Chapter 1

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The sun shone through the curtain of a small f high raised flat in the busy city of New York. It had the essentials bed, fridge, oven and shower. It was 4:59am about to turn 5am. The flat was owned by a prison officer that was very good at his job but will today changed everything for him.

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm. I reach a hand out to turn it off, then stumble out of bed to the bathroom. My untamed black normally straight hair was sticking out everywhere, my light brown eye had horrible grey bags underneath them from the little sleep I have been getting lately thanks to work and noisy neighbours. As I when to take a shower my phone rang. I decide to check it once out of the shower as I got ready to head to work. When I checked it I noticed a voice mail. I decide to play it to see who it was as I got dressed.

"Hi G its Nicole here. I now it's early but I just wanted to remind you what today was. Not the fact it's Friday the 13 and no it's no one's birthday.  If you haven't figure it out yet well its prisoner 21 execution day which Alice Redsung the mayor will be present for so please try to look smart... Oh and one more thing I heard the wardens also going to be there play nice with Benjamin. I know you two don't get on but try to for once please." I chuckled as I buttoned up a freshly ironed white shirt.

Nicole knew me to well. She was one of a kind for her age. Hot headed, strong and independent but also caring, a worrier plus over thinker but the best person to work with in that soul crushing place. She was only 26 and had been working at the prison for 6 years, which didn't seem that long ago.

By 5:43am I was dressed smartly in a completely clean and tidy uniform. I then thought about if I should drive or ride to work I had to be there by 6:30am and traffic was normally starting to build around now so I put of my motorbike jacket over my work jacket and took off my nicely shined shoes so I could swap them of my motorbike boots. I left my apartment and hit the roads at 5:50am taking a nice easy ride to work on my jet black Honda shadow, it needed a clean and I had scratched the paint in a few places but it was my baby. I managed to get to work by 6:15am. As I pulled up to parkour beast. Benjamin Crabtree the warden drove in passed me in his crimson red private number plate Land Drover discovery. How I hated him. He had to be the most stuck up self-absorbed person I had ever met but he was my boss so there was little I could do. "Good morning officer Goodwin."  He fake smiled at me. I wanted to roll my eye and not reply but him being boss made that hard so in a mutual monotone voice I replied "Good morning to you to sir."  Thankfully he didn't stick around long as I walk into the prison.

Once I had gone throw the security checks I arrived at my desk as the clock struck 6:30am to find a mountain of paperwork and a large double espressos sitting there. Suddenly Nicole appeared behind the mountain of paper work which made me jump slightly. "Morning G." Nicole smiled at me in a white shirt with two of her top buttons undone, her long blonde hair in a ponytail and a gleaming large smile on her face. "Do you want to make sure no work gets done?" I joked. Nicole laughed at my cheesy joke which I  always made on gloomy mornings like this it just seems to make the day go quicker. "I see your sense of humour hasn't changed G and maybe I'm sick of being single." Nicole chuckled as she handed me prisoner 21 file. I briefly flicked through it. "How do you think she will cope with today? Will she snap out of her cool calm front she's putting on or not? Plus do you think she will finally tell us why she did it?" I looked up at Nicole placing the file on my desk at the top of the pile I already had. "I like your optimism but I doubt it. She would have cracked by know with everything she been through."

At 7:50am once I had gone throw the pile of folders on my desk I got up to get prisoner 21. In an hour and 10 minutes it would be time for her execution. As I walked down the concrete hallway to her cell all that could be heard was the sound of prisoners banging on their cells doors screaming to be let out or else. We all knew the only way out of here was in a body bag since I was in the death row wing. I soon arrived at her cell door which was at the end of the hallway. Inside this cell was Violet Louis Goldeen as 22 year old British citizen who came over to New York to study and work.

I slowly open the window to her cell so I could see if she was awake. Violet was sitting on the bed humming with her eyes closed as if imagining she was somewhere else. "Hey officer G" how are you." Violet asked without opening her eyes to see who it was. "I'm fine Violet. Todays the day to finally confess before your times up." I replied knowing she wouldn't but a part of me hoped she would or at least give me a clue as to why, but all Violet did was chuckle as she brushed her short blonde brown pixie cut hair out of her face.  

After what seemed like few minutes of silence my watch beeps telling me it was 8:45am. I sighed taking my keys out of my pocket time seems to slow down as I opened Violets cell door. I wondered what caused her to kill and why she wouldn't tell anyone the reason even the court when she was put on trial. Soon I was in the cell with her. Violet hadn't moved from the bed until I was in the cell with her but then it was only to the side of the bed. "Well let's go then I'm not getting any older." She joked holding her arms out so I could cuff then like we did every time she went out of the cell. It took us 5 minutes it get to the execution room but it seems longer the only sound that could be heard was our footsteps and Violet humming hanging tree which made me slightly uneasy.

Outside the heavy steel doors to the execution room stood Nicole which meant the mayor and warden where inside waiting for me and Violet. I let out a deep annoyed sighed know he would have a go at me for making them wait. Nicole opened the doors for us and shot me quick smile my way. Mostly to give me a confident boost or something. The execution room itself was on the small side, with all four walls pure white and a cold metal chair sat in the middle of the room to which I put Violet in. Over by the row of chairs for people to witness the prisoner's death was the warden, mayor and a few reports. Violet had caused quiet the newspaper article with her killing, trail and know execution. As another guard made sure Violet was secured in the chair I went over to warden and mayor. I noticed the mayor shoot Violet an icy glare which could have frozen hell over but Violet smiled and laughed loudly. The room's mood shifted from a quiet almost funeral like to an on edge worried for their sanity one.  

Benjamin walked over to Violet cleaning his throat to get the reports attention as he was about to start the execution speech. "Violet Louis Goldeen you have been sentenced to death today by the city and state of New York by law I am authorised to let you have any last words before you are killed. So if that be a confection or a goodbye or nothing it up to you." Benjamin then paused to add dramatic affect to his own speech by I could see Violet grinning like a Cheshire cat which was extremely off putting. "So any last words criminal?" Benjamin asked after the pause turning to look at Violet mostly not expecting a reply.

Violet looked up from the ground and seemed to look everyone in the room in the eyes as her smile grew wider. "Yes actually I do. You listening reports this is grade A news I think you will find." Violet smiled as reports dashed to grab their pens. "Society only favours the rich and powerful. Everyone hides behind a mask so you don't know who to trust. No one is safe from the mask that are changing and shaping this world. Only in sweet death are they taken from us." Violets voice grew louder as she spoke. The warden seems on edge with a mix of fear and shock on his face if this wasn't sure a serious situation I would be laughing at his facial expression. Benjamin ordered for the drug to be quickly injected into Violets blood stream as the drug took affect she grew quieter. Then turned her attention to me as she mouthed "If you want answers see Mary Ashton." Before the life faded from her face and her head hung to the side. A doctor check to see if she was dead then once she was confirmed to be no longer living, her lifeless body was taken away in a body bag.

The room slowly emptied out soon leaving only me in the room as I stared at the chair wondering why she choose to mouth it to me and not say it and why know not earlier? Nicole came up behind me placing her hand on my shoulder "Well that's over and down with known come on we still have 6 hours of our shift to do then I'll buy you a strong drink." I nodded slowly leaving the room my head still going ten to the dozen with questions but I had to focus on the other prisoners in my care then talk to Nicole about it later.

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