A Rendezvous

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A/N: Damien has questions for Hawkes when his dad gets called out to a secret rendezvous, involving Marcus Adams. Trying not to think of the possible danger his father could be in, Damien is determined to teach Randy a lesson back at school...

Dedicated to: bookishintrovert19 Zachsilver26

Damien POV

After our usual early morning defense workout, my father had to leave for a very important meeting all the way out somewhere in the middle of the Okhotsk Sea. Hawkes filled me in on the situation and that the actual location was on a need-to-know basis. But my father remembered his promise to always keep me in the loop on things and had filled me in on it which got me quite excited. He was actually going to have a meeting underwater, inside one of the most technically advanced submarines in US Naval history.

I was beginning to wish that I could go on these top-priority trips with him, but since I was not an operative I could only imagine how thrilling it must be. I suddenly found myself secretly wondering what it would be like, being an operative in The Organization.

As I watched him fly off from the heli-pad out back in a Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk which picked him up at 08:00 hours this morning, I tried to stem the curiosity that grew in me, but somehow deep inside me I knew that I would most likely become an operative one day.

General Adams was also on board the helicopter and gave me a small wave from his seat. I acknowledged his presence by nodding and waving back as I did not want to seem rude or ignore him completely. I swear that man's steely gaze sends shivers up my spine whenever I see him. I can't help feeling very insecure or uneasy around the man as he was somewhat a mystery to me.

My father never really spoke of the relationship that they had other than what I had previously heard. So, I kind of figured that I would try and pry a bit more information from Hawkes while he drove me to school today.

"Hawkes, do you mind if I ask you a question?" I gently enquired.

"Of course not, young sir, please go ahead. I am happy to answer you..." He broke into a smile which reflected back at me from the driver's viewing mirror in front.

"How long have my father and General Adams actually known each other?" I acted nonchalant, while scrolling through my phone.

"For many years, sir...I think for nearly thirty years in the field now" He nodded, hanging a right towards the school grounds. That sounded about right since my dad did casually mention that he started out quite young on secret missions, how young I had yet to find out. Hawkes further went on to describe how my father had won the admiration of the General for his heroic deed during one particular incident and that's how they became friends. But Hawkes also added that whenever my father's presence was required on a mission that involved General Adams, my father always complied without fail.

"So whenever General Adams requires my father's presence on a mission, my father can't ever refuse?" I was shocked to learn that my father was at General Adam's beck and call.

"Well, in a manner of speaking 'yes'. It's not a matter of General Adams requesting your father's presence. It's the other way around. Your father requests the involvement of General Adams since he values the man's opinion and whatever military support the General can provide in these situations" Hawkes concluded.

"And this morning is one of those instances?" I pushed a little further.

"Umm...yes sir, that's correct. Here we are, sir. A pleasant day to you" Hawkes parked the car close to the gates and let me out.

"Thank you, Hawkes. You have a nice day too!" I smiled, waving him off.

I waved my student ID over the sensory device adjacent to the guard's station, and the gate opened automatically to let me in.

As soon as I walked up towards the main doors, I got clobbered by a very enthusiastic Randy.

"Hey! I missed you yesterday! Where the heck did you run off to so fast?" He sneaked an arm around my waist which I promptly shifted.

"I had to have a good think about what happened yesterday and I hope you did, too" I pursed my lips, looking sternly at the guy while standing with my arms crossed.

"Yeah, I...I did too. You were right. I screwed up, didn't I? I behaved like a real dickhead but I promise to apologize to everybody later at practice today, okay? And I promise not to do it again, honest!!! C'mon, babe...please!!!" He crossed his heart and looked at me pleadingly.

"You do realize this is going to cost you, don't you?" I cocked an eyebrow at him, trying hard not to laugh. He looked absolutely adorable but I just couldn't resist teasing the guy.

"I'll do anything to make it up to you! I promise!!!" He clasped his hands together, and almost sank to his knees if I didn't catch him. I refused to give him the opportunity to cause a scene. (In some ways, Randy was such a 'ham'. He just adored the attention; he knew it and he knew just how to milk it!) Some of our classmates drifted by and I caught their instantaneous reactions. Even some of our teammates were smirking!!!

"Randy, Randy, Randy...You'd better be prepared for it then!" I mocked him jokingly. How could I possibly envision that I would regret those very words in the near future!

"So, we're cool, right babe?" He grinned widely as his big arms shot out and wrapped around me causing me to drop my bag on the lawn.

"Yeah, yeah okay! We're cool" I tussled with him, loosening his hold on me, managing to flip him over.

"Whoa!!! What was that for???" He fell flat on his back on the soft, freshly mown grass, looking up into my face in total shock.

"I just had to prove a point, that's all" I grinned cheekily as I pulled him up, helping to dust him off.

He rubbed his neck, looking sheepish as other students and some teachers laughed at how miserable he looked. He actually hurt that I teased him. But then I relented and threw an arm around his shoulders, steering him off the grass.

"C'mon Romeo! Let's get to class" I chuckled, pecking his cheek as I hauled his ass towards the hallway. The boy blushed profusely, earning another laugh from our teammates, who were eyeing us from the corner. He then smiled shyly and wrapped an arm around me as we walked.

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