Chapter 14

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I guess we didn’t really have anything else left to say after that fact. My heart weighed heavy after what I’d done to Dellia, even if she’d had it coming for ages now. It wasn’t like me to lash out the way I had. I didn’t feel like making my way back to Matt’s place, but of course I knew that I’d have to go. No matter how much all I wanted was to just wander the forest to forget everything that had happened in the past couple of days. I had responsibility that i would never escape, even if I could, I wasn’t going to leave Katrina alone. Speaking of Katrina, she was probably waiting patiently for Matt and I to show back up.

Matt did have a good point though,  I was sixteen, and technically I was still a child myself, but if only it were actually that simple. There was two options when I got to rasnic. It was either stay with Katrina and make do with what we had, or we would have been separated and put into different families that we didn’t know. I didn’t want to be in a different family, I had trust issues already, and I didn’t want to build onto it by being put in a family that would likely be separated once my parents had been found. It was true that Katrina needed more responsibility, which was why I wasn’t too angry that Katrina had probably been left by herself. Although If I hadn’t come to my senses about what he’d said, Matt would’ve been getting chewed out as of right then.

It was as if Matt had been reading my mind, because nervously he began. “Look, Destiny. I kind of let your sister stay home alone at the treehouse.” He paused, looking carefully into my eyes as if he were trying to read my mind. Before I could say anything, he began to talk even faster, as if he were afraid of what I’d tell him. “She insisted that I go after you. Said that she didn’t want to hold me back, and when I tried to tell her to come with me, she just-” I cut him off.

“I know Matt, she's got her ways of talking people into things.” Playfully I punched his shoulder laughing. Though, that just seemed to confuse him even more than he already was at that point.

“Wait, you’re not mad at me?” He looked completely shocked, it was the most hilarious thing that I had seen in ages. Though, you couldn’t really blame the poor guy, I was always being over protective of Katrina. It wasn’t like me just to, not get mad at something like that.

“Really, Matt, I’m not angry.” I confirmed. “I mean, you’re right, what’s the problem with giving her some slack for once? It’s about time Katrina learned responsibility, it doesn’t have to be huge, I trust her enough, I believe that she knows what to do if-” Pausing, I gave a weak sigh. “I just can’t lose her too.”

Matt gave a shy smile. “You’re not going to lose her Des,  at least not with me around you won’t.” He paused, trying to collect his thoughts. “So, what made you change your mind.”

I didn’t answer him right away, I predicted that he already knew that answer and just wanted confirmation. I gave a weak sigh, not wanting to talk. “You.” I finally whispered.

I guess Matt could tell that I was upset already so he threw a mischievous smile in my direction, then he playfully gave my shoulder a punch. “I’m glad that I could help you out with that, Des.” He paused. “Although… I do believe we have some unfinished business to talk about now.”

Feeling confused I crossed my arms waiting for him to elaborate. When he didn’t I shook my head annoyed, “Must I always ask?”

He smirked. “Yes, of course, you must.” He mocked.

Frustrated I let out a heavy sigh. “Well?”

“Destiny..” Matt started calmly. “I’m going.”

I could’ve sworn that my heart skipped a beat when I heard that. I stopped dead in my tracks and just studied his face. He looked serious, but I never knew whether to be sure or not. “Matthew Doorhan, you better not be kidding with me.” I began. “Because if you are, I swear I’m going to-”    

“Would you calm down Des.” Matt hushed. “You act like I’d actually joke about something like this.” He looked to the ground, his hands stuffed in his pockets. “This is serious, I’m coming alright? It’s just too dangerous for you and Katrina to be out there by yourselves, I’m not going to let you two get hurt. You’re the closest I have to family now… I’m going, and that’s final.” His eyes never left mine.

I couldn’t help myself, I ran at him, almost tackling him to the ground. I wrapped my arms over his neck and held him in a tight embrace. He only stumbled back a couple steps before he regained his composure and wrapped his arms back around me. “Oh my God, thank you Matt! Thank You.” I cried. I could hear him chuckle, but I didn’t care, I was too excited, we were finally going to find my family. “God, Matt, I lo-” I whispered so quietly before cutting myself off. Completely dismissing that thought, I shook my head from side to side and released Matt from my arms. I couldn’t tell him that, I mean, wasn’t is just seconds ago he had said, ‘You’re the closest I have to family.’  That was all the proof I needed to know that Matt didn’t feel anything for me.

For once, Matt didn’t seem to notice the hesitation, or that I had said anything. It was a good thing too. I didn’t want him to think something was wrong, or that I was trying to keep something from him, when in reality, I was. I wasn’t ready for him to know yet, because what if I told him, and I ruined everything. While I may had a crush on him, he was also the best friend I had left. I couldn’t risk losing one of the last people I had.

The remainder of our walk was mostly silent, then again we hadn’t been too far away from Matt’s place anyway. I didn’t climb the tree yet, I wasn’t ready to go inside, I could feel the doubt about our upcoming trip already. I stood frozen still, and Matt walked forward not noticing at first. He began to climb up the tree but soon realized something was missing. He then looked down, finally noticing me. “You coming up?” He called.

“No...” I sighed and leaned against the tree he was climbing. He examined me carefully, and then began to swing down the tree branches. “I’m not sure if I can do this Matt. It’s all happening so quick, I mean why? Just miraculously after my mom's death is caught on camera? What if this is just a set up?” I whispered my worst fear, while sinking to the floor.

Matt placed his hand under my chin and forced me to meet his eyes. “You can’t think like that now Des.”

“I know, Matt, I know. It's just scary.” I whispered, trying to shake the nervousness out of my voice. “I can't face Katrina now, not when I feel like this. I told her we’d go, but what if something bad happens.” I took a short breath. “What if you get hurt Matt? I just can't lose you too.”

Matt didn't move his hand, he continued to force me to meet his gaze. I didn't want to cry in front of him, not again. “You know that's not going to happen, not to me. You’d have to be crazy to be live something like that.”

I felt my heart drop, it was as if I were breathing ice. I shook my head forcing him to let go of my chin. “You're not invincible Matt. You can't live forever.” I whispered shakily, bringing my knees to my chest.

Matt sat down beside me at the base of the tree, placing his arm over my shoulder. “We're gonna be okay Des, I promise, I'm not going to let anything happen to any of us.” He whispered in such a way that made me feel at ease. “No one's going to mess with me, and they sure as hell aren't going to mess with you, not with me around… I'm just worried about that tendency you have to run off when something gets tough.” Matt smiled slightly leaning his head against the tree behind us.

I laughed weakly and leaned my head against Matt's shoulder. “Why are you so good to me? Why didn't you just leave after we got here Matt?”

“Don't you even dare talk that way Des. You know that I wouldn't have done that. We’d been through so much together already. You deserved someone to stay, and I was to used to you already. I was not going to leave.”

It felt as if my face had caught on fire. I tried to hide the blushing, but that only made it worse. “I'm glad you stayed.” I whispered so quietly under my breath.

I didn't look up but I could sense Matt's eyes on me. “Always.” he whispered breathlessly. He didn’t say another word right after that, we both just sat in silence, but that didn’t matter.

Matt was always there when no one else could be, and I loved that about him. Clarissa may have died on my behalf, and my mom may have died too, but that didn’t mean that my time was up, it was just a reminder of how short life was. It gave me reason to go, even when I felt as if I were being ripped apart by the idea alone. If this truly was my brother trying to find me, he deserved for us to try, he probably missed us, just as much as we missed him As long as we all stayed together, nothing terrible would happen. Matt was a plus, we had a soldier on our side. Me, a hunter, Matt, a soldier, and, Katrina, a problem solver. We were the perfect pair, nothing was going to hurt us. Although the more that I thought of the upcoming journey, the more anxious I got. I didn’t know if we could do it, I had my doubts. God knew that I didn’t want to lose anymore people… Matt and Katrina meant everything to me, and I never wanted anything to happen to those two.

Soon my thoughts were interrupted, in a frantic whisper. “Destiny, get inside, now.” His tone was serious and strained. Something didn’t feel right, but I wasn’t just going to up and leave without an explanation.

“What? Why?!” I hissed frantically.

“We don’t have time for this Destiny, just go inside, lock the door, and check on Katrina.” Matt huffed in a soft way, trying not to be too loud.

I shook my head refusing to leave Matt’s side. “No Matt, I’m not leaving you here.”

“I’ll be fine, I’m the last person you need to think of.” Matt hushed.

“B-but, you’re the first person I worry about Matt, you can’t tell me what I can and can’t do, if I choose to stay here, I’m going to stay here.” I whispered hesitantly, tears staining my eyes.

“Destiny, please… Katrina’s there alone. I’d rather it be me than her.” He choked on the words pulling me into a tight hug. “I’ll be alright, just go to her Des. Okay?”

I felt my lip quiver as I sucked in a small breath. He was right, Katrina was in there alone, and I couldn’t just leave her there by herself. “I-I-”

“Just go.” Matt hurried, pushing me forward. He paused for a second and stared at me. “I love you Des, it’s going to be okay.” I felt my heart skip a beat at those three words. Although, I knew he didn’t mean it the way I wanted him to. I couldn’t say it back, I just stared at him, with tears threatening my eyes. “Go.” He repeated nodding to the treehouse.

So that time I did, without saying a word. I felt like my chest was frozen, and I was trying my best not to cry. I don’t know why it hurt so much, I knew Matt was going to be fine, but I just felt so useless. I felt one tear fall down my face but I wiped it away, as I swung from branch to branch. I wasn’t going to do that again, I was stronger than that. I looked up, but felt my stomach twist when I saw that the latch had already been opened completely wide. I knew it didn’t feel right, but Katrina was in there, and I had to take care of her. I climbed into the treehouse and swung the latch closed behind me, locking it before I turned around.

It was too quiet, I felt uneasy as I silently tiptoed to my knife. Grabbing it, I held the hunting knife defensively in my hand and scanned the living room carefully. It seemed as if it were empty when I quietly stepped forward. “Katrina... Are you in here?” I whispered, starting to feel myself panic. There was no response, and a chill rose from my lower back to my shoulders. I shook my head side to side, bringing warmth back into my body. “Katrina?” I whispered once again and still received no answer.

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