A Nightmare to Forget

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A/N: Dante realises who Damien really is...and that they're all part of The Organization, which his police Commander and the Chief are also a part of...

But the shock comes full circle when Damien takes him to meet General Marcus...

Dedicated to: Emily_max AlphaKelly ambermoon3105 12MidnightBlue12 NialSilver

Thank You Guys for your concern over my health and wellbeing. It had been a two-week actual rest time for both my brother and myself, although the initial diagnosis came early into the 2nd week. I am just grateful that we both tested negative towards the end of it. But we're still being careful regardless...

Damien POV

As soon as we entered the craft, it immediately took off, ascending until its' destined position hovering over the continent. We made our way to the board room, where my father, Bry and Marcus were anxiously waiting our return.

I observed Dante's reaction, when we came face to face with Marcus. The man was nearly in tears, as Marcus seemed more than familiar to him. Marcus explained as was revealed to us in the documents on file regarding Dante, that his sibling, Officer Madsen, was the man who had rescued Dante from the streets, given the boy a home and taught him everything he knew, even loving him as his own adopted son.

When Marcus' brother died due to complications of his illness, Dante inherited a small fortune, enough to sustain him for a short while, as he continued his undercover activities for the police department, as a student/male stripper on the club circuit.

The two men were then sent to rest in the lab, where Captain Grenley continued to observe them, noting the brain activity of Dante, who had suddenly become erratic over the course of his hyper-baric REM resting state.

"Gentlemen, get over here immediately!" Marcus commanded, when we had just settled down inside our sleep chambers.

We watched the horrific scene played out on the screen, the stuff of which had been quietly encased within Dante's subconsciousness, as his subsequent rape by the man chosen to watch over him caused the boy to lash out at his attacker, killing him instantly with the use of his psychic abilities.

We watched as the man held his hands to his ears, trying to stem the flow of blood as his head exploded in front of us. We continued to watch as the boy hastened to fasten up his trousers, running out into the streets not knowing where to go, frightened and alone until...a scream reached our ears!

We all rushed into the lab, seeing Captain Grenley in a state of sheer terror as she grappled with a naked and violent Dante, whose eyes were as black as night, which shocked the living daylights out of all of us.

It seemed that the man did not know where he was or had forgotten who we were, and had the intent of doing us bodily harm in order to defend himself. I approached carefully, as he had just smashed both my father and Bry against the ceiling of the lab, breaking one of the skylights.

Everything began blowing around us, being sucked out of that window since we were hovering fifty thousand feet in the air. I found myself rising off the ground, being pulled by Dante as I was insanely trying to talk some sense into the man.

Suddenly, Walid had woken to find us struggling to keep our feet, and risked his own life by reaching up to grab us both back down to safety. My father and Bry shook themselves out of their stupor, as Marcus checked on their injuries, while Randy was reduced to a crawl after being tasered in the butt.

Sam Grenley slid the taser gun towards Randy as Walid inched us down slowly, with the help of my father, Bry, Marcus, Sam and Randy. Sam had set the taser on full stun mode, which Randy managed to aim towards Dante's chest.

Dante's hold on me suddenly loosened, and I came crashing down, right into the arms of both my father and Bry. Dante hurtled down after, totally unconscious from the scathing blast out of the taser gun.

We were all rushed into the infirmary, where Walid was suffering severe tears in his ligaments due to the extreme exertion while pulling Dante in his powerful, psychic state. The man did a very brave but reckless move, which could have cost him the use of his arms indefinitely.

Both my father and Bry sustained some heavy injuries, and were being patched up, while I sat beside an unconscious Dante, as Captain Sam checked his vitals.

"Doc, how's my buddy doing?" Walid looked over, anxiously.

"His heart rate has gone back to normal, and so has his body temperature, thankfully!" She smiled across at him.

"We owe you a great deal of thanks, young man. Thanks to your quick thinking, we were able to control Dante's outburst...sort of..." Marcus praised Walid, as we acknowledged his actions.

Dante stirred slowly, coming into consciousness, as his eyes had returned to their normal color. He first laid eyes on me, since I was right there, beside him, quietly observing him. He looked bewildered, having been totally oblivious to his earlier actions. He then panicked, as he noticed the injuries of the men inside the room.

"Oh God, I did this" He whispered, at the realization of the physical damage caused.

"I did this..." He repeated, as he buried his face in his hands, weeping uncontrollably.

Such actions filled my heart with dread, for I knew deep down that Dante never meant to hurt us at all.

I patted his back reassuringly, saying, "We're all going to be fine, Dante. You were reacting to something during your dreaming state and it carried over, blurring the lines between reality and your dreams. You were fighting for survival, and unfortunately for us, we happened to be in the thick of it" I continued to explain.

But Dante was besotted with sadness as he desperately tried to fight back his tears, but seeing Walid in so much pain, wrenched his heart out. Against Sam's orders, he got out of bed, and padded softly to his buddy in the bed, placing his hands on the man's heavily bandaged shoulders and arms.

We all gasped as we saw a warm glow, emanating from both Dante's hands, enveloping Walid between them. Walid straightened his body to the touch, closing his eyes as Dante's healing abilities shocked us all.

The two assistants reluctantly removed the bandages on Sam's orders, then Walid began to move about fluidly, even raising his arms above his head slowly, showing that he had been miraculously fully healed.

Dante then did the same for the rest of us, starting with both my father and Bry, then Randy, and lastly myself. He then barely managed to get back into bed, physically tired from his ministrations.

He expressed the desire to know more about himself, and his abilities and we promised to do everything in our power to help him. As we let the young agent settle down and get some rest, Marcus called us into the office to discuss his predicament.

It was then agreed that I should continue on the case, with both Mason and Fahey in tow, to whichever destination Dante was assigned to next, overseeing and observing the royals' movements, while Randy was to be ordered back to complete his training at the compound.

I passed by the infirmary to look in on Dante, who was sleeping peacefully on the cot beside Walid's bed. Both men looked totally exhausted by the ordeal so I left them alone to recover.

I then went back to my quarters, to lay out my own plans for the mission. I hopped into the shower under the warm spray, wondering what else could happen next. Everything seemed to roll quicker than first anticipated, now that Dante was under our wing so to speak.

As I pondered on the entire situation, and the fact that I would be tailing this guy for quite some time, told me that Dante was going to be a welcomed intrusion into my life...

Two Months Later:

(Ancient Mayan Temple near the Mayan Village, Chichen Itza)

"Stay close to me, men. We wouldn't want to spook the princess and her men just yet...I want to catch her in the act of doing the horrible deed..." I commanded.

"But sir, what about agent Dante? Will he be alright?" My fellow operative enquired.

"Rest assured, the man will be just fine...He has more tricks up his sleeve than the princess knows...and that shaman is going to be in for a big surprise..." I nodded, as we climbed alongside the rocks, going deeper into the cave attached to the ruins of the ancient temple...

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