Making of the USJ

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"Hello once again everybody! I am your host and actor on the set of My Hero Academia, Melissa Shield. Joining me are the actors of Deku, All Might and Shigaraki Toumura. Today we are taking a behind the scenes look at the making of the USJ invasion episode as well as the personal lives and relationships of the actors. Allow me to introduce three of the 7 members of the Yagi family, Tenko Toshinori and Izuku Yagi." Melissa says as the show cuts in from it's intro cutscene. Izuku Tenko and Toshinori are sitting at a round style table across from Melissa. All three of them are wearing the shirts of their characters except for one key difference. Tenko is a lime green haired man, slightly older than Izuku, at 28 years of age with piercing blue eyes like his father. Tenko looks nothing like the villain he plays on set and will be explained why. "So, Tenko, Izuku and Toshinori, how are you three today?"

"I've been in a great mood, we just got done shooting a few episodes for the climax of season three and we can now say that most of our family is now an actor of MHA." Tenko explains with the others nodding in confirmation.

"Can you tell us who?" Melissa says but unfortunately gets shot down by Izuku.

"No because that would be a major spoiler for that season but we can say we have foreshadowed him before but you guys will have to find out where. We can tell you that he plays an important role in the show and is my mother's brother Hisashi Shimura." Izuku says.

"Ok then, I'm excited to get to see who that is and who he plays. Tenko? How did you score the role of Toumura Shigaraki? Specifically how do you go about becoming that character before shooting." She continues with Izuku taking a sip from his drink before looking at his older brother.

"Shigaraki is an interesting case, they wanted someone tall and lanky to play the part and since they already got my father and brother to be cast as All Might and Deku they auditioned me for the part. I am a method actor and a very good one at that having voiced a few anime characters in the past with this being my first live action gig. I came up with the voice for Shigaraki and acted out as a psychopathic but impatient and brash villain." He says switching between his normal voice and Shigaraki's more raspy one.

"You never fail to send shivers down my spine with that creepy voice. Toshinori, in our previous interview with Izuku and Katsuki they mentioned that you tell a lot of dad jokes and puns on set. Is that true?" Melissa asks as Toshinori let's out a hearty laugh.

"It's very true Miss Shield. My goal is to get through every bad joke in these here books at least once before we finish the show. My favorite one that has gotten everyone to laugh goes like this. *Ehem* What do you call a snobbish villain going down a flight of stairs."

"I am unsure Mr Yagi what is it?" Melissa responds.

"A Condescending Con Descending." Toshinori exclaims getting her to laugh, a laugh track to play over it and for both his sons to groan at the delivery of the pun.

"Hahahaha! That's actually pretty funny." She says wiping tears from her eyes then looking at Tenko and Izuku who are pinching the bridges of their noses.

"That's the 3rd time today we've heard that joke."

"Yeah Dad you need new material."

"Well it got the others to laugh."

"Moving forwards, what we are dying to know is how the Noumu was portrayed on set. Was it CGI or was it an actual creature that you beat the tar out of. What was it?" Melissa says, showing the audience a picture of the horrifying Noumu that All Might had defeated at the USJ.

"Mind if I take care of this one?" Tenko asks as the others nod in agreement. "The Noumu that you guys saw in post was some dude controlling an animatronic. We essentially made a robot out of scaffolding put a crap load of robotics on there thanks to one of the guys in special effects then shoved the endoskeleton into a green inflatable suit. The first time we tried shooting the episode, Dad broke it in two punches. The IT guys who programmed it were surprisingly happy about it being trashed by the robotics guy however... not so much." Tenko explains showing a picture of the two IT guys with their hands above their heads shouting in excitement and the robotics intern crying over the broken robot.

"The best thing about that, that wasn't the only robot we broke too. I think in total we broke 3 or 4 of them before the final cut. The best part, the third one exploded because he punched it one too many times." Izuku says as the screen behind them shows most of the actors on set roasting hot dogs over the flaming robot.

"Those were the best hot dogs we've had in a while too. The blood from when it pierces All Might's side with its claws was a packet that was under my clothes and was popped due to it grabbing me."

"During that entire shoot we noticed a few things that may have been unscripted, can you tell us if these scenes were or not?" Melissa explains before cuing an image on the screen. "Tsu drowning Mineta."

"Entirely unscripted, he actually had to be given CPR thanks to that. He deserved it too."

"I wasn't even paying attention and didn't see it on set, I only saw it when they showed us the episode and I nearly choked on my food I was laughing so much."

"Next, All Might suplexing the Noumu."

"That was scripted, the producer is a massive wrestling fan and even put it in the script that i suples the robot. That was actually when the second one broke, the suplex broke it at the hip joint and it snapped in half." Toshinori explains showing the second busted robot.

"I broke one as well, the scene where Deku throws a punch at Shigaraki but the Noumu stops it is where that one was broken. I punched a hole straight through it's torso." Izuku explains.

"I wonder how much of the budget that went through, moving on, from what we have seen on screen and here in today's interview you all are very very magnificent actors on set. Are there any actors in the show that are method actors or believe that they are the character even when not filming?" Melissa asks as both Toshinori and Izuku point at Tenko almost instantly.

"I am but it takes some effort to get into character, Shigaraki is like a frustrated rebellious teen who's way older than a teenager. So to get into character I have to do a task that frustrates me to no end, for instance the first time I got into the character of Shigaraki was when we were actually in the make-up department getting ready and getting our costumes on. The director purposely gave me a hand mask that didn't fit that well and kept falling off when I would turn to look at someone. Then the producer wanted me to record my lines in case we couldn't hear it in post under the mask. He ended up tricking me and locked me in the sound room for an hour with me shouting at them until I lost my voice. At that point they explained that they did this for me to get angry and have the perfect mental set to be Shigaraki then handed me the actual hand with the mic in it that went over my face. Needless to say I wasn't very happy, especially since it was lunch time and I missed out on my mother's Katsudon and all the other foods we have thanks to Kurogiri which is the guy's actual name." Tenko says showing them pictures of him in the make-up room becoming Shigaraki and even shows Mina and Ochako in the background of the picture. "The woman with the brown hair is my sister in law by the way since we haven't had her on the behind the scenes show yet."

"Let it be known by buddy Dabi added the fake hearts above their heads." He continues trying to avoid any confusion.

"Speaking of Kurogiri, is that his actual real life quirk or is that a special effects thing with the smoke and portals?"

"Actually his quirk is Phantom Eyes, his eyes look like glowing yellow mist. That smokey form you see in the show is actually in the respirator around his neck. He's actually wearing an oxygen mask underneath it with the machine producing the black and purple smoke. We actually had to have him rehearse the set by himself until he memorised all his movements since he's blind when it's on. Even then we have dozens of outtakes of him walking into things and people. It's extremely funny but that's the reason why you can see those bright yellow wispy eyes in post but just know that he's more blind than a bat's grandma." Izuku says with a laugh.

"Last thing of the evening before we sign off. What was your reaction to getting to see the entire episode before it was aired? We know you guys get to watch it before it's posted but can you tell us what it was like from your perspective to have played in the end product?"

"From the perspective of Shigaraki it's interesting to see this villain appear out of nowhere with a motive just to kill All Might but won't even do the dirty work himself. He uses a lot of video game colloquialisms in his speech referring to the Noumu as the final boss and calling out All Might for cheating in defeating it. The funny thing about this, I am a massive gamer in my spare time and even play DnD with the others when they are shooting scenes with just the pro heroes."

"From My perspective seeing that I fought a massive monster and appear in the knick of time to save the day fullfills a childhood dream of mine to one day be a hero. Now that I get to be one on screen and not quite real life theres a sense of accomplishment in seeing myself as All Might saving these people even though it is fiction. Though I'm kinda upset that we didn't get to use any of the outtakes for the post credits sneak peak or blooper reel."

"From Deku's I see his Idol appear and handle the situation with ease, despite being wounded and having zero time to do so. Deku tries so much to be like his master and even tried fighting the Noumu and the main villain. He saved Tsu and Mineta from the villains surrounding the boat then saved Tsu once more from Shigaraki. Granted it's weird throwing a punch with my powers behind it with the intent to hit my brother in the face."

"Speaking of Shigaraki, we never actually covered my quirk. The funny thing about all of this is my quirk is the opposite of Shigaraki's quirk. It is mending and I can fix anything and everything as long as all the pieces are there." Tenko says as his fingers glow a soft green color for a moment before returning to normal.

"Well everybody I hope you enjoyed today's episode and until next time remember these words and shout them to the heavens."


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