Chapter 23

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It was growing dark outside now, we had made it by my house and gotten everything that we needed. All of our backpacks were filled completely to the max with supplies, and after the walking we had done, I felt exhaustion taking over me. Which in all honesty, was most likely just a side effect of the medicine I had been giving at the hospital.

I felt Matt wrap his arm around me as I stumbled over my own feet. He gave a small chuckle, and smiled down on me. “I think we should probably stop for the night, you look tired.” He spun me around and pulled my face up to look at him. “You just stay here with Katrina. I'm going to find some firewood, just take it easy right now.”
I gave him a weak smile and nodded in responce, my face turning slightly red. God, his eyes were so pretty, I didn't want to look away from him.

“Oh Okay, We'll be fine, just don't take too long okay.” I mumbled tightening my hand around his wrist.

Carefully, he slipped his hand out of my grasp then placed his warm palm softly on the side of my face. I was probably was freezing cold, but it didn't bother me, we had been walking all day anyway, I couldn't feel the cold anymore. He then leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on the top of my forehead, and now my face was burning as I remember how it felt when he actually had kissed me. Shyly I let my gaze fall to the floor away from him so he couldn't see me blushing.

“I'll be fine.” Matt reassured, then I could hear him pulling his jacket up over his head. “Take this for now, you're  freezing.” He whispered as he placed the jacket over my head. I noticed as he did this that my hair was mostly dry already, so I used my good hand to pull out the ponytail Katrina had tied my hair into. Then I carefully slipped my arms through Matt’s big warm hoodie. He smiled, his eyes looking me up and down. “I like it when you wear my stuff.” He mumbled in my ear, and then he was gone, leaving me with an embarrassed expression on my face as I noticed Katrina staring at us.
She giggled as I watched Matt disappear into the woods.

“Would you hush, and sit down for a little, I know you must be tired right now.” I quieted down my little sister, knowing full and we'll that she was making fun of me, because of Matt.
She stifled her laugh and dropped her backpack to the ground beside her before she sat down. I wobbled toward her and sat there silently as I dropped my bag at our feet.

“Seriously though Des.” Katrina's voice changed as he eyes met mine, and I could see the hope building behind them. “What's going on between you and Matt?”

I sucked in a breath while folding my hands together. Once again, I met her bright emerald green eyes. I did know this was going to come up at some point, I just didn't want it to be so soon. I shook my head and nervously ran my fingers through the scalp of my hair. “I'll be honest with you Katrina… A whole lot has happened between us, but it's complicated.” I whispered letting out a shaky breath. I bit my lip and stared down at my little sister quietly, not knowing exactly how to put everything in words for her. “We're fine now though Katrina, that's all I can tell you. Matt and I are friends just like we have always been, and no matter how much I want that to change, I just know it won't.”

Katina frowned and leaned tiredly against me. “Not that I'm upset about it or anything, It's just, you should know that y'all are meant for each other, Des.” She yawned and cuddled closer to me, which was something she hadn't done in a couple of years now. She was getting older,  and she seemed to be wiser now, but, I could still see the tiny childish part of her when she cuddled up close to me.

“I've known that much since the day I met Matt.” She mumbled rubbing tiredly at her eyes.

To that remark I gave a small laugh and reached for Katrina's backpack. “Try to sleep a little bit would ya? You look all worn out, now you're speaking gibberish.” I scolded her playfully as I pulled a blanket from her bag. She glared at me with eyes hard as stone, but shook her head and ignored me as she took her bag away from me. Then she tiredly moved away from me propping her head on the backpack as if it were a pillow. Hey eyes slowly drifting to the back of her head as I threw the blanket around her.

She gave a sloppy smile as I pulled myself up and dusted off my jeans. “I'm really glad you're okay now Destiny.” She yawned her voice sounding blissful. “I actually thought there for a bit that I was going to lose you too.” I shook my head hearing how her voice weakened at that thought.

“You're not going to lose me anytime soon.” I breathed leaning down to hug my little sister. “I'm fine can't ya tell?” I gave her an easy laugh and squeezed her arm a little as I pulled myself back up. “Now get some shut eye, we got a lot more walking to do.” Katrina nodded silently at me and turned to her side, trying to allow the exhaustion of the day lull her to sleep. I started to clear a small area for a fire, as I watched protectively over Katrina.

I was not going to let anything happen to my little sister, she was my whole life, and the main reason I was out here in the first place. I'd do anything if it meant to keep my sister out of harm's way. As I watched her silently drifting to sleep, I knew Katrina and I didn't have the same relationship normal sisters would, if you thought it over, it was more of a mother daughter relationship.

Though, I didn't want to admit that to myself, it was true, and I had been given so much responsibility a young age to raise my little sister. I didn't regret it though, I loved Katrina, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Could you say you adopted your own sister? Because that's exactly what it felt like had happened.

I heard the soft sound of leaves crunching under heavy boots and my head shot up instantly. My racing heart beat slowed down when I noticed the familiar figure walking towards me with a armload of firewood and dry grass. I saw him smile as his gaze met mine, and I rushed toward him. I then picked some of the wood out of his arms, helping him set up the fire. It looked kind of like an Indian temple, with dry grass lying down at the bottom of it once we had finished. After that I shrunk back tiredly against a tree as Matt shuffled through his backpack to find a lighter.

“You're sure this is safe?” I whispered hesitantly rubbing the back of my neck with my left hand.

“As sure as I'll ever be.” He dropped his bag on the ground by my feet. Now he was holding a long black lighter in his hand, as his sapphire eyes met mine. “It'll be fine, I promise.” His voice was soft as he clicked the lighter and held it to the dry grass at the bottom of fire. At first the color was all blue, than it grew bigger as the fire greeted the wood with a bright orange and yellow flame. The fire was so beautiful and vibrant with life. I smiled at the absolute beauty of it, then I could feel the heat radiating to my face. I sighed and wrapped my arms around my knees closing my eyes to listen to the crackle of the fire.

“It's not always that bad is it?” Matt was sitting beside me staring right at the fire. “I don't know, a lot of people don't like fire, after what happened at the town hall.” He was now staring back at me, his eyes seeming even brighter than the fire itself.

“Sure it's something a lot of people don't like, but put them in our shoes right now, I bet they would do anything to have this.” I giggled. “No Matt, I don't hate fire.” I shook my head remembering the Ash and debris toppling down all around me. No I didn't hate fire, I hated bombs, I hated blood, and most of all loss. I shook my head and leaned in closer to him. “Something like this should be the least of our worries.” I mumbled keeping my gaze on the fire.

I could feel Matt's gaze without even looking at him. “Do you feel okay?” He grabbed my hand tenderly squinting his eyebrows together. He sounded genuinely worried, and still I wasn't used to having someone actually concerned about my own wellbeing.

I shook my head dismissing him. “I'm fine, only a little sore.” I whispered weakly closing my eyes.

I didn't want to talk about myself I just wanted to lie down and fall asleep. Although, Matt gently shrugged me off of his shoulder. “I think it's about time for your medicine.” He gave me a weak smile reaching for his backpack and pulling out a pill bottle.

I cringed as he opened up the bottle revealing a big white pill. “I really don't need that.” I mumbled as he held his hand infront of me. I crossed my arms and winced at the pain that shuddered down my shoulder.

“Stop being so stubborn, I didn't buy this medicine for you to waste it.” He kept his hand out in front of me his eyes continuing to stare me down.

“How am I quote on quote wasting the medicine by not using it? That just means we'll have more left in case someone else actually needs it.” I shook my head while rolling my eyes at him.

Usually Matt would get upset when I tried to contradict him, but he seemed to get what I was saying. Though that wasn't enough to get him off of my case. “You won't be saying that later.” He shook his head as if he were speaking to a small child. “When I yank that blood encrusted bandage off your shoulder and you start screaming, I want you to think to about this.”

I gave a little laughed and looked away from him keeping my arms crossed. “First off, I'm not letting go you anywhere close to my shoulder, and second off, I don't need that medicine, I can't think straight with that stuff.”

Matt’s eyes were crinkled with worry and a hint of mischief. “Most people would jump on a opportunity to get high, and here you are with a prescription, and still you won't take it.”

“Is that all you can think about? Seriously how did you get into the army with that type of mindset. Now I'm sure as hell not going to take that pill, just put it up, I don't want to stare at it any longer than I have to.”
I shook my head in disapproval which made Matt chuckle. But, now his expression eased down and he seemed serious. When I tried  looking away he grabbed my face and forced me to meet his intense stare.

“Seriously, please do this for me, and Katrina, I know it makes you feel weird, but right now you need it. I’m here for you because I care about you, and I'm not going to let you just sit here in pain all night, take it.” He moved his hand closer to me. I shook my head while rolling my eyes. Matt noticed and sighed in aggravation.

“Okay fine, don't listen to me, but at least stop being so stubborn and listen to the nurse's, they actually know what they are doing.” He placed the white pill in my hand and crossed his arms obviously irritated. 

I bit my lip feeling upset with how Matt had acted. When I looked at him, I felt worse, and frowned. He wasn't looking at me, he looked completely uninterested and distracted. Pressing my lips together I forced the pill down my throat and scooted away from Matt to give him some space. No matter how much I wanted to cuddle up next to him. Then I closed my eyes trying not to think too much about our situation. We were put in the middle of the forest with no way out of danger other than to run. Even if it seemed dangerous, I felt safe with Matt at my side.

I heard Matt scoot closer to me and then place an arm around my waist silently. “Just because you're stubborn doesn't mean I think any less of you.” He mumbled into my ear. I felt the hot rush grow up my neck and I frowned looking away from him.

Why couldn't I stop the feelings that I had for Matt, even with what had happened after our first kiss? He’d made it clear that he didn't have romantic feelings for me, so why couldn't I stop it? How was I to get over him when he was with me every single day? Then I felt his cold fingers gently lifting my chin up, and his sapphire orbs were staring right at me. Then he began to lean forward. My whole face felt as if it had been lit on fire. My heart was pounding widely against my chest. I couldn't do this.

“Matt, stop.” I mumbled weakly, feeling as if my heart had been ripped apart. All I wanted was to feel his lips against mine again, but it wasn't that simple. I shook my head and wiped the tears that slipped  from my eyes away before Matt could notice them.

“I-I need to-, I'll be right back.” I stuttered while pulling myself to my feet. I didn't wait for his response before I disappeared into the forest where he wouldn't be able to see me. Sinking to the floor, I ran my fingers through the scalp of my hair trying to calm myself down.

What was that for? Why would Matt try to kiss me again? I thought he hated me, I thought he believed that I was a burden. I shook my head trying to force away those thoughts. I couldn't fall for Matt now, it was just too much. I took in a shaky breath and closed my eyes. I wasn't going to let myself cry, not over Matt. I pulled myself up and tried to clear my mind.

I had just taken my pain medication, I couldn't stay out here by myself, who knew what could happen if I did? I shook my head and slowly made my way back to the fire. I noticed Matt's slumped over figure as I approached the campsite. He had both of his hands in his hair, he looked completely broken. I pressed my lips together as I continued to walk closer to him. I wondered what he was thinking as I reached him. He still didn't look up when I sat down beside him, he looked so upset, but it was my fault, and I couldn't do anything about it. I pressed my lips together, but I didn't know what to say to him.

“It's not that I don't like you Matt.” I whispered weakly keeping my eyes on the dirt under my boots. “I- I really do love you, I wouldn't tell you that for no reason.” I shook my head not knowing exactly how to talk to him.

“I get it.” Matt’s voice was quiet, and I could tell he was trying to hide the hurt written all over his face. “What I said isn't easily forgivable…” He shook his head. “I just want you to know that I didn't mean it Des. I’m sorry, I-I'm so sorry.” He gave a raw laugh. “Not that it's going to mean anything.”

I scrunched my eyebrows together feeling my heartbeat quicken. Without thinking I reached forward slowly placing my hand on the side of Matt's face. He stiffened but still didn't look at me, so trailing my fingers under his chin I pulled his face up. “It's okay Matt.” I whispered as I moved closer and leaned into him. “I just feel like everything is happening too quickly, you know?” I mumbled wearily feeling the medicine kick in.

He placed his hand on top of mine slowly moving it off of his face, his eyes staring intently at me. Then I looked down to notice our hands intertwined together. A nervous blush crept up my neck as I noticed this. I didn't let go of his hand though, somehow it made me feel confident and sure about myself, even when I was so unsure of who I really was. But Matt didn’t seem to notice as he smiled down at me. I closed my eyes and basked in the scent of him, just wishing that we could stay like this forever.

“Are you tired?” He whispered. I could still feel his gaze on me and I leaned tiredly into him. The answer was yes, I was completely exhausted and all I wanted was to slip into the blank nothingness called sleep.

I didn't tell him that. “No, I'm not.” I mumbled quietly leaning even more heavily into his side. He wrapped his arm tightly around me chuckling as he stared down on me. I couldn't help the fact that my whole face was on fire. At that point I really couldn't tell if it was just because of my medicine, or how Matt was making me feel, but one thing was for sure, my head seemed to feel lighter.

“I would beg to differ.” Matt laughed still holding me up with both of his arms as he stared down at me.

“Do you really have to beg though?” I mumbled tiredly.

“Do you even know what you're talking about?” Matt chuckled.

“Do you know who you're even talking to?” I mumbled weakly as I clung onto his shirt tiredly. Though he only laughed at this and hugged me a little tighter.

“Of course I know who you are.” He chuckled, those sapphire orbs staring right at me. “Now, let me get your shoulder cleaned up before you completely pass out on me.” He reached for his backpack and began to shuffle through his things until he drew out a medical kit.

“No.” I mumbled shaking my head. “I don't want to.”

I whined when I saw the goss pads in his hand and pure alcohol in the other one. Although, Matt just smiled down at me seemingly amused. “You know you won't get any better if I don't clean it up.” His eyes were concerned, but he still scooted closer to me. I rolled my eyes and gave a small huff. Nevertheless, I slid off the hoodie Matt had let me borrow. “The worse part is taking off the goss.” Matt said tilting his head to the side. Then he reached his hand toward my shoulder hesitantly, probably to make sure I wouldn't freak out. Then slowly he slipped the light blue sweater off the side my shoulder.

I stared at Matt’s dark eyes, but I couldn't seem to look away from him. I felt myself getting warmer and warmer by the second. Then Before I knew it I felt a stinging sensation by my shoulder and I gasped. “Matt!” I accused slapping at his hand. He laughed tossing the blood crusted pad into the fire, but grew silent as his eyes scanned my shoulder. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. “Is it really that bad?” I whispered weakly not letting myself look at it.

“No.” Matt breathed shaking his head.

“No, it's  fine, you look a lot better.” His voice sounded tired and dry, but he squeezed my hand. “Hey, look at me.” He grabbed my chin and slowly I opened my eyes for him. He smiled but didn't say anything right away.

After a second his tilted his head to the side still not breaking our gaze. “I won't ever let anything bad happen to you again, I’m so sorry.” He shook his head, and I could see the hurt in expression. “I should have never let you leave like that.” He let go of my hand and reached out for the pure alcohol, his eyes focused on my shoulder.

“Matt.” I whispered quietly, the medicine still working its way through my veins. “It didn’t matter, I was leaving, and I wasn't going to listen either way.” I felt my chest tighten. “It wasn't your fault.” I shook my head trying to keep myself together. Matt's eyes were on me again, which somehow was making the whole “keeping myself together” deal even worse. I wanted to tell him everything that had happened was okay and I had forgiven him, but part of me still believed he didn't have feelings for me in a romantic way.

“I could have prevented it-” I cut him off before he could finish his thought.

“No Matt, you couldn't have.” I closed my eyes as he poured the alcohol into his hands. “Look, I know that wasn’t the end of it, they're going to come back. They are looking for me Matt…” My voice trailed as my gaze slipped to Katrina's sleeping figure across the campfire. What if it actually was true? Katrina would hate me, she would think I lied to her all this time. I felt a tear stinging at the corner of my eyes. It was not because of the alcohol that Matt had just poor onto my shoulder. I shook my head and wiped the tear away hoping Matt wouldn't notice. “He told me that I'm General Ternals daughter…” I whispered so quietly that it seemed to pass right over Matt's head for a second.

“Des.” Matt whispered his eyes focusing in on mine curiously. “You can't believe in that.” He applied some pressure to my shoulder with the goss pads as he stared at me. Still though, he didn’t seem to sure of himself as he thought over what I had said.

“Even so let them come again, it just gives me more practice. I'm getting rusty just standing around all day nursing you, I might as well have a little fun while I'm at it, right?” Matt chuckled obviously trying to lighten the mood as he reached for some medical tape. He shook his head as if he were trying not to think about something. Then to keep himself busy he forcefully ripped up pieces of tape and carefully placed it around my wound.

Pressing my lips together I tilted my head to the side worriedly, noticing the stress in Matt's movement. “What are you thinking about?”

Matt wasn't looking at me now, instead he was too focused on putting away the contents from inside the medical kit. He shook his head as he stuffed the box back in his bag while zipping it up. “Nothing, It's just-” He cut himself off wearily, “what would they do to you Des? I mean, if it is true...What would happen if someone found out?” His voice was quiet so that only I could hear him.

Scooting closer to him I leaned tiredly into his chest not wanting to confront that problem just then. “I don't know.” I whispered shakily as he held onto me tighter. “When I was younger my brother Maliki would tell me stories…” I shivered just thinking back to them.  “They’d torture them, throw them off cliffs, drown them, Gas them, it just goes on and on… It's horrible.” I felt myself shaking. Matt hugged me tighter as I leaned tiredly into him. “I-I can't be General Ternals daughter Matt, I can't.”

He pulled me closer to him, so close that I was basically lying in his lap. His arms were protectively wrapped around me as I dug my head into his chest. “Even if you are, don't you even think for a second that I'll let them do anything to you Des.” He whispered quietly into my ear sending goosebumps up and down the back of my arms.

I smiled and closed my eyes while taking in his scent. “Thankyou Matt.” I whispered breathlessly. “I really needed this.” I cuddled closer to him, if that was even possible.

“Always.” Matt whispered still watching me in the light of the crackling campfire. I felt my body get heavier with tiredness as my eyes drooped. My hands were shaking and Matt laced his fingers between mine. My mind was aware that we probably looked like a couple, but I didn't care. I felt safe there in Matt's arms and the sound of his breathing was all it took to lure me to a peaceful sleep. I didn't stir that night, not even once. No nightmares, no worries, it was just sleep, the way it should always be.

Peace never seemed to last long though, no matter the situation. I felt a cool rush follow through my bones the moment I was yanked by my arm.
“It's her!” A gruff voice called. I yelped and struggled to pulled my arm out of their grasp but the man only dug his fingers farther into my shoulder. I screamed, the pain almost completely blinding me. Black spots surrounded my vision, and confusion had completely taken over me. Where was Matt? I thrashed around and kicked the man in the side. Though, that only made him angrier, so he slammed me back to the ground and punched me across the face as he dug his other hand deeper into my shoulder. I cried, screamed, and struggled under the man, but no matter how much I fought back I was no match for him. 

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