Chapter 9

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The song I metion is the one above

When we pulled up at the hospital. It looked like a nice place. Patience outside enjoying the fresh air with staff at hand until a blood curing scream cane from inside. I turned to Jean who just sighed. What showed me the most was how the start got on with their job and not rushed to help or see what was wrong was this normal?

"Don't worry that's Mavis they must be trying to give her the medication" Jean told me as we walked to the reception. "Ah hello again Jean come to see Mavis who your friend" the receptionist asked with a smile. "Yes and long story. What me to have a crack at giving Mavis her medication" Jean sighed. The receptionist nodded and showed us to Mavis room. I noticed on the walk down how the doors seem to be more enforced the further we go down. I wonder if they get a lot of troublesome patients. We soon arrived at a large white solid door a doctor came out with a bandaged hand. The bandages were covered in blood. Jean sighed at the sight of the doctors hand "Not again".

Jean opened the door and sitting on a bed in what looked like a straight jacket was a short women humming a spine chilling tune to dear rabbit by young heretics. "Mavis why you bite the doctor you know they will up your medication for that and you will have to stay in here longer" jean said and walked over the Mavis "Fuck you Jean I'm not insane if you all listened to me Violet wouldn't be getting ready to paid for a crime she didn't commit" Mavis yelled at Jean her thick Irish accent was unmistakable. I guessed she had not idea Violet was already dead. Jean stepped back with a tear in her eye "Violets already dead she was sentenced a week ago today." I could here jeans voice crack. Mavis face was over run with shock, anger and sadness. I could only watch as jean comforted Mavis.

Jean went and hugged Mavis they both cried into each other's shoulders. After a few minutes Jean got up and dyed her eyes "I'm going to get some air I'll be back" jean then walked out the room leaving me with Mavis. Mavis looked at me as if I was prey. After a few minutes of silence Mavis spoke "So who are you. Your to old to be Jeans boyfriend or husband." I wondered if I should tell her the truth or lie. I decide to tell the truth "No my names Mr Goodwin and I was one of the guards on duty with Violet Goldeen was sentenced to death..." before I could finish my sentence Mavis was screaming at me angerily "You murder. I should kill you for what you have done. It people like you who make me sick, all because we are different." If it want for the distance between us and the straightjacket I could have seen Mavis getting ahold of my neck and ringing it out. "Let me finish. I'm doing a private investigation to why Violet murdered Alex." I said once Mavis had calmed down slightly. Mavis turned her back to me "finally someone who's looking into it. Violet didn't kill Alex he commuted suicide and Violet was their when it happen. You killed a innocent person I hope your happy. " Mavis said more calmly. Jean then came back in with two very butch doctors they walked over to Mavis "it time for your medication". Mavis laughed "haha silencing me again I don't think so I not take it. I'm telling the truth, its not my fault you don't want to hear it. I'm not insane I'm just different our society can't handle people like me but people like me can see though the cracks in the masks society make us wear" the doctor soon made Mavis take the medication this calmed Mavis down however the medication made her act like a child laughing at still things and not talking in full sentences.

Both me and jean left the hospital not long after Mavis took her medication. The car ride home was silent no music or talk only the sound of the car and breathing. After half an hour of this I decide to speak up. "So is she always like that" I asked softly. Jean sighed and put on a fake smiled "no not always  she used to me a funny, outgoing person who could make anyone laugh but when Violet killled Alex it hit Mavis the hardest. I'm not sure why but it did and she hasn't been the same since"
I asked no further question. The car ride home took an hour and a half. Jean dropped me back off at Central Park and I walked back to my flat when I was two blocks away I saw three fire trucks go passed I thought noting if it until I turned the corner and saw my apartment on fire. Today went from bad to worst I thought.

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