Chapter Seven

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I' m sooooo sorry for the late update.
I'm just busy with school and my new novel "Recked ", I'll soon publish it too so watch out.
I hope you enjoy this chapter lovelies.

He gently opens my eyes and I see myself standing right in front of school, I twirl around to see a laughing drake.
"Seriously." I mutter taking my bag and walking away from him.
"It was just a simple joke, plus you have detention in two minutes couldn't let my princess get in more trouble because of me." he replies in his defense pouting.

My cheeks heats up at his nickname for me and I hide my cheeks in embarrassment.

"And she said she hates being called princess." he states smirking and I can't help but chuckle.

"So I'll see you around." I say trying to hide my disappointment.
"Yeah". He replies before glancing at me once more and walking away.

I can't help but blush at how dreamy drake is, is my dream finally becoming a reality. Will he ever love me back?

Trailing down the hall I walk slowly towards my history class.

I timidly step inside and I'm met face to face with a very angry looking Mr James, he was shaking fervently in anger and he stares at me wide eyed.

"Miss Stella where haven't you been?",he asks fuming

"The library sir." I reply trying to avoid eye contact.

"You skipped all classes today, I hate lies Stella." he warns.

"I'm serious sir, you can ask Mrs Claire."

"I'm sure you've bribed her already, they'll be no need for that take a seat."

I trail to the far end of the class and take a seat next to a window.
It was no mystery, all teachers hated me.
This wasn't fair, life wasn't fair.

I stare into space and let my mind wonder off, I've always loved window seats even as a little girl I liked seating next to the window in cars.
They always seemed to drive away all sorrow, I could be myself next to it, I always felt at peace with nature and I could space off looking at the wonders of the world.

I took out a jotter and decided to write a peom about how I felt, the words flow freely and I'm through sooner than I expected.

I close my eyes and tap my feet to some random beats when I hear chuckles beside me.

My eyes snap open immediately, I completely drifted off and forgot I was surrounded by people, not people, animals.

There they were taking shots and videos of my confused state, how long had they been staring?.

I try to cover my face with my hands when one of my bullies Charlie, the guy from the bus comes behind me and drags my head backward I wince in pain and and more shots follow.

Where's a teacher when you need him?, I take a peek at Mr. James and he looks amused with the scene before him.

I'm soon surrounded by them and I hear a guy snicker "why don't we see what kept the nerd busy?".

In a second Charlie grabs my book from me, I scratch and fight to get it back but more guys pull me down to my seat.

No.... I can't let them see it, it'll be my end, I wrote my deepest emotions in it.
Tears flow freely from my face and I'm unable to hold back, I spit at Charlie in disgust and he stops bickering, he drops my book on the floor and walk towards me, he raises his hand and the next minute a huge imprint is left on my face by the impact of his hand on my cheek.

I wince in pain and he just stands there glaring at me, he picks my book and walks out the door.
I guess I just added a new enemy to my hate list
I shiver at the thought of him getting revenge.
I feel a punch hit my back and another is about to follow when Mr James jumps to my rescue.

"That's enough everyone, back off, I think Stella's had enough for today."

They grumble and walk back to their seats probably to talk about what just happened and share my video's.
He let them go Scott free, of course he did.

Another tear rushes down my cheek and I brush it off slightly grazing.

Mr James walks towards me and hand me a hall pass walking away without even saying a thing.
I grab my bag and walk out without glancing back, I hear giggles behind me but I choose to ignore it.

As I walk down the hallway a dark emotion clouds me, something was about to occur but what?.

I'm still wondering when Charlie and a group of other footballers in our school surround me, I'm pulled into the janitors closet and I don't throw a punch or kick in reluctance.
I'm finally ready to die.
They roughly push me on the floor and I stumble hitting a chair on my way down.
The pain explodes in my core and more kicks and blows follow I can't even process what's happening right now, but when Charlie brings out a lighter from his bag pack I shiver in fear.

The boys hold me down and pin me to the floor.
Charlie hovers above me and whisper's. "I told you not to play with fire nerd", with that he grabs my left palm and places the lighter beneath it, at first it doesn't hurt but then it begins to sting and soon after I feel my blood boiling.

I try to scream but someone quickly places his hand on my mouth and with that I shut up.

Immediately he see's me almost at the verge of dying he stops and tells his gang to back up.

They step out and relief washes throw me until I hear the click of the door.

They locked me in.

No, this cannot be happening, I slowly drag my weak body to the door and try to open it with my right hand but it refuses to bulge.

I hate tight places and I was definitely suffocating.
I hit them door several times and scream for help but when no one comes to my rescue I shut my eyes and black out.

I'm sooooo sorry for changing the original outline of this novel but I felt their romance came too soon and I'm trying to pass a message about bullying. I'm sooooo sorry if I let you down guys but there's definitely gonna be some romance between Drake and Stella just be patient.

I wanna say a hugeeeee thank you to everyone who made BTM come this far.
500+reads I'm screaming my head off right now.

BTM was featured #6 in what's new on teen fiction, Thanks guys.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, give me feedbacks and comment on grammatical errors and mistakes.

Thanks for reading lovelies.

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