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"You and Snr Phil are the talk of the school" Chioma said as I laughed.

"How's Snr Semiloore?" I asked.

Chioma blushed slightly "He's too passive" Chioma replied with a pout.

"It makes me feel weird. Like I'm the guy and he's the girl" Chioma added as Fefe chuckled.

"No. You are just been anxious, I think the relationship is going at a normal phase. Don't rush things" Fefe said.

"Snr Phil" Chioma suddenly called out and I looked up to see Phil, Promise and Dann walking towards us.

Fefe turned red as soon as she turned Dann and turned. She wanted to run away, she had been desperately avoiding Dann since the garden episode.

"Another step Fehintola and I'll kill you" Dann said slowly and Fefe froze.


That's your full name ode, her subconscious said as Fefe slowly turned.

"Snr Phil, Snr Promise good evening" Fefe greeted.

"Did you not see me?" Dann asked wearing a smile.

"How did you know my full name?" Fefe asked.

Very few people knew her full name. There was even a time Tobi wrote the class list and wrote Fefe as her name.

"You surprised?" Dann asked stopping in front of Fefe who sucked him in a breath. He actually smelt like sweets. She had been around him a lot of times, why was she just realizing he smelt like sweets?

"You like sweets?" Fefe asked unconsciously.

"Hmmmm.... And chocolates" Dann replied as I took Fefe's hand.

"Let's talk" He added as he dragged her away.

"Snr Phil" I called out with a smile.

Phil rubbed my head as usual with a light smile and I slowly pushed his hand away.

"I told you to stop doing that, you are making look like a puppy" I said with a pout. But the reverse was the case, I liked him touching my hair, I liked it so much.

I glanced up at Promise. He was looked into space and I frowned subconsciously; he looked...... Lonely. Ever since the episode on the field; I stayed away from him.

I tried to be less noticeable during preps and avoided him. Everyone knew something was up with him because he didn't smile or laugh, he just carried a sombre expression.

"Phil, I'll see you later" Promise said as he walked away. He didn't even spare me a glance.

I looked at Phil and saw him looking at Promise's back and he let out a small sigh.

"Is he okay?" I asked Phil.

Friends meant a lot to Phil, Promise meant a lot to him; that I was sure of. He was still my friend in some ways too.

Phil shook his head sadly "I don't know. He's getting more distant every day. I'm scared, really scared" Phil said clenching his fists.

He couldn't decipher what had ticked off Promise moody attitude lately. Sometimes he fell into this mood but it never lasted long and he soon came back to himself but this time, Phil felt that something was different.

I wore my tiny hands into Phil's clenched fists and held his hand.

"He'll be fine" I said reassuringly.

"I really hope so Toke" Phil replied.

Damn! I loved the way my name rolled off his tongue.


Fefe stared at Dann as he lied on the grass. She had no idea why she allowed him to drag her along. Sometimes she just acted out of...... she didn't know.

She continued to stare at him as he placed his hands underneath his head as cushion. Staring at him, she realised why those girls stilp chased after him even with his icy cold face.

He was really handsome, it was a fact she couldn't help but admit. She didn't know who was more leaner in him, Promise and Phil.

They were too thin. She glanced disdainfully. Dann turned to her with a smile that stunned her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Dann asked.

"You eat sweets and chocolates too much that you smell like them. Why are you so thin then?" Fefe asked.

Dann laughed "I do exercises and I run a lot" Dann replied.

"Duh!" Fefe said her normal self creeping into place.

She sat down and hugged her legs together as she glanced at the silent Dann. Dann turned to her and smiled.

"You look really cute when you smile" Fefe blurted out.

"Really?" Dann asked light dancing in his eyes.

"Hmmm... Really" Fefe replied still staring at him.

"Why do you frown so much? You have a lot of fans for your icy face, you'll get triple or more if you show your smiley face more often" Fefe said.

Dann turned back to the blue sky and wore a light smile "Its for protection" Dann replied as Fefe frowned.

"Protection? How is wearing frowns and icy faces used for protection?" Fefe asked.

"I was close to my Dad when I was little. He was my best friend; I preferred to spend time with him than the other kids my age" Dann started slowly and Fefe listened with rapt attention.

"He was my everything but...... " Dann said and paused in the middle.

".... He died in a plane accident" Dann said as Fefe's hands flew to her mouth.

"Don't tell me sorry or sympathize with me. I was lost, really lost. Not up to two weeks later, I also lost my closest friend back then to typhoid. I was distraught. I lost everyone I was close to" Dann said and Fefe couldn't help but notice the edge in his voice.

"I was scared to be close to anyone. I didn't want to lose anyone close to me again, I decided to shut everyone out even my mom was not spared. When I joined BIC, it was Promise I met first" Dann said as he laughed.

"Guy kept following me everywhere till we met Phil. I felt comfortable around them. But I refused to get any closer with them but Phil? He was having none of that. He wasn't in the least affected by my cold look or frowns. He easily saw through me and couldn't help it. Although I shut everyone out, I still needed friends" Dann said as Fefe nodded.

"Its a funny story really" Fefe said with a smile.

"Funny story?" Dann asked staring at her.

"Hmmm.. Just because you lost two people that were close to you doesn't mean you'll lose everyone you are close to. Your dad, I know you told me not to say sorry but my condolences; he's fine wherever he is. You've got to stop wearing that icy face" Fefe replied.

"I see" Dann said.

"Why did you bring me here anyways?" Fefe asked.

Dann stood up from his lying position and sat up before facing Fefe.

"Don't know exactly either. You kept avoiding me and running away. Tell me were you scared, embarrassed or shy?" Dann asked laughing slightly.

Fefe turned red in an instant "All of the above!" She blurted out.

"I don't know what's wrong with me exactly. I kept wanting to kiss you again but you kept avoiding me" Dann said as Fefe turned a darker shade of red.

"Why did you have to be so blunt?" Fefe asked as Dann tilted his head slightly.

"You are a girl after all" Dann said as Fefe glared at him.

"I told you before!" She said.

"Can I kiss you?"








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