Second Chance

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I wokeup with the alarm sound and got up lazily rubbing my eyes. I picked my phone and saw two missed calls from Vish. So I quickly called her back and moved my phone away from my ear for a brief second unable to bear her screaming.

"What the hell Vish, why are you shouting?", I asked

"Why won't I shout when my bestie just ignored me", she said dramatically

"Don't be over dramatic please, and yeah I was sleeping baby", I replied back

"Acha fine, listen now.. we gotta meet today so get ready", Vish said excited

"Woahh, you seem excited.. what's the matter?", I asked curious

"Oh yeah your bestie is finally committed so I have a bundle of stuff to share with you.. I'm sending you the address come on time", Vish said

"Ok loud speaker, I'll be there", I smiled wide existed and happy for her

I cut the call and looked at the ceiling going to a sweet but not so sweet memory lane.


"Why don't you understand me Mahir?", I asked frustrated of the same conversation

"You understand Bela, photography is my passion", Mahir screamed

"So? Did I say something against it? I also have my passions Mahir.. but I don't leave everything behind for my passion", I shouted back

"Leave everything? What do you mean haa?", Mahir asked folding his hands to his chest

"Mahir understand, I know you want photography as your profession also.. but you should have a proper job if I have to discuss about us with my parents", I explained

"Photography came into my life before you Bela.. and if I have to hold on to something then it's my passion only", he said and I know it's coz of the heat of the moment

"Wow, you never wanted me right? So, you are leaving me?", I almost choked

"Yes, this is the end of our relation Bela.. ofcourse I loved you with all I had but if you can't understand my likes and dislikes and wouldn't be able to respect my thoughts and passion then I can't be binded to you anymore", Mahir said and tears poured down my cheeks

"Can't we talk for once?", I asked hoping a yes

But, he din't utter a word and looked aside.

"Fine, get lost then.. if this is how you are when one simple argument makes you leave me.. then I also don't want you", I said hating myself

He looked at me for once and surprisingly I saw pain in his eyes, ofcourse we were together for the last couple of years and it wouldn't be easy for either of us to forget the beautiful memories we shared.

And then, he left me.. he went away leaving me behind all alone.


I quickly opened my eyes thinking of all that. I dragged myself to the washroom relaxing my nerves.. it's not the time for me to cry over my breakup even after two years, it's time to enjoy for my bestie..

Hours later I looked myself in the mirror satisfied by my look and headed towards my scooty to reach on time to the cafe Vish sent me the location.

Finding a perfect place for myself, I sat and made a quick call to Vish.

"Hey sorry bela, my boyfriend suddenly turned up near my house and I couldn't say no.. you please wait for a while, I'll come soon ok?", Vish said as soon after she lifted the call

"Ok fine, but let me know once you start", I said

She hummed, actually moaned and cut the call. They seem to be upto something.. I smiled thinking of the thought and once again in the same day my thoughts wander to him.


"Bela what do you think we should name our children?", Mahir asked

"Let's think of it after we get Married, after we start the baby making process", I laughed

"Why not start it now?", He said huskily brushing his fingers in my hair

"No way Mahir, you better behave", I blushed

"How can I Bela, when you are infront of me? You know you always rise the small beast in me", Mahir said ruffling his hair

I smiled at him and cupped his face to kiss while he deepened the kiss sucking my soft lips. He backed off and laid his lips on my neck sucking it leaving a mark claiming me.

I smiled looking at the hickey while he placed a soft kiss so soothen the pain.


I mentally cursed myself for not being able to forget him even after two years of our breakup. Shrugging all these, I got up to order a coffee for myself coz god knows when would Vish come.

While I was coming back to my place I saw him, Mahir.. after fucking two years I saw him today, now.. he too looked at me surprised and I observed a small smile forming on his lips.

I slowly walked near him and smiled not knowing what to speak.

"How are you Bela?", He asked

Ugh, only I know how much I missed listening my name from his mouth..

"Yeah, I'm good.. you?", I asked nervously

"I'm fine too", he said followed by a awkward silence

"Shall we sit?", He asked

I nodded and we both sat down opposite to eachother.

"So what are you doing now?", I asked

"I got a job in a good company, now I'm the team lead.. occasionally I do photography in my free time and share them with a magazine office", he said smiling

"Oh that's great", I genuinely felt happy for him

"Yeah, you were right Bela.. I can't just live on photography alone, there's still a lot to learn..", He said looking at me

I din't know what to answer and gave a small smile.

"And what are you doing now?", he asked

"I got a job last year, and sometimes writes blogs or articles.. just like I learnt that our passion shouldn't be left behind from you", I said honestly

I wanted to as him, if there's anyone in his life.. but again not everyone hangs to the past like me.. he must have moved on by now..

I want him back in my life, but it would be selfish of me if I choose to come back to him like I wanted when he had a perfect job.. am I selfish, no.. but what if he feels such?


I looked at my watch and took my car for the meeting with one of my clients in the next few minutes. I sighed reaching the cafe and got ready with my presentation.

In no time my client was here and the meeting went good. He was satisfied with my ideas and giving a positive reaction left the place.

I sighed in relief and got up to leave but something caught my attention.. not something, it was someone.. heck, not someone also, it was Bela who still has my heart.

Two year for our breakup and she still has a special place in my heart, I myself wonder why I loved this girl way too my too much that it gets difficult for me to forget.

Seeing her infront of me after two years made me feel excited as well got nervous thinking of our last encounter. Slowly forming guts I initiated the conversation.

I wanted to ask her if there's someone in her life after me.. but I feel she must have moved on unlike me.. she seems quite happy also.

"Um.. so met anyone speacial?", I asked finally

"After our last meeting I dated a guy, for like two months only being angry on you.. I thought having someother in my life would help me forget you", she smiled sadly

"You should have given him some time", I said though I didn't want that

"When we know it's not gonna work, what's the use?", She smiled

"Do you have anyone?", She asked

"No, as you said I started taking my career seriously so..", I reasoned

She just nodded and later excused herself when she received a call. I was thinking about us, the moments we had, we shared.. I do miss her, I know there can be no one to replace her in my life.

But should I tell her that? What if she feel that I'm doing this for my selfishness, I was the one who left her stating my passion as my priority.. now what if she thinks I'm coming back to her only coz I'm working on my passion too?

Thousands of thoughts were running in my mind, and not single answer to any. But I knew, if not today then probably never.

Just then I received a call from my manger, I lifted and he asked me to come soon. I should go now, but what about her? I'm not ready to loose her yet again, atleast when I knew what loosing her costed me.

"Sorry it was Vish", Bela said coming back

"Ohh how's she?", I asked as she was not less than a sister to me

But unfortunately I lost touch with Vish too after my breakup with Bela.

"She's good, she was supposed to come here actually.. I was waiting for her only", Bela said

"Oh okay.. is she coming?", I asked

"Yeah, she will be there soon.. she just called to inform the same", she replied

"Hm okay, actually I just received a call from my manager.. I need to leave now", I said

"Ohh okay", she said and somewhere I felt she was upset

I got up followed by her and I stood next to her. She looked the same, dint change at all.. My Bela.

"Ok then, let's keep in touch", I said hoping to see a growth

"Yeah sure", she smiled

Passing her a small smile I turned to leave, but stopped near the entrance and looked at her who's eyes were already fixed on me. I remembered the day I proposed her.


"Bela look at me.. I have to say something serious", I called her

"When do you say anything serious mahir, the whole college knows you only joke around", she laughed making fun of me

"Bela Yaar don't spoil the moment.. look into my eyes", I cupped her face

"Ok fine tell fast, I don't want my ice-cream to melt", she winched like a child licking her spoon

"I love you Bela", I confessed

"Yeah I know.. huh, wait what?", She asked surprised

I chuckled at her expression, it was worth watching..

"I said I Love You Bela, would you be my girlfriend?", I asked holding her hands

"Omg yes, I love you too.. I wanna be your girlfriend", she said jumping on me

Yes, she hugged me out of excitement making me step backward. She backed off looking at me and placed a small peck on my cheek.

I blushed while she was still in my arms.


I walked back towards her asking for a Second Chance, I don't know if I deserve one or no.. but I can't give up on this opportunity.. I saw she was also taking small steps towards me increasing my heartbeat suddenly.

"Can we start over again?", We asked eachother at the same time

I smiled wide knowing she wants it too.. she wants US together.. unable to hold my emotions I hugged her pulling herself completely into me.

She slowly wrapped her arms around me squeezing me.. ofcourse, it's the pain of seperation for two long years.

She's my life.. and she's mine again now, this time I shall treasure her forever with me.

The End!


This is not an end, it's rather the starting of there relationship again!!
Some relationships may not start good, some may end half way.. but what matters is how it goes till the end ❤️

I hope you all enjoyed the story, do vote and comment your views and lemmi me know how this story reached you all..

And important!! Happy Birthday Pearlyyy, he's one of the best thing happened to me and probably for many others too.. wishing him lots of happiness and success this year.. ❤️

Your Crazy Writer

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