Chapter Five

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~Five years later~

"Katrina!" I called, while placing a bowl of steaming hot possum stew on our worn down countertop. I hated stew, not to mention that this was the 3rd day eating it in a role. I guess it was better than nothing. Katrina absolutely loved this stuff, it was her favorite. Although I would never dare to tell her it was possum. "Come on Katrina! breakfast is ready." I exclaimed.

I began to pack up our school bags with individual binders and textbooks. I still hadn't seen or heard from Katrina that morning. I finished zipping up our bags, and swung the bag over my shoulder. The counter squeaked as I grabbed an apple and tossed it into my bag.

Katrina still hadn't shown her face all morning. Thinking about that fact I marched across the hall to the tiny room we had shared. When I saw that she still hadn't even gotten out of bed I rested my hands on my hips and glared at her. Katrina was laying peacefully on her side, hiding her face from the world. "Katrina! Get up we're going to be late." I snapped.

"I'm not going." Katrina muffled from the pillow. Her voice seemed to be a bit hoarse, and her nose was stuffy when she sniffed. "I don't feel good." She whined, while snuggling closer into the blankets. I sighed, but nonetheless placed my hand on her forehead checking for a fever, she had none but she also didn't sound like herself.

"You don't have a fever" I mumbled, which only made Katrina groan at my voice.

Katrina technically didn't have to go, it was her last day of school and she wasn't near age of having to take finals. I just hated the fact that I'd have to find someone to watch on such a short notice.

"I can't watch you today, but I will be back after school." I explained. She slightly nodded her head, as if not wanting to talk, she just seemed to be completely exhausted. I bit my lip and then turned around. I was going to exit the room, but then a thought came across my mind. "Oh and there is some stew left on the counter if you would like it." I heard Katrina groan as I shut the the screeching door. Katrina, not wanting to eat? Weird.

I walked through the hallway and stopped by the mirror that connected on our wall. It was cracked, diagonal straight down the middle. Just so I could check my appearance I had to bend down to my knees.

My light brown hair fell down my back into natural ringlet of curls. My light blue eyes seemed dull, and had no life. I wore a black tank top with grey baggy sweats that were tucked into my hunting boots. This attire looked good with my lightly tanned skin, which was a result of hunting. I didn't wear makeup, and I wore my hair natural.

I grabbed my dark green jacket that was hung against the wall, and tossed it over my arms so that I wouldn't freeze when I left the house. My hand clung onto my bags shoulder strap, as I walked out of the hallway and into our lounge area, which was also very small. My eyes landed on the front door as I walked through the mostly empty room. The only things that occupied the area was a manmade desk for homework, and an old rocking chair in the corner that neither of us ever really used.

I opened the front door, slamming it shut on my way out. Immediately coming in contact with the fresh pinewood scent that filtered the cold breeze. After taking a breath I ran down the steps. suddenly crashing into another persons shoulder. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." I said in a rush until I met a pair of dark brown eyes staring at me.

Clarissa laughed before throwing her arm around my shoulder. "You know not to say sorry to me." She had a perky voice for some reason today. I raised an eyebrow but let it slip.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." I surrendered.

She couldn't stop smiling for some reason. Her face was flushed and her eyes seemed to be brighter. I couldn't restrain myself, so sarcastically I asked. "Okay seriously, what type of drugs did you take this morning."

"You know what girl! It was everything, just Name one and I probably did it." She pushed back.

"Hmmmm, maybe meth? No it was obviously pot? Uhhhh wait was it both this time?!" I couldn't stop myself from laughing at the conversation of ours.

She slapped my shoulder after a silence had settled between us. "So, guess what?!" Clarissa squealed.

"There was an alien invasion at timbuktu, and now the whole world is being abducted by aliens." I answered quickly, which received an eye roll from Clarissa.

"No, and sometimes I wonder what goes on through that big head of yours." She nocked against my skull and I backed away.

"Then what?" I pressed on.

"Well, Jay asked me out finally! I mean it's been a year since we met and now I'm so happy about it! Seriously look at us! I mean your boyfriend's best friend is now my boyfriend." She panted almost out of breath.

I rolled my eyes, "Matt and I are just friends, get that through you tiny little head." I snapped and she laughed at me reaction.

"I know, I know I just wanted to see your reaction, and it was priceless. You obviously like him." She giggled. Which made me roll my eyes, but before I could speak Clarissa looked around suddenly asking. "Uh, where's Katrina?"

"Oh, she's sick today. Speaking of which I need to find someone to watch her so I can finish my Geometry final." I responded.

"Oh don't worry about it, I can ditch today, I've finished all my finals already." Clarissa insisted.

"God Clarissa you're a lifesaver!" I exclaimed, and gave her a quick hug. "I should probably head to school now."

"Yeah, don't wanna be late for your final, I'll see you after school." Clarissa said while stepping up the porch and waving at me. This wasn't the first time Clarissa watched my little sister so I wasn't at all hesitant to leave.

I turned around and walked through the empty town. My feet traced the fenced in army base, at which some teenage guys were hanging around in soldier uniforms silently waiting for the day to resume. Although this area was relatively silent, and peaceful. You could hear the rustle of leaves in the wind, and since the sun was barely out the fall air felt to be like winter. I sucked in a breath and continued to walk alone by the Base Camp completely silent.

After we'd finally gotten to Rasnic, I never ran into my mother, my father, nor my brother. I had no idea what to think of my family anymore. I didn't want to believe that they were dead, but what other choice did I really have? My hands tightened at that thought and I bent my head down only to see the gravel ground. I hated how long I'd been wondering about them.

I was sixteen now, Katrina was eleven, Matt was seventeen, Clarissa was turning sixteen next month and her sister Ann was nineteen. So much time had passed since the first attack. I didn't understand why I couldn't just forget. People around me seem so content with their lives but here I am living day by day hoping for and answer.

There was a crash of feet shuffling behind me before I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I was soon lifted into the air while a loud piercing scream exited my lungs before I whipped my head around. There I met a dark pair of sapphire eyes reflecting the sun. I let out a breath while Matt let me to the floor, I could already feel the stares of people watching me from behind. "Shit Matt, you scared me." I whispered.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." Matt shrugged his shoulders, while handing me my backpack. I had dropped it when Matt ran up behind me. It wasn't until I grabbed my bookbag, that I noticed Matt still wearing his oddity soldier uniform. Which consisted of mostly dark blue, which matched his eyes pretty well. His boots were grey and the hat he wore matched the navy blue uniform of his.

"Wow, look at that fancy uniform of yours." I laughed while Patting down his shoulder.

I caught Matt smirking at my comment, before he threw me a mischievous smile . "You know my Military final is today. I really want to impress the General ." He said as we reached the secret school entrance.

"Well, I'm sure you will." I encouraged. After that comment Matt bent down to pull at the latch, the board swung halfway open with ease. He held it that way while using his other arm to help lower me into the school. When my feet touched the floor, I let go of his arm and backed away from the opening, which gave him room to jump down.

Before Matt could even reach the ground I turned to face three people. Just the sight of them made my stomach ache, they were know as the Allan sister's. I crossed my arms self cautiously, and stood completely still. I mean seriously I was scared to say anything to these girls. Mostly at this point I was wondering why they had even approached me.

The oldest sister Sarah, had long straight flowing black hair, a petite body structure, and her eyes were tinted in an unusual light green color. She was already glaring haphazardly at me. "Look guys, the crossdresser actually showed up today," Sarah then turned to face her youngest sister Delia, who was a brunette with wavy hair and the same green eyes. "I owe you 20 dollars." She snickered.

That's when I heard Matt's boots land against the concrete and cautiously step towards my direction, every step echoing as he got closer through the silence. Everyone was trying to see what would happen after Sarah had spoken to me that way. My face burned brightly, everyone seemed to know something that I didn't.

"Why wouldn't I have?" I squeaked, and the sisters started laughing. Even including the middle sister who was a strawberry blonde, she had the green eyes, but paler skin.Amelia was a half sister, she never spoke during any confrontations. Just stood and watched silently.

Matt was now standing right beside me, while taking in his surroundings. Slowly noticing the stares around the halls and how stiff I looked. "Back off." He growled warningly.

At that Dellia gave Matt a tight warm smile as if to be kind. "Oh I'm so sorry Matt, I didn't think your were friends with," her voice was flirtatious and sweet until her last words. "That thing." She glared at me.

I couldn't take the stares anymore, my breaths were starting to get shallow. My hands were starting to twitch, and I was gritting my teeth trying to hold myself back. I couldn't help it, I ran. Across the halls, and people that I had to shove out of my way. My breaths became more hollow and short. My chest was starting to burn, and I collapsed to the floor.

There I was leaning against the the lockers holding my head down to hide my face, at which tears were threatening to escape. Luckily there was no one near me as I suffered to catch my breath."Destiny?!" I heard Matt calling from the other hallways, but I was shaking too much to care. I felt clammy, and nauseous, I just needed to get out of there, I needed to leave that school right then and there. My chest burned and I was pretty sure that I was about to have a heart attack. The room around me was spinning, and my vision was blurred.

All of the sudden I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me, holding me still. "Calm down it's okay." I heard a gentle voice but wasn't able to tell who it was. I was too frantic at that point, and positive that death was coming near. My breathing was strained and my throat was sore, my hands couldn't stop shaking.

Slowly but surely my breathing went back to normal. My vision also slowly regained, but I still was gittery. I found Matt hugging me, looking a bit worried as his gaze dropped on my eyes. I hugged him tightly, still feeling weak and lightheaded, as I dug my head into his shoulder. "Thanks." I managed to whisper, before pulling away from his arms.

He smiled slightly, "No, don't thank me. I'm always going to be here." He whispered, and pushed a stray ringlet curl out of my face. I didn't understand why, but I felt like my whole face was on fire, as I stood up and regained a normal balance within my feet.

As I looked around the hallway, I noticed that class had already started. I also didn't feel like showing my face around the school anymore that day. "Matt, maybe I should just go home and skip today." I whispered in a hushed voice.

He looked around cautiously, "You really shouldn't miss that geometry final though. I mean it's your last one and then you're done with the year." He explained, which made me nod shortly while taking in a sharp breath. "But I'll help you get home after that." Matt reassured.

"I know, and thanks." I mumbled, still not wanting to deal with all the stares that I'd get for walking into class late. Matt didn't seem too worried about the whole ordeal, as he walked me through the halls in the direction of my first class. He gave me one last hug, at which I took in the scent of Old spice and apple mango gain before I pulled away.

"I'll be here when you get out of class." Matt reassured, while running his fingers threw his now dark brown hair that matched his eyes so well.

I smiled shyly, at him, "Alright." I whispered, before grabbing ahold of the doorknob and turning it. I swung the door open as the latch squeaked loudly. I slowly walked into a classroom full of people awkwardly staring me down with gawking eyes watching my every move.

The classroom light was off as I shut the door behind me and stood in that same spot. My eyes followed the light and sound that came from the schools t.v at the front of the room. I read the corner of the screen, it was read in bolded in dark blue and yellow letters. 'Morning News'. Suddenly there popped up a picture of my whole family, taken before the war had started.

There was a voice that spoke while the picture appeared on the screen. "Having not heard anything from this family from more than four years, we have received some shocking footage of this family's house wife. Genie McCarterson."

My eyes instantly grew wide. My mom, could she really be alive at this moment? I couldn't move, not even an inch. My eyes were glued to the screen as I continued to watch. Everyone was staring at me from behind the classroom. I didn't care though, there was a huge change for my mother to be alive, and I was overjoyed with happiness.

Suddenly there was a video that appeared onto the t.v screen. Just the sight of my mom made me my hand jump to my face. I tried to hold back my own tears. My mother was beaten to a pulp, including an black eye, at which bruises also formed across her chin. Cuts appeared on across her legs, her feet look bruised up, and swollen. Her hair was a blonde rat nest. Her clothing was torn up, and had dirt surrounding them.

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