Ace in the Hole

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A/N: Randy poses for the Art Class, just to keep an eye on Damien, but causes a bit of sensual tension amongst the students!!!

Damien POV

My eyes popped out at Randy. I didn't expect the current and only guy in my life to be a candidate for live model material! Imagine my shock when he commenced to disrobe in front of everybody and pose with just a football to cover his bits! YIKES!!!

Okay, admittedly it was really HOT AS HELL and it got several degrees hotter in the room, I can tell you!!! He lay back calmly on the makeshift mattress in the center of the room, resting his head back on two fluffed up pillows, deliberately angling his head so that he could see me from that position.

OMG, He looked absolutely delicious to eat!!! The girls who were also in the class had their jaws literally dropping to the ground and salivating like wolves! I definitely knew the feeling!!!

But then, as I stood there observing everyone's reactions, I was aware of my own reaction...that of sheer jealousy as the others ogled at my lover's fabulously sculpted body reclining in full view with only some pigskin hiding his crown jewels!

FUCK! I suddenly felt conscious of the others...and even about Nik. I perceived the guy out of the corner of my eye checking Randy out just like everybody else in the room...only there was more to his gaze. His eyes had darkened, coated with the look of lust as he perused my lover's hardened body.

It took all of Randy's concentration not to get aroused while posing in front of us like this. But he knew that he was really only posing for me and it was working. I found myself getting wet for my boy right there and then, so that I had to quickly sit down and cross my legs so as not to garner any attention to myself.

HOLY SHIT! I began to sweat as the dais on which the mattress was spread out began to rotate slowly, so that all of us could get a complete view of Randy's immaculate body, I found it harder to breathe as sweat caressed more than just my forehead. My tee-shirt was getting mildly soaked.

If this wasn't an art class, I would have jumped Randy right then and there, as he was proving too hard to resist. I kept my head down and tried to concentrate as the others began to illustrate his magnificence on paper. I proceeded to do the same, surprised that I could still concentrate regardless of the raging lust Randy was causing throughout my entire body!!!  DAMMIT!!!

Randy caught my eye and flashed me a cheeky grin for my benefit, earning a guffaw from someone in the back while the others snickered away while hiding behind their canvases. Our Art teacher acted nonplussed, as she went about describing the human body as an art form and then continued to spout the works of Goya, Hokusai, Cezanne, Titian, Rubens, Fragonard in praise of the naked form.

WELL!!! I was simply floored but Randy, throughout all this, remained perfectly calm. I never even knew that he would have the gumption to do something like this. In truth, he could easily be a model if he truly wanted to. Let's face it: the guy had the looks, the height and the body for it as well as the charm. OH Yes, Randy Crum can be charming, especially in a seductive kind of way.

I wasn't sure about the others but this was sheer torture for me. It was the battle of the bulge between the guys who secretly lusted after Randy. But for me, I discovered that although I was the only one feeling wet and bothered, NIK AND MICK had raging hard-ons!!! What the heck was Mick doing here???!!! How the hell did that escape me??? JEEZ!!!

I couldn't focus, seeing a tent forming in Nik's jeans as he tried to sit at an angle for fear of others noticing, which I did! Well, Mick was no better, trying desperately to hide his behind the canvas as he scooted further back behind the classroom. Had I been so blind?

Anyway, the school bell soon rang so art class was thankfully over. But a few minutes beforehand, our teacher walked around, inspecting our work. Funnily enough, she lavished praise on all three...yup, Mick, Nik and myself...She said that we had captured the essence of the subject beautifully and insisted on keeping our works for display at a future students' art exhibit sponsored by our school.

I helped Randy into a sitting position, carefully covering that precious body with his robe. He handed me the ball. It felt really warm...and wet...I chuckled softly, as he put an arm around me. I helped him towards the changing rooms so he could get dressed. Nik was observing us from the side, while Mick disappeared out into the corridor.

"You never cease to surprise me, you know that?" I winked, eyeing this hot boy wrapped around me.

"Yeah" He replied slyly, burying his face in my neck. I felt Nik's eyes on us as we went inside the room and I had closed the door, away from his prying eyes. 

"So, what's with that guy, Nik, anyway? His eyes have been trailing the back of your head since he got here" Randy commented, slipping his boxers back on, after I helped him dry off from his shower.

"Pay no attention to him. He's a nice enough guy, but I'm not into him...." I chuckled, throwing his pants at him, which he deftly caught between his hands.

"Oh yeah? Then...who ARE you into?" He crinkled his eyes, before he winked at me seductively.

"Oh...umm...a bit of a hard-head...who acts like a major dick sometimes" I grinned.

'Really...I wonder who that might be..." He yanked on his tee-shirt and sauntered over towards me lustfully.

"Easy there, tiger...Teacher's waiting outside to give us an evaluation on our work so play it cool, yeah?" I teased, opening the door gently.

Randy nodded, but he still threw an arm around me when we came out, causing a few eyebrows to waggle, but I shook my head nonchalantly as I swung casually past Nik, who narrowed his eyes at us both.

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