Love indeed is Blind

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London- 3:21 pm

Speeding through the traffic, a white Lamborghini came to a sudden halt as it hit a man and the man fell on the road.
The gate of the car opened and a beautiful girl- wearing a white top and shorts- comes out of it, looking panicked.

Rushing to the man, who was now trying to stand, she held his hand and made him turn towards her.
And yes, she was awestruck.
Suddenly, the passenger door of the car also opened and a boy walked out of it.
"I told you not to speed up in the traffic, bela. Now what are you doing? " he asked, frustrated.

"Shut up, shaan bhai. I know its my fault and i am sorry about that. Now come and help me. He can't see." Bela told him and he quickly came to them, looking concerned.

"What happned, blind eye Mahir? You can't cross the road by yourself and you should have admitted it." A voice from the crowd yelled and the group of boys laughed.
Bela turned towards them and gave them a glare before turning back towards the man, Mahir.

She helped him stand up and picked up his stick from the ground and gave it to him.
"I am so sorry. I was getting late for my sister's performance in her school and that's why- " she said but was cut off.
"It's alright. Its my fault. Even after knowing that I will not be able to cross the road, I tried so that I could prove those guys wrong." Mahir said with a sad smile and started moving towards the side of road to walk on the footpath.

Bela held his hand just when he was about to step forward.
"Where is your house? I can drop you." Bela asked, softly.
Mahir chuckled, "Its alright. I live in my academy hostel. And you don't need to drop me."
Bela thought for a while before pulling him towards her car.
"The academy is closed, now. And that means you are free and just roaming around, so why don't you come with me to my sister's school?"

"Huh? No, not really. I don't even know you." He said strictly and bela rolled her eyes.
Forwarding her hand towards him and taking his hand in the other one, she shook their hands.
"I am Bela Malhotra. From India. Delhi. And you?" Bela asked with a very cheerful smile.
Mahir laughed, "I am Mahir Sehgal. From India. Delhi." Mahir replied with a small smile.

"You are also from Delhi? How come we never met?" Bela replied with a disbelieving frown.
"Delhi is not a small city and it isn't necessary that everyone from delhi should know each other." Mahir replied with a roll of his eyes.

"Okay well.. Now you know me and we aren't strangers anymore. So Will you come with me?" Bela asked with a pout and puppy eyes.
"I can't see but I bet that you are making that puppy face, right now." Mahir laughed and shook his head.
Bela smiled cheekily and laughed along with him.

"So you coming?" Bela asked again and mahir looked perplexed.
"I think its better if you agree or she won't leave you be." Shaan- who was watching their conversation with an amused look- said.
"Uh- okay." Mahir said and bela shrieked happily, held his hand, pulled him towards the car and made him sit in the passenger seat.

"Where will I sit?" Shaan asked with mouth wide open.
"Backseat." Bela replied and started moving away from the car.
Shaan looked at her and was about to ask where she was going but she shushed him with a look.

She ran towards the group of guys who were laughing at mahir.
"Don't laugh at or mock anyone who is not perfect or is disable by any way. Because when I punch you in the eye, even you won't be perfect. Oh wait, you are perfect. A perfect asshole." Bela said with a glare and all the guys looked at the ground and turned red from embarrassment.

Bela flicked her hairs, turned around and walked towards her car where her brother was sitting on the back seat giving her a proud smile and mahir was sitting in the passanger seat, looking at nowhere.
Bela smiled quietly and sat in the driver seat and closed the door behind her.
"I wonder what you must have said to those guys and to embarrass them." Mahir said with a small smile, looking here and there.
Bela laughed nervously, "W-why would I even talk to them?"
Mahir just shook his head with a chuckle, "I am blind, not stupid. And I am very perceptive. Just telling."

Bela just blushed and started the car.
As the car moved forward, Shaan leaned towards bela and whispered in her ear.
"Is someone blushing?"
Bela whispered back,"Shut up Shaan. I am not blushing, I am just embarrassed that he knows I argued with those guys for him"
Shaan smirked and whispered, "okay, if you say so."

Bela just rolled her eyes and removed her hand from the stearing wheel to change the gear and mahir moved his hand at the same time.
Just when Bela was about to touch the gear, Mahir's hand touched her hand and she quickly took her hand back like there was current in his touch.

"Oh. I am sorry, I thought you might want to change the gear and I could help, I was good with cars before this happened." Mahir said, his voice trailing off at the end.
Bela tightened her fist and looked at her hand for a small second before focusing on the driving again.
She looked at him through the corner of her eyes before sighing.
"It's alright. I will do it." Bela said with troubled eyes.

Mahir's face fell and he turned his head towards the window, "okay."
Bela bit her lip after seeing this and slowed down the car at the side.
Turning a little towards him, she took his hand and kept it on the gear.
All the while, ignoring the electric sensation she felt.

"What are you doing?" Mahir asked roaming his eyes here and there.
"You were wrong." She said with a small smile.
"Huh?" Mahir asked, confused.
"You were wrong when you said that you are not stupid. Ofcourse, I am keeping your hand on the gear so that you can handle it. Now don't make me regret my decision and handle it right. " bela said with a mock serious tone and mahir laughed, making bela smile at the sound and view.

Mahir held her hand and squeezed it, "Thanks."
"Uh- y-yeah. Its alright" bela stuttered because- duh, the electric sensation.
Mahir left her hand and kept his hand on the gear while bela just blushed.

Bela started the car with a red blushing face and took a turn.
Shaan- who was again watching their exchange with a amused look- leaned towards bela and whispered, "Is someone blushing again?"
And this made bela blush even more.
"S-Shut up Shaan."
"By the way, I have never seen you blush before. Atleast not romantically." And again the car came to a sudden and harsh halt making mahir move a little forward but not falling of because of the seat belt bela plugged.

"What happened?" Mahir asked while moving his hand here and there.
"Did you hit another blind man?"
And this made Shaan laugh.
"No Mahir. Something else hit her." Shaam said while smirking and bela looked dumbfounded.

Mahir turned towards her and moved his hand here and there to get a hold of her.
He looked panicked.
"Are you alright?" He asked in a panicked state, still moving his hands here and there because he couldn't find her hand.
Bela looked a little shocked by this reaction but lifted her hand up so that he could hold it.
As soon as her hand came in his, Mahir's hold tightened and he sighed in relief.

"I- I am alright. Shaan is just kidding." Bela said in a soft tone and held his hand with both her hands.
"Oh" Mahir said with a pained laugh.
"N-Now start the car. You will get late for your sister's performance." And with that they took off in a speed of light and reached there within 5 minutes.

Bela got out of the car and came to mahir's side, opening the door and helping him out.
All the while, ignoring the electric sensation.
Mahir took his stick and started moving forward but was stopped when bela held his other hand and pulled him back.
"What?" Mahir asked in a dazed tone.

Bela took his stick from the other hand and kept it inside the car and intertwined her fingers with his.
"No need to use that stick. I am here." She said softly and mahir squeezed her hand lightly- so lightly that she could have missed it.
And this time, Shaan smiled.

They walked inside and took the seats which were left in the middle.
"You can leave my hand if you want to." Mahir said and bela left his hand.
Mahir's face fell but he hid it with a smile and was about to put his hand in his pocket when bela held his hand again and entangled their arms.

They looked like a couple and many might have misunderstood it.
"Bela, you are late. Your sister's performance is already done." A teacher came and smiled at her.
"Oh shit." She whispered to herself before looking at the teacher.
"Can I go and meet her backstage, Miss Lucia?" She asked with her best puppy face and Lucia laughed.
"You don't need to use that face on me. You can go." Lucia said and bela smiled and stood up making mahir stand as well- locked arms, remember?

"Uh- who is he?" Lucia asked while looking at mahir with a kind smile.
Mahir roamed his eyes here and there before just setting them at the ground.
He pulled his hand out for a handshake, "I am Mahir, Miss Lucia." Mahir said and Lucia shook his hand and with a soft smile.
"You sit here with Shaan while bela is gone backstage, okay?" Lucia said while smiling at Shaan when his name is mentioned.
"Y-yeah that's fine." Mahir said with a smile which was not that real and started detangling his arm from bela's but bela just tightened the hold.
"Can he come with me, Lucie?" Bela asked with a even more pleading look.
"Urgh, you just had to use that nickname. Didn't you? Well, okay. He can go with you" Lucia said with a smile and bid them goodbye.

Bela turned towards Shaan and found him talking to a girl. Flirting.
She just rolled her eyes and pulled mahir towards the backstage.
"I could have just sat there, you know?" Mahir said as they moved towards the backstage.
"Yeah, and listen to my brother flirt away." Bela said with a disgusting tone and mahir laughed.
"Well, you win." Mahir said with a smile.
"Again." Bela said and mahir chuckled.

As soon as they reached backstage, they found four girls sitting together and talking and one looked a little sad.
"Vishu." Bela called her and she looked at her before everyone else also looked at her.
She turned away from her with a frown.
"Aww.. is my vishu angry at me?" She said in the best baby voice she could make and vishu nodded.
Vishakha was just 4 years old and she was bela's stepsister.
"Okay so what can bela di do to make you happy?" Bela asked and pulled mahir with her and sat in front of vish.

Vish looked at her, then at her arm entangled with mahir's and then at mahir.
"Who is He?" She asked in her baby voice and touched mahir's cheek.
Mahir smiled a little and held her hand, which was on his cheek and kissed it making vish blush a little.
"I am Mahir." Mahir said and vish looked at Bela, confused.
"Mahir who?" She asked and bela chuckled.
"You don't know him darling, even I met him an hour ago or so" bela said and vish's eyes widened.
"How can you come with a shtranger." Vish said in a stern voice and held a pointing finger at bela.
"I said the same thing to your sister. But she was hell bent to help a blind stranger" Mahir said with a chuckle.

Vish stopped whatever words she was going to say and looked at mahir.
She stepped towards him and held his hand, "You are bwind?"
Mahir smiled softly and nodded, "yes baby."
Vish looked at him for a while then a tear dropped from her eyes.
"Y-you can't see anything? You can't see me?" She asked while sniffling.
"No. Badluck." Mahir said in a cute tone and made a cute pout.

Vish turned towards bela and quickly hugged her, "Why can't he see di? He got eyes. They are beeutiifuul. They are choco brown. Why can't he see?" She asked while sobbing.
There were no answers and both of them looked speechless.

Mahir cleared his throat, "Maybe because... uh- god doesn't want me to see. Maybe god wants me to stay in dark forever. Maybe god made me blind so that I could meet your bela di."

And the last sentence was enough for bela to know what she feels.
For mahir to know what he feels.
What they feel.

Vish looked at mahir and smiled, "and you met me too and I am not anwy at di anymore. She made me meet you and you are so good."
Mahir pulled the girl towards him and hugged her which was reciprocated well.

Bela just smiled looking at them and without realising, a tear dropped from her eye.
But she was quick to wipe it away.

"Okay guys. Stop with this emotional drama and let's get going." Bela said in a cheerful tone and vish laughed while mahir smiled.
"Yeah let's go." Mahir said and picked vish in his arm and bela held his other hand.

As soon as they were out, Shaan looked at them and raised his brow with a small smile.
"When is her performance?"Shaan asked and bela rolled her eyes and vish laughed.
"Its aleady done. The teacher said that in front of you when you were busy flirting with the brunette." Bela said and Shaan rolled his eyes.
"Yeah! Whatever." Shaan said and stood up to leave followed by the trio.

Once in the car- bela in the driver seat, mahir in the passenger seat, Shaan and vish in the backseat- bela turned towards mahir.
"So, where should I drop you?" Bela asked despite wanting to take him home.
Mahir opened his mouth to speak but before he could, vish spoke, "bela, let's take him home. I want him to play with me. You will come, right mahir?" Vish asked and mahir looked here and there.
"No- " but befor mahir could complete, Bela spoke,"ofcourse, he will come with us baby. He can't say no to you. Or me." Bela spoke and thus they took him to their home.


This was the first part of 'love indeed is blind'. And it will end in the next part.

This idea came all of a sudden when I was listening to the song 'aap se milkar accha laga' from andhaadhun.
And I really like this idea and I love how it came out.

Hope you like it too.
Or love it♥️

Stay safe from corona guys. Take all the precautions and stay at home.


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