Chapter Twelve

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Hey there,
Not to confuse you.
This is Bella's POV....The evil twin, carry on:-)

Currently I sat on a bar stool in an Underaged bar. Being popular sure had it's perks.
Looking around, I see teenagers all huddled up grinding each other and of course wasting their lives just like I intended to do.

"Another beer Liam." I say to the bartender who places another in front of me.
Opening it with my teeth, I down my third bottle since I arrived here.
One thought constantly whirled in my head. I blame Stella for my condition. Heck I blame her for everything.

Stabbing my fingers through my hair I pull them out, I feel another pair of hands enclose mine and I look up to see Blake.

"How did you find me?" I voice out my thoughts.

"My friends saw you leave school and I just knew you would be here."
He takes a seat next to me and stares deeply in my eyes.

"What's wrong Bella, this isn't you." He says calmly, almost too calmly.
My hands reaches for my hair once again in frustration and I start pulling at it.

"Can't you see Blake, Stella needs to go. I'll never be at peace till she's gone." I whimper.

"She's your twin for Pete's sake, get a grip on yourself." He screams at me in frustration.

"She took everything away from me. My parents love, my love drake and soon she's gonna take you too. I hate her." Tears well up in my eyes and they turn glossy.

"Drake?, all these years you've liked drake." he stands up almost immediately.

"What was I to you then, some pathetic loser?" He steps backwards.

"No Blake, you're like a brother to me, one who I can't lose to Stella." I try to explain reaching out to him.

But he had walked away leaving just one last final blow.

"Maybe drake was right all along. Stella's better than you both inside out and I can't wait for the day you'll realize that and finally stop trying."

Looking around I see the crowd gathered around us and notice some students from our school with their phones out just like they did to Stella just this time I was the one inside the circle and the girl with the tear stained face.

Stella Brian, you have no idea what I have in store for you now.

Stella's POV.
"What you did was uncalled for Lucy."
I scream at her for the tenth time since we came to the girls bathroom tears in my eyes.

"I was just trying to help, you can't always let them win Stella, can't you see they feed on your fear." she says looking visibly hurt.

"I don't need your help." I draw out and turn to walk away.
"And I don't need your help,I was fine before you came." I add with one more look at her.

"Stella..." she calls out more more time but frustrated I just walk away.

At home, I can't help but sink away in my bed my thoughts all whirled up in my head.
I felt like sinking in when an unknown number called.

"Hello?" I ask receiving the call.

"Hey Stella, it's drake."

"Oh hey." I say a blush creeping to my face.

"Wanna hang out, nothing special, I promise." He asks.

I know he must had probably heard about what happened at school hence his sympathy but I liked to believe it was because of something more.

"Sure, I reply without thought."

Intentionally putting an effort into dressing, I wear a simple short black dress straighten my hair and apply a little lip gloss. Risking a glance in the mirror, I'm baffled at how I look and try to pinch myself checking if this was a dream.
I actually looked pretty. Not actually, I am pretty.

Drakes horn pull me from my self adoration and I rush to his car excited just thinking about how he would react to my appearance.

Dropping a sticky note which read "I'm Gone." I was out our door and admire drakes ride which I had no idea what it's name was.
I couldn't save my life through a guess the car's name game.

"Wow, you look stunning stella. All eyes are going to be all you." He compliments me as a blush creeps up my face.

"Thanks." I say taking his hand before stepping into the already opened car door.

"So where are we headed?" I ask once the door clicks close.

"Oh you just wait and see." Drake replies grinning.

So, that's it.
Short chapter, cause it's a filler chapter.
What do you think happens at the party. Oops;-)
Couldn't leave y'all hanging.:-)
I promise next chapter will certainly be longer and drama filled.

Next update: Thursdays.
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Thanks for reading.

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