Chapter One

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"MIKEY!!!" I yelled as I put down my "Green With Envy" book and wiped my wet face with a towel.

This is the 4TH TIME he threw those waterballoons of his at my face.


"Yes?" He innocently asked as he smiled at me sweetly with crossed arms.

"I am this CLOSE TO BEATING YOUR SHELL!!" I exclaimed as I held up my fingers to show how close.

"Raph..your fingers are touching..." His voice trembled.

"Yes, I know." I growled as I mentally grinned for what I am about to do.

We remained silent for a while.

My free arm made it's way to my sai as Mikey's foot took one step back.

Mikey screamed as he ran away the same time I started to chase him with my sai.

"COMA BACK HERE 'CAUSE YOU'RE GONNA GET A COMA!!" I yell as I keep on chasing him.

Mikey let out a nervous laugh, "Nice pun bro!"

I growled at the realization that I made a joke.

Damn it Mikey!

I finally caught Mikey and tackled him.

I slap the back of his head repeatedly.

"Ah! Ah! Stop! Uncle! Uncle!" He screamed.

"What are you guys doing?" A voice asked behind me.

Oh great! It's my nerd-tastic bro, Leo.

"Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?" I glared at him.

"Leo save me!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Shut up!" I slapped the back of his head which made him shout in pain.

"Raph, let him go." Leo ordered.

"Make me!" I said, sarcastically.

Leo glared at me as he crossed his arms.

"Now." He said, sternly.

I rolled my eyes and I let go off Mikey.

"Ha! You're scared of Leo!" Mikey giggled.

I felt my anger rising up.

I growled and I raised up my fist at him.

"Gah!" Mikey exclaims as he ran away.

"Raph, you need to stop slapping Mikey..something bad might happen to his brain if you keep doing that." Leo said as I picked my sai and put it back in my belt.

I didn't wanna say anything but to roll my eyes.

But it seems like my mouth has a mind of its own.

"So what? Mikey's already brainless." I said as I crossed my arms and turned to him.

"Raph, would you stop insulting Mikey? He has a brain and you know it." Leo said.

"Whatever." I said as I walked to the TV pit and sat on the couch.

Leo sat beside me.

"What's your deal with Mikey?" He asked.

"All I know he's nothing but a screwup, useless, worthless, and brainless abomination." I answered with a annoyed tone.

No! What am I saying?! I don't think of Mikey that way!

"Raphael! Why did you say that! He's none of those things! An abomination?! What kind of brother are you?!" Leo exclaimed.

I then was speechless.

It's like my mouth has a mind of its own. Why do I keep insulting my bros? Why does this keep happening??

"Well?" Leo asked.

I tried to think of a way to change the subject.

I saw the remote and remembered that Leo is gonna watch his stupid Space Heroes show that has a marathon tonight.

"Y'know..I'm gonna tell you later after I watch my favourite channel." I said as I head towards the remote.

Leo gasped.

"No!" He yelled and tackled me.

"Leo! Get off!" I exclaim.

"No! Imma watch Space Heroes and nothing is gonna stop me!" He shouts.

I fought back and I finally tackled him.

"Nope! The remote's mine!" I grinned as I reach for the remote.

I then felt a pain on my arm to see Leo bit it.

"OW! WHAT THE HECK?!" I yell.

He then crawled towards the remote.

I grabbed his legs and pulled him towards the couch and I try to ran towards the remote.

Then I felt someone grabbing my foot and I looked down to see Leo clinging to it.

"Nooo!! Space Heroes Marathon is tonight!" He whined.

"I don't give a SHELL!" I try to walk to the remote but Leo clinging to my foot is making it harder to move.

Then he bit me AGAIN!

"Ow!" I howled in pain as I sat down the floor and grabbed my foot in pain.

"YES! I WIN!" Leo smiled as he raised the remote in the air.

I groaned and lay down on the floor in exhaustion.

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