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The war had been going on for years and years. It was unbearable. Finally, the six, now five lands see a king traveling, weary of battle, across the territory from his home to his enemy's home to the Erelarian castle. He arrives at daybreak, calling from the side of the moat, "I am King Taosh of Allerakin! I demand you let me in, so we can negotiate peacefully!"

The wooden drawbridge cranks down, letting the old King cross into the foreign courtyard, where King Angha of Erelaria greets him.

"Taosh, I am surprised to see you today. I thought you were coming many counts to the future of today." He sticks out is wrinkling hand.

Taosh takes it. "Queen Amalea was very quick. She wanted me to get to you ahead of schedule." The two men walk into a front room and up a grand, spinning staircase into a upstairs, broad hallway with a banister looking down to the front ballroom. They strut to the right side of the hall, where a wooden, hinged door hangs. King Angha opens the door to reveal an office-like room. A rectangular wooden table sits in the middle.

Both men take a seat on either side of the table, where King Taosh opens up several papers. They read as follows:

After this long war, we stand together as one Nation, Home to five lands instead of six: Allerakin, Boerhurst, Faireden, Erelaria, and Airavia.We hereby take all land from Ha Ekkaria and her descendants, instead giving that land to Ha Airavia and her descendants to use however they please as long as the land is always in their hands.....

The document reads on and on like this, all about the land use and such for two pages until it goes like this:

The three lands of Erelaria, Allerakin, and Airavia now sign this treaty to make a statement of their peace. With signing this document, King Taosh of Allerakin, King Angha of Erelaria, and Queen Amalea of Erelaria formally state that they are at peace and will not go back to war over these same matters.


Taosh Allerakin__________

Taosh Allerakin, King of Allerakin.


Angha Erelaria, King of Erelaria

Amalea Airavia_____

Amalea Airavia, Queen of Airavia

Very carefully, the Erelarian reads over the document and signs his name into the blank.

__Angha Erelaria_________

Angha Erelaria, King of Erelaria

Just hours later, a notice is posted in towns all across Pinia as fast as the messengers could carry the news:


Over the past few days, King Taosh of Allerakin, King Angha of Erelaria, and Queen Amalea of Airavia signed a treaty of their peace to say that the war is over.

The three lands agreed that the Ekkarian and Airavian lands are now under one name of Airavia, to be led by the descendants of Ha Airavia herself.

Thank you

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