Back to Black

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A/N: Hello peeps! Hope you're all safely tucked at home away from the nasty virus! Keep up the positive vibes, folks! Let's make this year rock!

Re-cap: Damien gets back to LA quietly, only to be sought out by those who love and care about him. Damien desperately tries to forget about how his heart had been broken by Randy, and finds himself seeking solace in another stranger's comes the aftermath of that decision...

I decided to bring Bron into the picture by focusing on this observation from his point of view, about his brother...

Hats off to fellow authors - DamienSilver AlphaKelly LucainArmand sanmariano jiryani Aaron_Ledgers Zachsilver26  Snape75 12MidnightBlue12

Bron POV

We got back to the Compound while dad was still having his chat with Damien. I sure hoped to God that he was okay. Randy's presence here was putting us all on edge. It was only a good thing that he had to go back to school since he was placed back one year behind us as he did not complete his exams at the same time we all did.

I could not believe my luck that the Compound was equipped with an external campus for university level studies for young trainee agents like myself. The courses were complete. In fact, the university offered a wider variety than some of the other universities nearby, which made the prospects seem pretty impressive.

Mom would pay us a visit from time to time, making sure that we were all doing okay. She had expressed deep concern for Damien since he was literally my sibling, and she felt connected even though not blood-related.

Daddy Darius kept us on our toes, over-seeing some of the training as well. We were going through a difficult obstacle course which involved heavy-duty firepower, resembling a situation in war. We were running through fields laden with trick bombs, professional snipers hiding in bushes, trip wires, and booby traps.

Finally, after an exhaustive workout, we hustled back to our bunkers, only to be greeted by another sniper, completely dressed in black with a balaclava over his head. Only the man's eyes were visible, but something about them were quite familiar.

The man was quiet, as he sat down on his own bunk. I must admit I was quite impressed by this guy's accuracy in pulling off those shots at us. He then yanked off the balaclava and I could not contain my happiness at seeing Damien. I practically jumped my sibling, wrestling him to the bed, hooting out loud.

The others laughed as Damien tried to calm me down. It was a blessing to see him again. I was beginning to get worried. He looked really good and fit. He had grown bigger physically since I last saw him in Mumbai, and that day on the jogging track.

"What's up, man? You look like you're about ready to take on the Mr. Universe bodybuilding contest or something!!!" I teased him.

"Nah, I've just been working out more in the gym, that's all. Yeah, I've bulked up a bit" He answered shyly.

"So, you're back...What now?" I asked him seriously.

"I continue my training with you guys, I guess..." He broke off unexpectedly as Randy entered the premises.

"Oh God...Damien" The boy whispered as he looked at my brother in shock.

"What are you doing here, Randy? You're supposed to be back at the main dormitory since you are NOT in any training!" I pressed, angry at his presence.

"I just wanted to return some stuff I borrowed from Mick. I'll leave them here. Please see that he gets them, thanks" Randy answered meekly, eyes still on my brother.

I instantly got up from the bed, grabbing Randy by the sleeve with the sole purpose of hauling his ass back out the door, quickly. He took a hint and high-tailed it out of there without another word. But his eyes spoke volumes as they began to tear up at the sight of my sibling's coldness.

Damien didn't say another word for a moment and the silence was excruciating until the guys made their way into the barracks. Upon noticing my brother, they came forward but the look I gave them made them hesitant as my brother took no notice of their return. He was now standing, looking out the window at the lone figure leaving the vicinity.

"Hey man, good to see you back! Are you okay?" Nik came over, softly patting Damien's back. He finally came back to earth with a smile breaking the melancholy that had begun to spread upon his face.

"Yeah, I'm okay..." He nodded, beaming across to me in reassurance. I was slightly relieved but I remained unconvinced by the warmth that he delivered to the others. We took our showers, then dressed for lunch.

As we piled into the cafeteria, Zack and Arturo joined us at our table. I then grabbed Damien so that we could get our food and drinks together.

"You're not fooling me, bro. I saw the way you looked at him back there. Are you sure you're okay? I know that it's not going to be easy with him around..." I started saying.

"Bron, I'll be fine. I need to get over it or else I won't be able to function. Besides, I promised to take care of his kid. It's going to take a lot of resilience on my part to be able to do this. Do you understand?" He replied, as we made our way down the line, grabbing an assortment of dishes.

"Yes, I understand all that. But just don't rush things okay? I know that deep down you're still hurting in there somewhere. I'm here if you need to talk. We're all here, okay?" I responded, setting down my tray for a moment, and giving him a hug.

He reciprocated, pecking me on the cheek. "Yes, and thank you" He smiled softly.

We then went to our seats, after grabbing our drinks as well. The chatter was a lot of small talk. We updated Damien on our own progress in our training, and he had noted how quick and agile we had become on the course.

Nik had brought up the way Damien had handled his weapons with such swiftness and accuracy he had not seen in a long time from any of the other recent trainees. He also remarked that Damien was going to make a great agent in the field. We all agreed, but Damien was adamant that he still required more training.

He mentioned having been trained at the Eden compound by a Major Sam Willett, a great man from Texas, who was great friends with dad and Bry. Apparently, he too had served together on the same ops team with them.

I was super excited having Damien back with us. I couldn't wait to be with him on the field. But my poor brother at this instant had other pressing things on his mind, and I could see how it was affecting him, although he was trying hard to disguise it.

Both dad and Bry joined us as observers, for the next round of training, making sure we knew our weapons and how to use them. More advanced ops threw their dirtiest tricks at us from all sides.

Damien was on form, while Mick flinched at some of the stink bombs thrown our way. We ran them ragged, diving for cover here and there; shooting back with our own ammunition.

There were several instances of hand-to-hand combat between us and 'them' (being the advanced ops team) where I witnessed the fierceness of a battle between my brother and one of the men. I was astounded by his prowess. It literally blew me away.

"Agent DB2025...DAMIEN...That's enough! Halt! Everyone, stand down! I SAID STAND DOWN AGENT!!!" Our father yelled, as he strode towards the two men, scuffling in the dirt and mud. All of us had stopped fighting, observing how angry Damien was. My brother showed no hesitation, going full force at his opponent, until my father forcibly drew both men apart. He was literally beating the man into a pulp, and would have succeeded if our father had not stopped him!

"Agent DB2025, what the hell's the matter with you??? Damien...what's going on???" Our father took him aside, half-whispering, half-yelling at him.

"I'm sorry, sir. I lost control. It will not happen again..." Damien answered directly.

"It had better not, or else I will be forced to punish you severely for misconduct on the field. Is that understood, agent?" Our father boomed.

"Yes, sir. Loud and clear, sir" Damien nodded, showing remorse for badly beating up his fellow agent.

Later, when we returned to the trainees' barracks, Damien was in a foul mood. He was angry at himself. That evening when we went to dinner, Damien refused to join us, instead opting to go for a solitary walk to clear his mind.

But he did not return when it was 'Lights Out'. His bed was empty, and he was nowhere to be found...

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