyes.

Just when I think its over Bella walks towards Charlie and wraps her hands around him while Charlie looks down at her and smiles, I just cringe internally.

Taking a step in front of him she glances back and says "That's enough babe, I'll take it from here."

She swiftly walks towards me and grabs a fistful of my hair in her hand she twists in and I yelp in pain as she drags me to the center of the hallway, my hood falls from my head along the way. Good thing I wore glasses today plus I looked horrible I didn't have my bath today, so literally I looked like a hideous freak of nature.

She pushes me roughly on the floor and no one utters a word of protest, they just stood there watching like my life was a God damn movie.

She bends down and whispers as shivers run down my spine,"The show just began and lucky enough I bought you front roll seats."

She looks up again and says "Nerdzila wrote a beautiful poem for us as some of you may or may not have heard and like the good sister I am, I'm doing her the favour of sending it to everyone of you pri-va-te-ly."
With that she takes out her phone and clicks on the send button as numerous tones fill the hallway before laughter ring in the air.
Tears flow freely from my eyes and blur my vision and I cry silently to myself, my thoughts choking me.

"And now for round tw-".
The bell rings cutting Bella short and the students just skip excitedly to their classes.

Bella boiling with anger from the interruption turn to unleash it on me as she grabs my hair once again lowering her face towards mine tilting my head to face hers "The parking lot after school better be there NERDZILA", she says venom dripping from her tongue before freeing me from her grip and walking to her newly found toy Charlie.
He looks at me once again in disgust and spits before walking away with Bella.

The pain creeps slowly towards my scalp and all at once my burnt palm begins to react once more.
I yell in pain and when the empty hallway replies with an echo I slowly drag my tired body to the restroom.
Once inside I pace to the mirror and stare at my reflection.
"What is freaking wrong with you?, What happened to all your courage Huh?, What happened to the girl I used to know?." I scream at myself pulling at my hair hurting my already bruised scalp.
"You're just a pathetic loser." I scream once more unleashing all my anger on the mirror. Punching it with all I've got, it shatters to pieces.
"Pain is good, Pain heals, Pain relieves." I whisper and shake looking at my now furiously bleeding hand I chuckle to myself and take a piece of the now shattered Mirror.

Taking a seat on the greasy floor I expose my bare legs "One cut here." I mutter slashing my right thigh. I bite Down on my Lower lip in pain.
"And another cut there." I whisper once more oblivious to the tears rolling down my cheeks as I slash another scar on my left thigh.

I try to stand up but my legs wobble me down so instead I lie back and take a short nap.

"I think she's waking up."  someone whispers giggling beside me and I flutter my eyes open to see a group of juniors with their phones taking pictures of me.

"What the hell." I scream as they scramble out of the restroom.

I glance down at myself and there I lay still in the clothes from yesterday hungry and weak, about to face the biggest challenge and obstacle in my life. My very own sister.

I grab my backpack lying next to me and exhaustedly trail to the mirror splashing water on my face, I stare at my zombified nature frowning at what I've become before walking out to meet face to face with the demon herself.

"Skipping classes now, are we?" she asks rhetorically and before I have time to reply she butts in "Come on, I have a lot planned out for you today, we don't want you regaining any lost courage Now, do we?."

She yanks me forward with her hand and I fall face flat on the floor and instead of helping me up, she grabs me by my leg and pulls me roughly towards the front of the school not minding what I hit along the way.

Immediately we're out on the open she commands me to stand up and I wearily adhere to her request shaking fervently when a crowd forms around us once more.

Charlie steps forward along with Blake and at the same time they bring out poles from their bags, big heavy poles, some other guys follow and a lump forms in my throat at the thought of this was it, bye cruel world.

Blake raises his up in the air to strike first when a body obstructs my vision grabbing Blake's pole and yanking it away.

"Don't. You. Dare." The very last words I hear before blacking out from exhaustion....

So.... How was it?. Drop your comments, they mean alot..
Sorry for the cliff hanger don't kill me yet cause luckily I'm giving a double update today, it's kind of a present for getting BTM to 1k reads.
I'm super grateful to everyone who took a minute of their busy schedule to take a glance at my book.
I love y'all xoxo much...
Thanks for reading lovelies
Hugs and kisses
Can't love you less.

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