A Wedding of Twin Moons - Part 1

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A/N: Nulandian Twin Moons...

Darius POV

I had finally resigned myself to the fact that my two sons are fully grown men with minds of their own! When Damien and Dante both told me that they wanted to have their wedding back here, on Earth, I was quite taken with their decision.

I naturally assumed that since they were on Nulandia, that they would be having too much of a good time not to come back. But then, I knew that Damien would have wanted all of us to be present, especially on his special day.

We were planning a bit of a surprise for them both, seeing as how both Ilya and Mara would be a part of the family now, we wanted the wedding to reflect their home away from home, Nulandia.

So, I asked for Zack's expertise in whipping up a holographic program, that would mimic Nulandia's inner sanctum, not the city but it's natural habitat of flora and fauna. Damien had sent back images of a beautiful, pristine river, where they had taken walks as part of Damien's physiotherapy.

Damien kept mentioning how beautiful it was, and I decided to bring my boy the magic of that place, that had been ingrained into his memory. It would be my gift to them both, so that they would in a sense have the best of both worlds, so to speak.

Although Zack was still on board the ship, he had managed to send the program to us, and both Mick and Felix had managed to replicate all the necessary adjustments to the program here, in order to make it a reality.

As soon as they land, it would mean a quick change of clothing and some time alone for them to recharge before the ceremony. I could not understand why they were in such a hurry. The space station could wait until both commanders were ready to undertake their duties.

In truth, I was still not keen on them both leaving. I still felt as if I had so much to catch up on with both my sons. It seemed just like yesterday, when Damien first dropped into my life, or rather it was wild the way I ended up dropping into his, thanks to Cora.

And then finding out that Bron was also my son, and Damien's football buddy, made it even more exciting! The little triste with the Senator and myself in Singapore, resulting in a tall, strapping young guy, who's also now very much a part of the organization...both my sons of whom I am proud to be called their father.

And today, I am gaining another son, a very unique one in the form of Dante. I had thought that my past or rather my future would not catch up with me, as Zarynthian, but I was wrong, and I had both his parents to thank for that.

It was such a pity that both Gaia and Prion or even Kryon could not physically attend the ceremony, but via commlink and holographic imaging, they would be there. I owed them so much for helping us on the mission. It was their expertise that helped lead us to the men responsible for the human invasion in the first place. Both Gaia and Prion would preside over the nuptials.

I was relieved to hear that Nulandia remained in one piece, and that they could safely return home without difficulty. I would have loved to see Nulandia, but perhaps another time. Damien's images astounded us, displaying the ever-evolving surface of the planet, which made me feel confident of our own Earth healing itself constantly.

That's why, I made it a point when I was made head of the organization, that we would continue to be ecologically aware, and that our carbon footprint would not impact Earth's ability to heal itself. All planetary systems were given this unique ability, but humankind was irresponsible, with the raping of the Amazon forests, depletion of natural resources, and blatant disregard for other creatures and their habitats, some of which have roamed the earth, way before the presence of mankind.

I knew Damien had felt strongly about this, since he embraced Project Eden wholeheartedly, and that he proved that he was the right man for the job. Bron was now head of another Project in East Asia, China to be exact, where he would be coordinating with the farmers for solar-powered, hydroponic farms, and better living conditions which would benefit all regions, especially citizens of far, remote villages.

"D, they've arrived safely..." Bry popped his head around the door to my office. Deke and Gerry had already sent out a greeting party to get them all through quarantine without a hitch, and they were already making their way back into the compound.

"Great! I'm so looking forward to..." I was suddenly greeted by a few smiling faces, as my son, bounded up the steps towards me. I opened my arms and took my boy into them, holding on for dear life. Damien was finally home!

Bry was grinning ear to ear, as I finally released my hold, giving the others ample chances to hug and greet them all back. It was a great relief to see Damien up on his feet, looking chipper, bright and most definitely happy!

"Thank you, for bringing him back, safe and sound, son" I extended a hand out to Dante who took it in turn, but I pulled the former detective in a hug of gratitude, which astonished the young man at first, but then, he returned the embrace warmly.

We sent them home to get some well-earned rest before the ceremony. As head of the organization, I delayed their departure for the space station. These two deserved at least a honeymoon, before their tour of duty, having both been through so much.

It also gave us more time with Zack, to actually test the hologram, whether it was working properly. Sam, Walid and Sam's team of doctors and nurses were on hand to put up some decorations to the entrance of the holo-training center. Doctor Shweta Narayan and Doctor Daniel Garret, had gone to check in on Damien, just to make sure that the trip had not exhausted him.

Dante POV

"What's the verdict, doctors?" I asked the two experts.

"He's good and, he's all yours, sir" They grinned, leaving us alone to get ready.

Damien looked at me quizzically, "What was that about?" His eyebrows hitched up a notch.

"Nothing, my beloved. The good doctors were just being polite and considerate of the fact that you've just gone through hell, having been comatose for a long time, and that you had taken a long journey back here just to get married" I smiled widely. "And since we have plenty of time before the ceremony, I suggest we make excellent use of it" I smirked, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Oh, really, detective? And how do you propose we do that?" Damien grinned, pulling back the sheets to reveal the very naked yet beautiful body I had grown to love and worship so much.

"Tempting...very tempting" I said, slowly making my way to the edge of the bed, just admiring him from a slight distance. Then, taking my time, I approached, hearing Damien pant as I entertained him with a slow striptease.

I then mounted the bed on all fours, crawling towards this delectable man who had taken me, body, heart and soul. Seeing my beloved, aroused for me, heightened all sensations in my body, knowing that he would be mine for the rest of my life...very, very soon...

Meanwhile, back at HOLO_DECK 1:

Darius POV

"Oh, that looks lovely! I can see the twin moons from here, where they'll sit at head table, surrounded by the other tables in a circle. What an excellent idea, Arturo! Well done, all you AI Units! You're all invited as well, and that means you too, TANK" I smiled. The AI Unit had been re-built with a new custom body since its' unfortunate demise during the invasion by Randy's father, Egon and Hawkes' traitorous path.

Zack had supervised all his available AIs to serve during the wedding feast, so Alma and her wonderful cooking staff could take a break and enjoy the festivities of the evening as well.

"Are we missing anyone?" Bron looked around, spotting his mother, the Senator, as she helped with the floral center pieces for each table. He ran over to her, giving her a big hug.

"Nope, I think that's all of us. Let me check off the list to make sure..." Randy and Randy Junior both volunteered, hopping over to each participant and guest who made this wedding possible on such short notice.

"What are we doing for extra entertainment?" Nurses Sylvia, Diana and Carina wondered, as they all pitched in to help Alma with the sumptuous menu. Nurse Ann giggled quietly, "Oh, they'll be here soon..." setting everyone's imaginations in motion.

Sam, the Maid of Honor and Walid, Head Groomsman were heading for the chambers, where both Damien and Dante were supposed to be getting changed for the wedding, but Walid suddenly blocked Sam's path when he heard growling and groaning noises coming from inside.

"What's going on? Walid, we've got to tell them to hurry up!" Sam tried to push her way past the bulky bear of a man.

"Nope, nothing doing. They're ah...relaxing right now. Let's give them a few more minutes or maybe half an hour" Walid stood stoically in front of the double doors.

"Okayyyyy..." Sam raised her eyebrows, nipping Walid's nose, before heading back to the main area. Meanwhile, Nik and his siblings had strewn rose petals on the wooden deck, leading up to the hologram bay doors.

"WOW! This looks amazing, guys! Have you ever thought of another sideline as wedding decorators?" Bry remarked, as he arrived with his hands full of the main floral arrangements which would flank the main entrance.

"So, who else is missing?" I looked around, nervously, as Mara and Ilya perused the room, and someone spoke up.

"Only the grooms I guess" Agent Kelly noted.

"Okay, let me check on the guys" Bron offered, as I gave him the go-ahead.

Bron POV

"Hey Walid, are they ready yet?" I asked.

"Umm...I've already knocked on the door twice, and I know for sure that they heard me," The big man shrugged.

"Let me try," I offered, and Walid stepped aside.

"Damien? Dante? Are you guys decent? Can I come in?" I knocked softly at the door...

I could hear Damien yawning, as Dante yelled out loud, "Come on in"

I stepped in, and closed the doors behind me.

Dante was just getting into his dress pants, while Damien was still lounging in bed, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, bro," He grinned widely.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked him, as I sat myself down on the edge of the bed.

"Good, really good. I just felt like I needed to crash for a bit, I guess" Damien rubbed his curly locks.

"Let me know when you guys are ready. The guests have pretty much all arrived" I noted.

"We'll be there in a few minutes. I'm curious about what you all did to the holo-deck!" Dante chuckled.

"Yup, me too!" Damien popped out of bed, and made a quick dash for the bathroom for a much-needed shower.

"Well, take it easy. I don't want you slipping and falling over yourselves, okay? I'll just be out front" I winked, nudging Dante to help Damien get a move on.

Dante nodded, preparing Damien's own set of clothes.

Dante POV

"Hey, love, all good?" I wondered what was taking so long.

I stepped into the bathroom, as Damien stood, with a towel wrapped around his lean, firm torso. I embraced him from behind.

"Are you okay?" I gently placed my chin on his shoulder, as we both perused our faces in the mirror.

"I'm so happy..." he sighed, leaning heavily into me.

"Me too, love, me too" I acknowledged...

A/N: Ah, love sweet love!!! Damien and Dante's journey is almost coming to an epic end soon!!! Thank you all for loving and voting!!!

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