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The match finished with a score of 10-2. Preston didn't give the other school any face at all. Sometimes Luke dribbled all the way to the goal keeper, dribbled the goal keeper and scored.

The cheerings and laughter mixed together that Ewatomi couldn't wipe the smile on her face off. The match came to an end and Ewatomi waited for Luke with Kunle.

Kunle wore a smile as Luke walked towards them. His hair wet and water dripped down from his hair to his clothes.

"You are crazy" Kunle said to Luke who smiled and turned to Ewatomi.

"You came to watch the match?" Luke asked and Ewatomi nodded.

"You were playing so I came to cheer you up" Ewatomi said and Luke nodded.

"I didn't see you cheer though" Luke teased and Ewatomi laughed slightly.

"Others were doing a better job than me and besides; it didn't look like you needed it" Ewatomi said and Luke nodded.

"Its late, let me drop you off" Luke said as Kunle walked along with them.
Kunle got into the front seat with the driver while Luke and Ewatomi got into the back seat. Ewatomi looked outside the window a smile on her face. If someone told her Adele-Akinniyi Luke would ever give her a lift, she would laugh till her ribs cracked but here she was seating a few meters away from him in the same car.

"Won't your parents be curious or anxious about you getting home late?" Kunle asked.

"Not at all, I go home late on Fridays. Students are annoyingly many in Fridays" Ewatomi replied.

"Aren't you the assistant? Why does it sound like you work harder than Shade?" Kunle asked and Ewatomi laughed awkwardly while glancing at Luke.

Shade and him were good friends. If she said anything bad about her; Luke might tell Shade and she would be doomed.

Kunle looked at Ewatomi through the mirror and raised an eyebrow.

"Ohh" he muttered slowly.

"Where do you live? We'll drop you off first" Luke said and Ewatomi quickly described her house for the driver.

It was just a few streets from Luke's. The driver stopped at the brown gate and Ewatomi turned to Luke.

"Thank you very much Snr Luke" Ewatomi said as Luke nodded at her.

"My pleasure" Luke replied.

"Snr Kunle, Snr Luke, have a nice weekend" Ewatomi said as she got down. She waved to Luke and Kunle before stepping into the house.

Kunle climbed into the back seat almost immediately. Luke turned to him with a sigh.

"What is it?" Luke asked.

"Apparently, my mom found out my dad was having an affair" Kunle said and Luke frowned.

"Uncle Felix isn't like that. What went wrong?" Luke asked as Kunle turned to him.

"I don't know. Just find her; we'll go see her tomorrow" Kunle said.

"Ayokunle" Luke said and Kunle smiled.

"I'm not going to do anything to her. I just don't want my family to break apart" Kunle said and Luke smiled.

"It won't" Luke replied as the driver came to a stop in front of a huge mansion. Kunle smiled at Luke before getting down.

The driver sped off to the house and Luke walked into the seating room and found his parents cuddled on the chair watching an American movie.

"Welcome home" his mom said raising her head from her husband's laps.

"Hello mom, dad" Luke said tiredly.

"How was the match?" His dad asked and Luke shrugged.

"Just so, so" Luke replied.

"Go have your bath, I'll have the maid drop your food in your room" his mom said and Luke walked up the stairs slowly.

He opened the door of his room and threw his bag on his bed. He then peeled off his clothes and threw them into the laundry basket. He pushed the bathroom door open and walked in.

He stood under the shower and pressed a button on the wall and water shot out from about three shower heads.

A maid opened the door and placed a tray of food on the table and stood by the side waiting. Luke walked out almost immediately rubbing his hair with an hand towel.

He had a black robe on him and he raised his eyes lazily at the maid. It was the maid whose expression didn't change when Luke threw the cup at her.

"You are here?" He asked lazily as he walked to his wardrobe and brought out one of the piled pyjamas.

"The Russia team came back, it seemed its not that simple" the maid said after a while and Luke nodded.

"I'll take care of it" Luke said as he turned to the girl.

"Err..... Nevermind" he said as he waved his hands.

"Aren't you leaving or you want to watch me change?" Like asked and the maid turned red slightly before bolting out of the room.

Luke rolled his eyes as he changed into his pyjamas. He sat down in front of the table and slowly ate his food while scrolling through his phone.

After eating, he walked towards his wardrobe and pulled the handle forward. A scanner slowly popped out and did a retina scan on Luke and the light turned blue.

The wardrobe slid open soundlessly revealing a metal door with a code. Luke punched in the code and opened the door. He walked inside the room and rows of computers were arranged neatly.

Luke walked towards the fridge placed at a side and brought out a cup of ice cream. He started taking spoonfuls as he sat in front of the computer.

His hands ran over the keyboard for a while before various images began to appear on the screen. Luke continued to take spoonfuls of the ice cream as the images changed to videos.

Luke calmly watched the numerous videos without a word and his hands ran over the keyboard. A woman's picture filled the screen and Luke ran hid hands over the keyboard before the printer made a sound and started printing out a few papers.

Luke picked the papers and looked at it emotionlessly. He then carried his cup of ice cream before walking out of the room.

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