Blame it on The Beer

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A/N: And one more before I take a very required break...

Something is Sherlock Holmes would say...and to think we knew everything that was going on behind closed doors...

Damien POV

Alonso was taken to the infirmary to have his shoulder examined. Luckily no ligaments were torn or damaged, but he was reportedly to have suffered a bad dislocation and had to have it popped back into place, and temporarily bandaged to allow for its' healing to take place. Nik had given me the news when he got back to the locker room.

I then gathered my things, making my way to the showers by the poolside as usual, secretly hoping that a certain young man would join me. But Randy was nowhere to be found. I went in, feeling desolate, cold and alone.

After my shower, I walked towards the lockers and heard a noise. I quickly turned around and found a flushed-looking Randy leaning against one of the lockers, casually eyeing me from head to toe. His hair was wet and he had already changed clothes. He had his gym bag with him and had placed it upon one of the wooden benches there.

"I thought you didn't want to see me...What are you doing here?" I asked, without even bothering to look at him. I opened my locker and proceeded to take out my clothes and shoes. I then sat down on one of the benches, rubbing my hair dry quietly.

I chose to ignore him this time as he had done the same to me. Hey, two can play at this game! I stood up, wiping my body dry. Then I grabbed my boxers in order to slip them on, when I felt a hand grope at my left buttock, giving it a gentle squeeze.

I then felt the softness of his breath, caressing the nape of my neck as his presence overwhelmed me. He was closer much closer that I could feel his body heat rolling off of him.

I then felt a pair of lips softly brush against the nape of my neck, as hands deftly found their way down my body, palming my pecs and abs. I uttered a moan willingly, as I found myself leaning into his touch. I missed this. I missed him.

"Dammit Randy! You always know how to play me, don't you? God, how I miss you..." I muttered, as I groaned out my pleasure into his hands as they roamed my entire body, making me shudder to his caresses.

"I miss you too..." He muttered softly as he too, leaned against my back. The roughness of his jeans rubbed against my buttocks as I felt an obtrusive bulge looming in his pants. He pressed himself against me, fully aware of the effect on me.

He flipped me around to face him and soon enough, my hands flew to his belt buckle, quickly undoing his jeans at a lightning rate. His boxers couldn't hide his arousal, blatantly exposing it to me. He chuckled, seeing the immediate response I tussled with him for control of his zipper and smelled the alcohol upon him.

"Whoa...okay..." I gently pushed him against the lockers. "It's...It's only 5:30pm Randy...Have you been drinking???" I queried, casting a wry eye at his slumped figure.

"Yeah...Umm...No...I..." He grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. I yanked him by his collar and set him down upon the bench. He was clearly inebriated, with his skin totally flushed including his ears. He leaned heavily back on the locker doors, tugging at his collar.

"Who gave you the beer, Randy?" I questioned him seriously. No student was allowed to bring in alcohol on school grounds. They'd be penalised heavily, sometimes resulting in a suspension!

"Who gave you the beer?" I ordered, as a heaving Randy suddenly turned deathly pale and quickly hauled his ass to the nearest toilet, only to empty the contents of his gut into the impending bowl.

"It was Nik's or I think it was Felix's friend Alan...We kind of celebrated..." He giggled giddily. I held onto Randy with one hand, fearing that he might topple over, while I struggled to get my boxers on with the other.

"Hmm...Are you sure it was this guy Alan who gave you the beer?" I smelled Randy all over. Something wasn't quite right. I hastily pulled on the rest of my clothes, grabbing Randy's backpack as well as my own and tugged Randy up. All this time, my head was drumming up all sorts of scenarios. Who was this Alan guy and why haven't I heard of him before?

I wrapped a firm arm around Randy's waist, guiding him slowly through the swinging doors of the swimming pool changing rooms. As soon as we reached the lawn, I fished out my cellphone, dialling dad's number. No one was answering. So, I dialled Bryant's number.

"Hey Damien, What's up? Something wrong?" I explained the situation to him and he told me to bring Randy immediately to the Infirmary. He would contact my father later and inform him of what happened.

I then called Mick and luckily, he picked up. He was just about to leave the campus and I caught him at a good time. Soon enough, the boy came barreling over the lawn, rushing to our side. He grabbed Randy's other arm and the three of us walked are very tired, sick Randy to the Infirmary.

The nurse on duty was there to receive us, as was Bryant and my father. He had called the family physician to examine Randy on the spot. It turned out that he was given a substance which had been masked by the beer. They called security and there was now an all0out search for this guy named Alan, who unfortunately no one knew the last name of.

"Hey, dudes, where are you?" Nik and Felix called me.

"We're at the Infirmary. Randy's sick...He said that a guy named Alan, claiming to be your friend gave him a beer..." I dropped the question casually.

"No, we don't have a friend by that name and neither of us would be caught dead carrying alcohol into the school. It's just too risky! We'll get clobbered by the Principal, man. He'd have both our hides if we smuggled anything like that onto the premises. Any idiot knows that!" Nik chuckled, "Why?"

I then related the unfortunate mishap that Randy had found himself in, having consumed something that could have had a detrimental effect on him permanently. This drug had been ingested by the unsuspecting Randy on a someone named Alan...Then it dawned on me. This guy must have been sent by Alonso!!!

Dammit, I was certain it was Alonso. The boys came over with ARTURO, seeing that Randy was feeling a bit better after the medication. The medicine induced vomiting and so, Randy kept puking his insides out, making sure the substance would leave his system, otherwise, he would have to be admitted into a hospital to spend a few nights under observation.

But my father wasn't taking chances. He and Bryant drove all of us back to the Compound's hospital so that Randy could have a thorough check-up. His aunt had been notified and she clearly was distraught as she came to visit her nephew.

"Bryant, please put a guard or two on his room. I'm not sure about any of this. It stinks of something Alonso would do..." I overheard my father whisper quietly to Bryant. The man nodded, leaving us briefly to make the phone call.

Two of the burliest, most intimidating security men came around, flashing their IDs, as they stood guard at the doors of Randy's room, packing heat underneath their jackets. The formidable presence of the two men sent shivers up our spines, as they stood stoically flanking either side, with eyes peeled for any sort of mischief.

"If ever I find that bastard, Alonso, I swear I'll kick his ass to kingdom come!!!" I swore under my breath as I paced Randy's room back and forth. Poor Randy was out like a light, snoring soundly in his bed, which I took as a good sign. At least, the effects of the substance seemed to be wearing off.

"Chill, man. We'll find him together, right ARTURO? "Mick grinned, patting the AI Unit's steel, skin-covered rump. ARTURO groaned inwardly, blatantly puffing out his ass to Mick's touch. Now that was the ARTURO I knew!!!

"This is just nuts. Randy obviously thought that it was one of us who sent that guy around..." Felix observed, "This has got to be Alonso's doing. He'll use that fact to his advantage" He concluded.

"Yes, he's done that far too often, even with me!" I agreed. "I'll be damned if he tricked some of our other schoolmates posing as you two to do something sly on the side..."

"Well, this has got to stop. Alonso must see the error of his ways, or we'll have no choice but to keep him locked up forever" My dad spoke up, sensing the urgency of the matter.

"D, the men have located Alonso. He was trying to hijack a car inside the school's parking lot! That kid's as slippery as an eel to escape security at the infirmary...What the hell???!!!" Bryant yelled as he suddenly burst into the room, "He's left the infirmary without anyone noticing! No one knows where the heck he is!!!" The two older men glanced at one another, as if they could read each other's minds.

"I'm going to have a serious talk with that young man once we find him!" My father sternly responded, "You boys are coming with me" He motioned to me and to Alonso's brothers. "Mick and ARTURO can stay here with Randy and the security guards. Bryant, I may need you for this, too" and Commander Bryant complied by following us out the door.

As soon as we stepped out of the hospital infirmary, smoke bombs were blowing up everywhere around us on the lawn. Agents ran with their guns unholstered, trying to catch the culprits who did this.

The madness that ensued had everyone on full alert. As we scrambled through the chaos and piled into Bryant's jeep. Bryant hit the gas and drove us all the way back to the school in order to hold an investigation and find this guy named Alan.

It turned out that Alan Fenwick, who played the school's football mascot character had snuck a Randy a celebration beer, after their play in the locker room. An unsuspecting Randy accepted the kind offer genuinely, while getting dressed. Alan had no idea that it was laced with any dangerous substance.

"We'd better get back to check on Randy. I'll get Alan's details and meet you guys back at the infirmary" Bryant offered. So, dad drove us back to the Compound. It seemed to have calmed down now as we briskly walked back through those hospital doors.

But something was odd, which made us all suspicious. Dad beckoned to us to crouch down low as no one seemed to be on the floor at the time. Where were the security guards? Where were the hospital personnel? And most of all, where were Mick, Randy and ARTURO?

In some abandoned old town miles beyond the outskirts of The Compound -

"LET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!! Where's Randy? Where's ARTURO? Who are you and what have you done with my friends?" Mick screamed, slamming his entire body against the door of a padded cell. He suddenly found himself incarcerated in some holding cell only God knows where.

"Easy there, tiger...Our client doesn't like damaged goods, especially a pretty boy like you. You could fetch us a nice high price with those looks of yours. Your friends are strong contenders too! You'll be lucky if the boss doesn't saw off your fingers if you keep that up!" A deep, rich baritone answered him.

"My friends...You mean, they're okay?" Mick coughed slightly, turning in the direction of the voice. He could barely make out a shape let alone a face. His throat was parched and he found himself thirsting for lack of water. He wasn't sure how long they were knocked out by the gas, what time it was or even what day it was...

"Yeah kid, they're okay so pipe down will yah? I've got big money riding on the likes of you and your buddies over there..." A thick digit pointed to three other cells adjacent to his, just down the dark corridor. "Here, drink up, you'll need it!" The deep male voice continued, as a strong, masculine hand held a clean bottle of water out to him through the bars.

"Thanks...What are you going to do to us?" Mick asked the man...At least, he was assumed it was a man, despite the fact that he couldn't really see with whom he was talking to.

"Like I said, you boys are going to be sold to the highest bidder. Four good-looking strapping young men...A pretty good catch I'd say" The voice chuckled, before it slowly faded away as heavy boots trudged along the corridor moving further away.

"Hey, what do you mean by sold...? Hey...Come back here...Hey you...Dammit!" Mick scratched his head. He looked around for some hint of an opening...anything that could aid in his escape. If only there was something that could unlock this damn door! The man said...four boys...It was only him, Randy and ARTURO...there was a fourth boy...Alonso?

"Hey Randy? Randy, ARTURO...You there?" Mick called out to the others in their own holding cells. A soft groan could be heard...and soon enough..." Mick? Mick is that you? Fuck man...Where the hell are we?" Randy croaked out, rubbing his forehead.

"Oh man, Am I glad to hear your voice! I don't know where the heck we are, except that we're to be sold to some rich slaves..." Mick sighed heavily as he leaned against the cell door.

"You're kidding...WHAT???!!!" Another voice piped up. It was...Alonso's! "Who are these guys? I'd like to kick their asses when I get out of here! Ouch..." Alonso groaned. His shoulder was killing him. The painkillers were wearing off now.

"I think I've found a solution to our predicament, sir..." ARTURO patiently replied...

Meanwhile, back at The Compound, Incarceration Holding Systems, Level 46:

Darius POV –

"Open the doors, Flint" I commanded the newly outfitted AI Unit stationed to guard the holding cell. No longer robotic in appearance, the humanoid Flint waved his hand over the scanner, and the doors slid open. Bryant and Marcus followed close behind as the doors slid shut, locking into place.

A second row of doors which were made from steel and hot-tempered glass slid open, revealing a room which was lined with row upon row of thick batting. An unrelenting, bearded felon lay on the ground of his cell kicking and screaming. Once he spotted us filing in, he quieted down, eyeing us from the middle of the room behind a bullet-proof glass screen.

The man then broke out in a full sob, being seriously apologetic towards us, especially towards me. Now this was totally unreal. I was now wary of this man's tactics and how easily he had managed to build such a reputation on preying on unsuspecting people, myself included, using such skills.

Here we were, staring at a man who had it all in the palm of his hand...A man who once held a top-level position in The Senate, to be trusted by his subordinates and The President, himself.

"That's not going to work, Thorpe. Do you honestly think that you can fool any of us with your trickery? Either you buckle down and behave, or you're going to have to stay here forever. What's it going to be?" Marcus lay down the law, and Thorpe knew that this was his last chance for some form of leniency towards his sentence.

"Look...Will you at least forgive me for all this craziness? I promise it won't happen again! I swear!!! I have nothing to do with those kids being taken...HONEST!!!" He pleaded, while flashing an innocent look at us. Was this guy for real? Did he totally mean what he said?

"Spill the beans, Thorpe. What have you done with those kids? Where are they?" Marcus threw a wry eye at me, while chewing on his cigar. "Dammit D, why the hell are we even talking to this twit in the first place? We should have left him to die when Egon shot him point blank in the head that day!" Marcus spat out the wad in disgust.

"Egon missed. It was a simple bullet graze. I'm glad it worked out this way. Thorpe's not in this alone. You and I know it, plain and simple. There's some other black-market human trafficking shit going down and we need to shut it down, pronto. I'm afraid Alonso's in on it too..." I spoke grimly. Deep down inside me, I sincerely hoped it wasn't true and that Alonso was not going down the same road his father did.

"Tell us who the other operatives are and we'll think about altering your OUT WITH IT!!!" Marcus shook his fist at the man, who now cowered in fright at the ferocity from The General.

"Okay okay...We had dealings with some men from Afghanistan...They like boys over there...pretty ones...They'll go gaga over blond ones especially..." He broke off as Marcus Adams suddenly roared, barging into the cell.

We watched as Marcus wrapped his hands tightly around Thorpe's neck, until the man was struggling...gasping for breath. Marcus continued to throttle him until Thorpe was blue in the face...

"Okay Marcus, that's enough...Marcus? MARCUS, I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH!" I growled, wrenching the man's hands off from around Thorpe's neck before any more damage could be done. But the threat had done the trick...The man was literally giving away every known location that these 'buyers' from Afghanistan would hold their silent auctions to the highest bidders. We had to act fast if we were going to catch them before, Mick, Randy and ARTURO could be sold and taken away!!!

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