Decisions made

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A/N: Damien makes an important decision...

Damien POV

As we sat there in the hospital waiting room, Dr. Akachi met us and told us that Randy was awake and being administered some sort of medication to calm him down. He looked stressed, judging by the bags under his eyes, as he looked at me disbelievingly.

"Holy Hell! I'm a... I'm a..." Randy choked on his words. He could not bring himself to say the word 'father'.

I just shook my head, shrugging my shoulders at the prospect of this kid in front of me being a father. He was barely an adult himself, and with his track record, I sincerely wondered how on earth he would even cope with caring for an infant.

"Say it Randy...Say it...Can't bring yourself to say it, can you?" I stood there, with my arms crossed watching him fidget in his hospital bed.

"Bringing up a kid is a very big responsibility, Randy. You'll need to get used to doing around-the-clock feedings, frequent diaper changes, regular health checkups with a proper paediatrician...that I'm sure Dr. Akachi can recommend someone for..." My father added, nodding his head.

Randy groaned out loud, "But I'm too young to be a father!!!" His outburst made me recall that image of him gently caressing and kissing Terri's stomach, which suddenly made me sick to mine!

"You should have thought of that before getting that woman pregnant, Randy!!!" Mick smacked the back of his head. Frankly, I would have done it too, but thankfully Mick executed it well enough, too well in fact. Randy was now howling in tears like some blubbering child.

"OUCH!!! Why'd you smack me so hard, man?" He wept, staring bleary-eyed into Mick's face while rubbing his head.

"To smack some sense into you!!! Jeez, Randy, can't you get it into your brain? This is no laughing matter, man. You've got a son waiting for you back in LA!" Mick continued, gruffly pushing him back down onto the bed.

"I know...I know" Randy whispered, with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"That's enough, Mick. Let's leave him alone with his thoughts, okay?" I stopped Mick from badgering Randy even more.

The guys went ahead of me, accompanying my father. As I was about to exit the room, I heard Randy pleading with me.

"Please...please don't go...please..." Randy pressed upon me.

I sighed, turning back towards him. I pulled up a chair and sat down near the bed.

"Okay, what is it? What do you want now?' I asked, flatly.

"Is that all I get from you? Is that it?" Randy sniveled.

"Look, Randy. I honestly don't know what to say anymore. You've done what you've done, and I can't bring myself to forgive least, not right now..." I sighed, bringing my hand across my face.

His face lit up slightly, "You mean you will forgive some point?" He looked hopeful.

"Randy...don't be an ass! I need time, and you need to get your head on straight! This is important! We're talking about a child, an innocent little human being...your child, Randy Crum! The thing is...what are you going to do about your kid?" I was totally infuriated with this boy...and I mean boy...

I just realised think that I once had feelings for him... Oh God, who am I kidding???!!! Not long ago, I was a kid myself...but that was before I knew that I had a sibling and an adult!!! I tried to control my anger by putting all my concentration on Eden, using all that pent-up energy into some good use.

But Randy's presence, here of all places, brought out the devil in me! I locked the door and approached him boldly. Climbing over the bed, I hovered over him as he whimpered underneath me, letting him sense my physical presence by pressing myself against him.

His eyes opened wide, sensing the difference in my body as he perused my face in total shock. I rubbed myself against him on purpose, allowing him to feel every inch of me. I wanted him to burn with the desire which he knew he could no longer have...with me. Such was my hate as I felt it reeling in waves over us both.

"Don't be a wuss, Randy Crum. It's not in you!!! I slapped him across the face, not too hard, but hard enough for him to feel the sting that made him wince. "Look at me! I said, LOOK AT ME!!!" I anchored my hand under his chin, turning his head towards me. He shuddered, shaking underneath me now as I stared deep into his eyes.

"I let you manipulate me with your love, Randy. I let you in, because I thought that you loved me. Maybe you did once, but now, I no longer feel anything for YOU, Randy Crum. The only thing I feel now is pity...NOT for YOU...but for your son" And I let go of him, sliding off the bed.

I walked towards the door slowly.

"Out of the kindness of my own heart, I will help you with your kid, Randy. But don't think that I'm going to do this because of you. You see, I can't bring it in my heart to have your kid end up like you..." I spat out, before unlocking the door, and stepping out.

I closed the door softly behind was the end of a chapter...of my life...

I got home that evening, much later than I anticipated. I needed a walk...a long walk to air out the pain that I had felt back there before going back to Eden. Eden was my home reason for living...

I found myself more determined to make something of better strengthen that no one could ever hurt me...again...

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