Chapter Four

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I think Kira and I only got two hours of sleep last night. I don't know why I was so committed to helping her out. I don't know maybe it was a friend a friend thing. Nothing else could be going on. Could there?

Once Kira and I got to history class, she went right up to McCall "Hi, I'm Kira." She started with, "You already knew that. Well you already said my name."

"Oh my God Kira! Get to the point, tiger." I said right behind her. "She printed out a pile of papers on bardo." I deadpan, earning a glare from Kira while Scott looked at me in surprise then back to Kira to see if that was the truth.

"No I didn't!" Kira said in surprise. I looked at her with a smirk plastered upon my face. "Actually I kinda did." She said while looking at the ground as I had a victorious smile that went from one ear to another.

I caught the eyes of Scott and I immediately looked away. Kira liked him, not me. Right?

"Are you going to give it to him?" I ask as the tension turned awkward.

"Right, the papers." Kira remembered and started to go through her bag. I turned to Scott and gave him a you-have-got -to-be-kidding-me look and I got a chuckle in return.

"You didn't have to." Scott said looking at mainly me.

"No it only took me a few hours." Kira said. I don't know why I was able to catch the I in her sentence.

"Then you really didn't have to do that." Scott said, sounding a bit surprised.

"I helped too!" I said barely below a whisper. Scott looked at me right after like he heard me. How did he hear me? I could barely hear that! I thought while cocking my head a bit to the side. He must have seen the confused expression on me because he immediately cleared his throat and brought his attention back to Kira, who was still ruffling through her bag, desperately trying to find her bag of goodies.

"Hey Kira maybe you left it at my house." I questioned before she started to shake her head side to side.

"No I remember having it before we left my house." Kira said, sounding like she was going to be lost until she finds that precious stack of papers.

"Hey Kira and Bella!" Mr. Yukimura called out to us. "You almost left without the papers for the boy you like." He said while sticking the wad of papers out in front of her. I couldn't take it anymore. I think I died at that moment of time. I laughed too hard as she handed the stack of papers to Scott, deeply embarrassed.

She stuck her hand out to take a seat beside her but i stopped her. "Wait a moment. I need time to recover from this tragedy." I say in between breaths.

"That wasn't funny." Kira exclaimed.

"No your right. It was" I say, getting into her skin. I remembered what happened again and my mouth opened so a new fit of laughter could come out.

Poor embarrassed Kira slowly sat down in the seat I was leaning on while I sat right next to her, my smile still visible on my face. I looked over to see Scott going through the packet Kira gave him. If I was by myself, I would've ended up on the floor as new giggles escaped. Wait, I asked myself, if Mr. Yukimura gave the papers to Kira who gave it to Scott, would that mean Mr. Yukimura technically gave the papers to him? I shook my head at how complicated I can make things. If only I could think this hard during school.

"Alright class someone to the podium." Mr. Yukimura started class with. "How about...Mr. Stilinski." Mr. Yukimura decided as he looked around the room. As long as he didn't pick me I was good. I would probably stand in the front and talk him out of choosing me by doing anything but read. It works every time.

"Um can someone else do it?" Stilinski anxiously asked.

Everyone participates in my class." Mr. Yukimura seemed to sass back. Slowly, Stilinski went up to the front of the class and he griped the podium tightly. Is he dyslexic? I wondered as the blood in his slowly left. "Sir?" Mr. Yukimura asked silently regretting asking him to read. Scott seemed to awake from the trance with the papers we had given him.

"Stiles?" He asked uneasy. The poor boy seemed to have trouble just to take his eyes off the page. "I'm going to take him to the nurse." Scott decided while seeing his friend struggle. All Mr. Yukimura could do was nod in a confused manner.

We all watched as he rushed Stiles out of the room and into the halls. Slowly, Mr. Yukimura recovered and looked back at us, his face reflecting the confusion on ours.

"Alright how about we have," Mr. Yukimura said before looking around the room. Don't pick me! Please don't pick me! Was all I could think as his eyes skimmed around the room. "Bella do the reading." NOOOOOOO!

"Well Mr. Yukimura," I said trying to slither my way out, "you don't wait me to end up like that boy in the hall do you?" I said triumphantly. Knowing the Yukimura family, they would not pressure someone if they are willing to fight back. His eyes went wide before speaking again.

"Any volunteers?" Mr. Yukimura concluded. You could see me in the back slightly smirking to myself. After finally having someone save my ass, I sat back into the back of the room and didn't pay attention.


The bell rung, finally getting my attention back. "Don't forget to read the chapter tonight!" Mr. Yukimura told us before letting us go. I was going to walk out of the room before I saw Kira getting tow backpacks. They must've belonged to Scott and Stiles. "What are you doing?" I asked with confusion in my voice.

"They left their bags."Kira said holding them up so I could see.

"I know that but why are you taking them?" I said in a 'duh' voice.

"Because I want to make friends." She answered. Looks like she was tired of just having me to hang out with.

"Let me take one." I say while grabbing for the one I think that Stiles uses. Together we walked out of the classroom.

We were walking in silence until I thought I heard Kira growl right beside me. "Wow Kira I never heard anyone do something like that before." I say, slightly surprised.

"That wasn't me." She said slightly scared. Slowly, we turned around to find a coyote that didn't seem to happy staring back at us. "Do you know anything about coyotes?" She asked me, her voice shacking in fear.

"No." I say and start to back up slowly, taking her wrist and drag her along with me. I thought we could get away without being harmed until I heard another growl. What did I do to get attacked by a wild coyote? I asked myself while raking my brain to see if I even saw a coyote before. I took one more step back until the thing lunged at us. "Run!" I screamed as I pulled us into the closest room...which ended up to be the boys locker room. I have to try to outrun a coyote and now I have to ignore the smell teenage boys make everyday, I thought to myself. This is a good punishment for whoever put me in this situation.

We quickly closed the door and hid behind a set of lockers. I put a finger to my lips and turned to Kira. Then I wrapped my arms around her before I could process what I was doing. Automatically, she seemed to do the same thing. We were both equally scared. Scratch that, we were both equally terrified.

I was going to check if the animal was still in the hall until I herd the breaking of glass. Our grip on each other tightened when we realized that it was in here along with us. I could feel it creeping up to where we were hiding until Scott? came in and saved the day. He took our hiding place and pushed it toward the coyote. He looked ready to fight it until it went right out. Maybe it didn't want to pick a fight. I told myself and let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding in.


 A/N: Another chapter! Do you guys notice that Bella's personality is way off the charts? Not what she would act like huh? I think Kira should notice in the next chapter. (NOT EDITED CHAPTER)

 I am also posting new stories I have been writing by myself for a while. I have just decided to post them now. Just go to my page to find them all because I will post them all either tonight or tomorrow. Please follow me if you want to know when I am going to post and such. This chapter is dedicated to all of my friends (you all know who you are) and Stilinski2312. Stilinski2312 was the first to to showed they cared and I love my friends. Vote and Comment PLEASE!


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