Men of Action

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A/N: And here we go with some more revelations...

Damien POV

An agent whizzed past me in a flurry as the entire mansion was on edge with the possibility of infiltrators knocking at our doors, since Marcus had finally spilled the beans over his involvement with these men.

His knowledge of Tyron Bader's scheme to poison the waters with a special formula, would transform ordinary men into beasts, as what happened with Felix. But in Felix's case, he had managed to maintain a grip on his humanity which relieved us all.

Since his transformation, Felix was completely immersed in the moment, acting all super hero-like with his new abilities, even though he had to stay in confinement for his own safety.

Now, the interesting thing was, Felix had managed to retain that ability to re-transform into the beast at will, something which neither Prion, nor Gaia nor even Zack could explain which left us all baffled.

To make matters even more intriguing, Kryon had managed to latch onto the location of the 5 remaining benefactors. Both Walid and Mick took notes, and as soon as we split into teams, we converged upon Bear Island in the middle of Norway's archipelago – a near isolated place, made up of rough terrains, vertical high cliffs, sea caves, strong winds and secretive bays for docking.

Apparently, Tyron had another scientist working on the project who had set up a small lab on the island, and that was where the other benefactors stayed, to monitor the man's progress.

Five billionaires, were willing to put their money on what they deemed was a good cause – to rid the earth of criminal types, by turning them into super beasts, only to serve a purpose as soldiers of the future.

Dad was livid, since he had taken a vow, at the very beginning to protect all manner of species, including humans, which was why he was recruited into The Organization in the first place by Marcus Adams, of all people!

This entire fiasco made no sense to my father, as to why Marcus could sell himself like some cheap thug for hire. It was clearly all about money, and the fact that this was someone that my father had looked up to, who turned out to be an utter disappointment, as his enemy.

"First Hawkes, and now Marcus! Dammit! I just came from stopping your dad from nearly committing murder back there just now! Your father has had it up to here with people playing him for a fool," Bry admitted, clearly looking exhausted from the latest interrogation that they just had. Deke and Gerry listened online, while scouting the premises since the two operatives had volunteered to go ahead and scope the mysterious Bear Island.

"Well, at least Deke and Gerry have gone ahead, and Bron, Alonso and Randy are just underway...right about now," I mentioned, checking my watch, as I saw the blimp of the submarine making its' way towards the dangerous waters.

"Have the boys been injected with the latest antidote?" Bry asked me.

"Yes, and Zack sent two full batches with them just in case we run into some difficulties. But both Deke and Gerry were inoculated with the serum beforehand," I confirmed, as Dante studied the island's landscapes, using his telekinetic powers.

"Mick, Arturo and the two AIs, MARCUS and TAMBER, will be coming in from the North together with Walid as back-up, while we'll be heading further West and disembarking here," Dante added, once his observation was complete.

"It's good that Walid could join us this time," Bry noted, nodding towards Dante who grinned broadly.

"Well, after his extensive training in Gdansk, you'd think he'd have had enough of us but nope, he's thrilled to be coming along for the ride," Dante winked at me.

"Typical of Walid," I shook my head, laughing, "And what does Sam think of all of this?"

"Sam Grenley is thrilled to bits about seeing him again," Dante wiggled his eyebrows.

"Eh? What's up with those two, anyway?" Bry shot a surprised look at us both.

"Well, let's say, Walid is wooing Sam, and they've been on a long-distance relationship ever since Walid went off to complete his agent training in Gdansk. Since his return, even though it was brief, it appeared that the two lovebirds have found one another, and that their relationship has blossomed," Dante concluded.

"Whoa, so you mean there might be wedding bells in the future for those two?" Bry grinned.

"Umm...maybe, but not so soon. They're testing the waters, so to speak now that he's back so...yeah I the future..." I added.

"Speaking of which...when are you two tying the knot?" Bry elbowed me playfully in the ribs.

"When all this is over, I presume?" My father had just walked in on the conversation.

"Dad," I blushed, when he made that remark, stealing a glance at Dante in the process.

"Well, I just assumed that...I mean, I'm not far off the mark, am I?" My father wrapped an arm around me, looking tired.

"Nope, you're not. Are you okay?" I asked, as I could not help but notice my father looking worse for wear.

"Bry's probably told you how I nearly lost it in there with Marcus. I couldn't believe the nerve of that man, playing spy vs. spy with me all along, and for what? Extra pocket money on the side he called it! I'm just so fed up with all this. What the heck am I even doing anymore if people left and right can't be trusted? Is this something that I would even want to get involved with anymore?" He sighed heavily.

"Are you thinking of down-sizing?" Dante looked at my father quizzically.

"You could call it that, son. It's appealing to me more and more to just maintain a low profile for a while, and just spend real quality time with my best bud, my lover, and my sons and of course, my extended family," Nodding as he indicated Dante and his parents. "I could always leave the main operation to both Deke and Gerry, sit back and let the organization practically run itself," He added.

"Really, Dad? You'd seriously do that? Come on, this doesn't sound like you. Just the other day, you were raring to get out of the office," I could not help but be worried for my father, suddenly sending out signals for his sudden retirement.

"Well, I've got well trained agents in you, Dante, the rest of the boys...I can't call you all boys anymore. In these past couple of years, you've all turned into young men and very valuable members of the team. You move as one unit, and that's integrity for you. And with Zack, our AI units, Sam and her wonderful staff, it's all falling into place," He sounded out his thoughts out loud, making more jaws drop in the process.

"But you can't mean to say that you're folding the operation, right? I mean, the organization will still continue...or won't it?" Nik spoke up, as two thirds of the triplets turned to face dad, while Zack had just finished administering the last dose of the serum into Felix.

"Nope, of course not. Deke and Gerry will keep things going, and senior agents Fahey and Mason will continue to train more agents, and you young men can have the run-of the-mill of the place, that's all..." He shrugged.

"You're quitting..." I answered in response.

"In a manner of speaking, yes...and no...I'll still be keeping tabs on all the action, the missions but from a more detached point of view..." My father looked uneasy.

"You ARE quitting...But why?" I prodded him further.

"The position was never really mine, son. Marcus wanted to put me up there, just to be the scape goat for all his plans, but it never occurred to him that they would backfire so badly in his face.

I literally pulled the plug on everything he had laid out. Now the man has nothing to gain but a long jail term, and for a man Marcus' age, it's not going to be long before the old man kicks it..." He sighed, resigned to that fact.

"You feel cheated, don't you?" I continued. I meant it clearly as a statement, one I knew my father could not deny.

"Of course, I feel cheated - first by Thorpe, who played me against your own mother, then by Hawkes, who was aiding Randy's father, Egon Von Crum, and now Marcus Adams, the very man who recruited me into all of this in the first place, only to set me up to take a hard fall at the hands of criminal aliens from the future, where I had come from, endangering my son, which I will never forgive him for!" With that comment, my father brought his fist down on the table in anger.

"Calm down, Darius. You've had a rough day," Bry wrapped an arm around my dad, who was clearly about to lose it.

"You're probably right, Bry. Maybe I'm just tired," He nodded glumly, "I'm going to take a much-needed siesta and I'll see you guys on the island tonight at 20:00 hundred hours, right?" He motioned to me, while nodding to the others.

"Yes sir," We all answered, as my father left the room, with Bry in tow.

"Phew, Darius is really thinking of quitting..." Felix spoke up absentmindedly, staring at the floor, as Zack gently pulled the needle out of his arm carefully.

"He's had friends whom he trusted, betray him, Felix. But Thorpe wasn't even a friend but his superior. But still, well, you guys know what I mean," Dante responded.

"Let's get this show on the road, shall we? I for one, want to see this case wrapped up once and for all!" Nik rubbed his forehead in angst.

"Yeah, Bear Island, here we come!" Felix fist pumped...

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