Chapter 29

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When I woke up I felt groggy, and the first thing I noticed was that I was no longer in that bean bag chair. I was in a twin sized bed, and the room was empty. I jolted up, my eyes searching the room. No one was there, my heart race began to speed up. "Hello?" I called as I got up to my feet feeling uncomfortable. No one was there. "Katrina? Matt?" I called walking through the empty space.

I was scared at this point, I didn't know how I got there or why, so I could feel myself shaking. I walked toward the door, which was hard to locate, and reached for it. That's when I turned the doorknob, and opened it. I couldn't tell where I was at which only made things worse, and I could feel the surge of tears about to spring from my eyes. But I headed out the room leaving the door open behind me. I had no idea where I was going but I calmed down considerably when I noticed Matt walking towards me with worried looking eyes.

"You okay?" He squinted his eyebrows grabbing me tenderly by my good shoulder and placing his other hand gently lower on my hurt arm. He walked me back to my room shutting the door behind him. I Then nodded, forcing the tears that were forming away from my eyes. "Hey what's wrong?" He walked toward me wrapping his arms around me.

"I woke up and I didn't know where I was." I shook my head trying to calm myself down. "Matt?"

"Yeah?" He questioned looking carefully at me.

"Please stay with me. I'm scared, my arm is hurting, and I miss you." I felt embarrassed saying it as I looked to the floor, but Matt didn't seem taken aback by it. Instead he let me sit down on the bed and wrapped a arm around me.

"I'm not gonna go anywhere Des. I'm right here, and you gotta rest your shoulder a little bit, it needs to heal properly." He leaned against the wall looking at me. "It's time for you to take another pill isn't it?"

I shook my head not wanting to talk. Instead I just leaned into Matt weakly as he reached into his bag for my medicine shortly after which he handed me the pill. I raised my head looking at the white pill groggily. I really didn't like it all that much, I knew it helped me with the pain so that my shoulder could heal, but I didn't like how it made me feel, I didn't like feeling all loopy all the time. I also didn't like how I wasn't able to control myself all to well on them.

"I know you don't like it-" Matt started to say before I cut his train of thought.

"I know, I need to take it, or the pain won't go away and I'll be putting stress all over my shoulder, yada yada yada." I sat up pushing my hair away from my face. Matt chuckled, and placed the medicine in my hand as he put the bottle back in the bag on the floor beside him.

I watched him for a second, the room was light in tiny lantern light but my eyes had become adjusted to it by then."What is it?" Matt tilted his head to the side watching me curiously. It caught me off guard.

"Uh, nothing." I shook my head forcing my gaze away from him as I swallowed the pill in my hand without any water. To be honest at that point I was hungry and thirsty, but still too prideful to ask anybody for anything. So I just leaned back in the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"You were asleep during dinner, I can grab you something if you like?" Matt said waiting for an answer.

"No I don't want to be here alone, can't I go with you?" I whined crossing my arms as I frowned at him.

"As long as you don't try to move you're damn arm, cause it'll just get worse if you do." He helped me to my feet being careful not to touch my shoulder.

"I know that okay." I huffed, rolling my eyes at him as we walked to the door. "I want to heal as badly as you want me to, if not more." I let my eyes fall to the floor. "What I really want to do is forget how it happened, I can't shake this feeling that Ash was telling the truth, you know."

"Des you know that's insane, stop worrying so much about all of that. Everything is fine, and right now we are safe where we are, no one can get to you here." I rolled my eyes, the next thought in my head was, where couldn't they get to us at?

Matt and I turned down a bunch of halls, they seemed to have no ending anywhere, it was like a maze, but that was probably because of the fact that I didn't know where I was or how I had gotten there, one thing was for sure though I could use a map for all those hallways, if I was by myself I would definitely get lost. Though soon enough we entered a area that seemed to be a run down kitchen without electricity.

There were various kinds of canned foods on the counter right there in the open, stale bread and a old style fire pit where you hung the pan above the fire in order to cook food. Inside of the pan was some type of stew with vegetables, chicken broth, and actual meat. I also noticed the empty bowl sitting on the counter beside the pan of stew. Matt began to scoop it into the bowl and place it on the large table on the other side of the room. He placed the spoon beside it and took a seat leaving room for me.

I followed him and sat down beside Matt. My appetite wasn't all that big because I wasn't used to eating big meals and I always felt self conscious when Matt or anyone for a matter of fact ended up watching me eat. I stared at Matt not saying anything and not even looking at the food, I was honestly afraid to eat in front of him.

"What is it?" He tilted his head concerned and I just shook my head shying away from his gaze. I knew I had to eat, so I took the spoon with my hand and began to eat the chicken broth and some of the vegetables with one spoonful. It was a real treat, I hadn't had a meal this well cooked in ages. I shook my head and took a chunk of meat knowing I would need the protein it gave me. A couple more spoonfuls and I was already feeling full, but I didn't want to tell Matt that, because he had filled the bowl up so full. I picked the bowl up and took a few gulps of the chicken broth, but by the time I put the bowl down I felt as if I was going to hurl. My hand then flew to my mouth and I lurched forward feeling some tears form at the corner of my eyes.

"Woah, are you alright?" He gently pulled my hair behind my back and rubbed circles into my back. I shook my head trying to keep the food down. "You didn't eat all that much what's wrong are you sick." I shook my head indicating that I wasn't. After calming myself down I began to explain.

"I don't eat, m-much, so Katrina can get a good amount of food I can't hold all of that down." Matt looked worried then, his eyes here wide as his eyes took in my appearance.

"Destiny."He shook his head in disapproval but kept rubbing my back as if trying to help calm down my stomach. "You can not do that to yourself." He seemed taken aback as if he was just then realizing things that he hadn't noticed before. I shook my head and pushed the bowl back.

"I had no choice, I was just doing what I had to do. Katrina was hungry I'd rather it be me than her alright? You can't blame that." I shook my head as I stood to my feet.

"Right, but what I can blame is the fact that your body can't take in enough nutrients for you to give yourself a chance to heal." He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. Then he seemed to be trying to calm himself down as his eyes searched mine. "Are you alright?" He seemed worried standing to his feet.

"Yes Matt I'll be fine just let me sit down and I'll be fine." I balled my hands up and stared at the table ahead of me.

"Can I?-"He began to speak again before I cut him off.

"No there is nothing to do, you're okay, calm down Matt." I whispered in a calm voice.

Matt rolled his eyes at me but nevertheless just sat there and allowed it. I had my head against the table and my eyes were closed as I tried to let my stomach settle against the food that had not settled very well in my stomach. Matt continued to rub small circles on my back trying to soothe me, and to be honest, it helped, a little at least.

"What's wrong with her?" The voice was recognizable but barley, I think it was Hunter, the boy who had taken care of me earlier that day.

"That's not really any of your concern man." I could hear Matt's reply as Hunter continued to approach us.

"Just making sure it isn't her shoulder, you know?"

Then I could tell Hunter was sitting next to me as well as Matt. I looked up groggy, my eyes looking between the two boys. "I just ate too much, I'll be fine." Was all I told Hunter.

To which Hunter looked curiously to my plate and back to me. "You hardly touched your food."

I shook my head. "It must be the medicine."

Hunter shrugged his shoulder. "That sounds about right." I could tell Matt was rolling his eyes at me, probably the fact I wasn't telling the truth, but why would I tell a total stranger what I had just told Matt?

"I-I should go, I should probably lay down for awhile." The silence was a little too much for me as I slid out of the chair.

"Yeah, I'll show you the way." This time it was Matt speaking. He stood up and inched his way to me. His eyes began searching Hunter's, as if he were trying to figure out the game he was playing. Wait, had Matt been jealous? There was no way be could be jealous of Hunter, he barely even knew him. Heck I barely knew him. Matt then wrapped his arm around me and led me through the halls until we met the halls that would take me to the room I would be sleeping in that night. That's when we were interrupted by the small footsteps approaching us. "Matt?" I could already recognize Mayabelle's voice calling for him across the hall.

Matt let go of me and turned around to greet her, I still didn't feel myself but didn't wanna show either Matt nor Mayabelle how I felt. "What's up?" He questioned tilting his head to the side.

"I- uh- I couldn't sleep." She said quietly twisting her thumbs together. Her hair was slightly messed up and she was wearing sweats and a baggy sweatshirt.

Matt looked between Mayabelle and I. "Yeah neither could Des, we went to go get her dinner, I was just showing her back to her room." I watched him curiously, noticing how little his movements had changed. Yet, the only thing that really bothered me was the fact that he began to completely avoid me when he was around Mayabelle, and that was something I didn't really like, especially knowing how Mayabelle felt for him.

Even if I knew Matt and I would never work out, I still felt a pang in my heart to think if him being with someone else. I did know one thing though, no matter how much I wanted it to be me he loved I couldn't stop the inevitable. "I should go, I think I can find the room from here." I said quietly, trying not to sound upset.

Matt turned around to look at me. His gaze still seemed concerned, but I could tell he was at odds between me and Mayabelle, with who he should take care of. "Are you sure, I can take you back-"

"No, Matt. I'll be fine... Goodnight." I whispered quietly trying to console the tearing of my heart. "I'll see you tomorrow." I shook my head and began my way down the hall. Of course I had no idea where I was, but I was sure if I kept walking long enough I would eventually find where I was supposed to be at. So with that thought I kept walking, lost in my own thoughts.

Matt was with Mayabelle, why did that thought bug me so much? Why did the thought of them hugging bug me so damn much? Why was it so hard for me to accept the fact that Matt may actually have feelings for someone that wasn't me. For the first time, I allowed myself to think about him, about how it felt when he kissed me, how warm he was, how comfortable and how sweet it was to be around him. How he made me feel as if I were the best thing that had ever happened. I missed having him around, I missed his attention and feeling as if he cared.

I allowed myself to think about how hurt I was when he told me that everyone would be better off without me, about how every single little word he said tore deep into my heart. I allowed that feeling to consume me, because somehow I knew that he would never feel the same way for me again. I always was the mess no one could pick up, because of the person I was, because of my family, I would never be like everyone else. I was the person no one wanted to be around, the person no one could trust. Yet, I had not done anything, for it was just a name put on my back. A target for everyone to place blame at.

I didn't care that I was lost in the hall wandering around, I needed the time alone, to think. Matt may not be with me, but that didn't me he didn't care, that just meant he had more people to worry about now that Mayabelle was there. I was just uneasy because I knew what her intentions were, and I never wanted to see her succeed with them.

"Hey Destiny? What are you doing all the way over here?" I looked around curiously, it had been a long time since someone called me by my full name. It was kind of funny, I was only called my full name in random moments, and right now Hunter was staring at me from across the hallway.

"Just looking for my room I guess." I shrugged my good shoulder then shyly grabbed ahold of my wrist.

"I thought Matt was gonna take you back to your bunker?" Hunter raised his eyebrows at me questionably. His hair was a little messed up from weight of the day and I could tell that he was tired.

"Well I guess you could say someone got him distracted." I laughed quietly, my eyes searching the area for any signs of familiarity, which was to no avail. I had no clue where I was at. If I were to tell you that this place was a maze, I would not be lying. It was like a death trap here.

"Oh? So, he just left you alone, knowing Damn well that you didn't know where you were going?" Hunter shook his head at me in disapproval, and began to approach me.

I gave a smile and a quick laugh. "Well it wasn't exactly like that-"

"It wasn't like what? You're just gonna let him treat you like that and get away with, I mean what type of guy does that to a girl like you. I swear I could cut his balls off, and he still wouldn't even understand what he has right in front of him."

I felt my face heating a little, but I just laughed it off. "Matt may be a idiot, but me and him, we aren't like that, and we're never gonna be." I mumbled quietly.

"Yet you're still holding out a candle for him." Hunter shook his head as if thinking. "Matt may be a good looking guy, I mean if I was gay, man I'd tap that ass." He said that with such a straight face, it made me laugh a little. "But if he can't take the little hints I wouldn't be for all that."

I shrugged my shoulder. "I don't know Hunter, it's the kind of situation where I've always had his back and he's always had mine. To me honest we are so close we could be siblings." I gave a small laugh knowing that's exactly how he saw me, Matt only ever saw me as a annoying little sister. I just wished it wasn't that way. Wished he had never gotten into my head the way he did.

Hunter was silent for a second before responding to me. "Come on, I'll show you to your room you look like you've had a rough day." I nodded and be ganging to follow him. But I knew I didn't want to be alone that night so I coughed a little.

"Actually do you think you can show me to my sisters bunk, I'd rather be with her." I awkwardly folded my arms together, trying not to cause too much motion in my shoulder.

"Yeah, I can do that, definitely."Hunter have me a smile and kept walking forward for what hadn't seemed too long. The halls were dim lighted so it was kinda hard to see exactly where I was. "Here you are."He stood by the door that would bring me into my sisters room. "Hey, just so you know Destiny, I would never treat you the way Matt is treating you. A girl deserve so much better than that." He shrugged his shoulders and smiled at me.

Wait was Hunter, was he like flirting with me? I had never had someone do that before. My eyes frantically found the floor when a quite embarrassed blush ran down my neck. " Uh, thanks, I guess, good night Hunter." I turned to grab the doorknob trying to escape the awkward situation. But that wasn't before I could hear his response.

"Goodnight, Destiny."

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