Run Agent, Run!

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A/N: One more for the road...

Damien is put to the test, as well as his fellow trainees, when foreign visitors are invited to visit the new compound and are kidnapped...

Damien POV

The next few weeks were the most harrowing I had ever experienced in my life! Every day after school, we were instantly plunged into the world of espionage within the compound, learning how to fend for ourselves as young agents in the field.

Our instructors were friends nearest and dearest to us: the triplets - Nik, Alonso and Felix who spared us absolutely no mercy. Even ARTURO gave us hell, thwarting every single move we threw at him. At one point, Randy was ready to throw in the towel as he was at ARTURO's mercy during a very exhaustive hand-to-hand combat session, had I not come to his rescue.

I understood the necessity of it all, even though I was already slated to head Project Eden into its' latest phase with the building of housing units for those who could not even afford housing and lived in the direst of conditions, that is, if I successfully passed all my exams with flying colours for which I was determined to make my father proud.

During these exercises, we learned how to fend off attack dogs; crawl under or scale high wire fences while being shot at; shoot at moving targets using simple to complex firepower; learn tactical terminology; navigate through fields heavily laden with explosives; manually disarm would-be attackers be they human or in any other forms; escape entrapments of any kind which were the scariest of all situations. We learnt to dodge, out-maneuver and kill if necessary, as if we were trained assassins.

By the end of each day, we would literally crawl into the barracks where we now stayed at during our training sessions. It was exhausting but necessary for us to do this since we had to truly experience the life of being a soldier. Marcus and Bry made sure we were up to the challenge, with constant reminders and lessons.

My father had too much on his plate as he too had to take refresher courses, now that he was being groomed to take up the highest position ever granted an agent in The Organization – that of overall Head of Tactical and Field Operations, which he resigned himself to reluctantly, even though he actually did his best to avoid it, secretly hoping that someone else would take up the reins so that he could remain on the field longer.

But no one seemed to contest the appointment and to be honest, Marcus had stated that there was no one else qualified to handle the entire operation except my father. My father had been on the field long enough and had gone to extreme ordeals including incarceration in his lifetime to be respected by his peers and subordinates. In other words, my father's word was gold.

Just seeing as to how the other agents followed fervently in his presence, learning from their mentor made it clear as to his position in The Organization. The General would remain as a top-level consultant on missions although it would not be necessary for him to have a physical appearance on the field in any of them.

The General had seen better days and longed to spend his retirement with his family. After witnessing how the man had enjoyed his time with them during our football competition made that very clear. He was missing his family very much, especially his grandchildren. Dad was happy to have Marcus around, albeit by communication only.

Meanwhile, here we were, exhausted to the hilt as we quickly showered, changed, had a quick meal at the canteen and went to bed. All we had time for was a cuddle and a sweet, tender kiss before getting into bed. The next day, we would both be going through it all again.

School was just as hectic, with a new football coach, who had been interviewed and appointed by Coach Gilmore. He was devastated after learning how badly his best friend, Rhet, had behaved, and kept apologizing to the Commander even though he had nothing to do with it.

Bry was a gentleman, acknowledging that the coach had no inkling as to what really happened and no one had the foresight as to how Rhet Tambernay behaved away from his superiors.

The new coach, Michael Worjeski, an American of Polish descent, was a fantastic leader: very professional and fair in his treatment of all of us. He was also gay-friendly which was a plus since he had openly revealed to us that he too, was gay, and the most amazing thing was that he had been a professional football player and had come out to his team and luckily for him, they had supported him.

The exciting thing was, he had invited his team to train together with us one afternoon which really made everyone's day. But it also made us work extremely hard which meant we would be clobbered during our agent training again later.

Randy groaned out loud, throwing his kit against the locker door, complaining, "I've never been so exhausted in all my life!!! Jeez, what the hell did I do to deserve this?" He sank down onto one of the benches, burying his face in his football jersey.

"Hey man, calm down. Take it easy! We're in this together, remember?" I sank down right next to him, wrapping an arm around him. Bron nodded in total agreement. He, too, was now part of our agent training as well, after much debate when Marcus finally conceded, with a little help from dad.

"Yeah, man. I know it's tough. It's been really rough on all of us but we can do this! I know we can! Come on guys, get your spirits up, Randy!" Bron smiled holding out a hand each to us both.

We grabbed on as Bron hauled us up off the bench easily. The guy had been training hard and was in tip-top condition. We group-hugged, patting each other on the back and hit the showers.

"Hey guys, wait up!" Nik called out to us. The triplets, Mick and ARTURO came along side, once we stepped out after getting cleaned up and changed. It was back to the compound training area where the military barracks were situated. These were officially our living quarters for the next two years until completion of our agent training.

"What's up Nik?" I asked, noticing him chewing the inside of his cheek, which was a clear indication of concern or worry.

"I just received a strange communique from the compound telling us not to come in" He noted, reading the message again on his phone.

"That's weird. Dad hasn't told me anything. He's been strangely quiet this whole morning! I've tried texting him via our encrypted code, but got nothing back. I tried getting a hold of Bry, but that turned up zero..." I nodded, now getting very worried myself.

"ARTURO, sensors on please" Alonso commanded as ARTURO complied.

"I'm getting a reading right now sir. Father is online...Hold on..." ARTURO's eyes lit up as he was in touch with the mother computer back at the compound, manned by Zack, ARTURO's creator whom he lovingly referred to as 'father'.

"Father has confirmed that we are not to return until further notice. There are dignitaries on site, inspecting the entire premises, sir. Security is on high alert" He concluded.

"Well, I guess this means no training for today guys!" Felix smiled.

"Phew! That's a relief! I was beginning to think that we weren't going to get a breather at all this week!" Randy sighed heavily, nudging me in the shoulder.

I could not help but smirk at his words. We were indeed hoping for a much-needed break, but I had this disturbing feeling that something was not right and I pressed ARTURO to gain more information as to who was visiting. But ARTURO could not access any further information on the subject as the names of the visitors were on a need-to-know basis only.

Bron noticed the worry etched on my face, prompting me to speak my mind.

"Hey, D, what's going on?" He prodded, looking deeply into my face.

"I suddenly hate not being in the loop. Dad always promised to tell me everything that goes on and yet, today just isn't the case. These so-called diplomatic dignitaries are doing an inspection just as my father is in the process of being appointed as the new Head. I don't like it one bit!" I confided.

"Try not to over-think it too much, D. Your dad is a definite shoe-in for the position. He's a fair man, considerate, humble and trustworthy from what I've seen, even where my dad was concerned. I still feel bad about what my father did to Commander Bryant..." Bron sighed.

"Commander Bryant is a very kind man. He was just as young as we were when that incident happened. No one should have to undergo such treatment. Bryant is a very understanding and forgiving man, although what your father did was...well it wasn't great...I know he doesn't think that way about you, Bron..." I nodded, patting the guy on the back. I know that he still needed that reassurance as he was still reeling from the shock of his father's horrible discrepancy, a discrepancy that would cost him dearly.

ARTURO suddenly stood up abruptly, blurting out, "WE MUST GO TO THEM NOW!!!"

"What's going on, ARTURO?" I asked.

"They're under attack! Someone is trying to kidnap some of the visitors!" He rushed over to the SUV parked by the roadside.

We all jumped in as ARTURO revved up the engine and blazed our way back to the compound or so I thought. ARTURO had already secured the perimeter surrounding the area and I was wondering how in the hell did it get compromised again? Surely by now, all systems would have been upgraded since the incident with Hawkes, Thorpe and Egon's military-style invasion of the premises.

But we were NOT going back to the compound. ARTURO was driving like one possessed onto a dirt road which I thought led to nowhere. But lo and behold, a giant concrete structure loomed up before us which looked highly identical to our compound but this time the structure was hexagonal in shape and resembled The Pentagon.

We piled our bags in the back and crept out the other side, behind the vehicle as soon as ARTURO came to a dead halt silently several meters away from the iron gates. My heart was pounding in my chest, thinking that my dad, Bryant and however else was in there was at the mercy of someone heinous.

Felix beckoned to us, finding a hidden door to the side of the ominous structure. We crawled in, remembering our training as soon-to-be agents, followed by our mentors – the triplets, then Arturo and Mick. Since Mick was a civilian, we had to protect him as well.

It was a pity that, as young agents-in-training, we were not allowed to bear arms, but then there was more than one way to disarm a felon if it had to come to that. No sooner had I thought this, the very exact scenario appeared as three men wearing balaclavas and dressed entirely in black were herding some of the foreign diplomats out into the open area onto the grass, ordering them to lie face down with their hands behind their heads.

We seized the opportunity to pick each one of the men, as they came out one by one, while I climbed up to the balustrade to survey the area. I had caught sight of two guards up top, parading the area with their rifles at the ready in case of any activity below.

Once the guys had successfully dispatched the three unsuspecting men, Randy stripped them of their black hoodies and masks, as Nik, Mick and Randy donned the clothes to disguise themselves. It was a clever plan as they now picked up the weapons and pretended to berate the diplomats lying down on the grass. ARTURO and I managed to creep up on the two men above. I seized the guy from behind and managed to smash him into the concrete wall, while ARTURO took the other guy's gun and hit him over the head with it, rendering the man unconscious.

I gave Felix the thumbs up and soon they made the small group of people walk towards to side door. Luckily it was hidden amongst the bushes and lucky for us, it remained unlocked, thanks to ARTURO who now connected with the main frame computer from a wall console.

ARTURO then relayed to us the whereabouts of the remaining diplomats who were incarcerated together in one of the holding cells which ARTURO managed to get the exact location.

We then snuck back down after making sure that the men remained unconscious and I had some twine in my pocket strong enough to tie them up with. We then stuffed their mouths with our handkerchiefs, to silence them.

But ARTURO made no mention of whether my father or Bryant was with them. I could only hope for the best as we proceeded to tread with caution towards the holding cells below. We were now all armed, although some of us had secretly stashed our weapons in our boots, pretending to be led by Randy, Mick and Nik who were in disguise.

We got down below, hearing belligerent voices belonging to five men, yelling at some of the diplomats and guests, threatening them with their semi-automatics. It was then that I spotted dad, looking the worse for wear as it appeared that he suffered a cut above his brow as I assumed he had put up a good fight. Bryant was nowhere to be found.

We hid in the darkness as another door clanked open and two men appeared, dragging someone blond back into the tiny cell. My heart fell, seeing who it was. Bryant was unconscious with a gaping wound flaring on the side of his leg.

We had to act and act fast. We then decided that we would split up and attack the men from different angles as soon as they opened the door to place Bryant back in. We waited with baited breath as the others let them in and then...

BAM!!! Randy swung the cell door with all his might hitting one of the guys in the face, causing him to crumple. He lost his grip on the gun which my dad bravely took up, smashing the butt of it into the other guy's face.

I smacked the butt of my gun into the back of another guy's head and he groaned, falling to the ground. Felix and Alonso quickly guided the confused and terrified diplomats out into the courtyard to join the others who were safely being protected by ARTURO and Nik.

Bryant came to from all the noise, shaking his head from the daze he had been in. The mastermind of this small invasion was still at large at the heart of the main frame which was the center of the new compound's operational base.

Now was not the time to be squeamish as we charged into the unit, guns blazing. The mastermind was female and she had the nerve to headbutt my beloved and kick him in the groin.

Randy fell to the wayside but I strode up to her, and took my stance in attack mode. She rambled forward, poised to strike but I anticipated her first move as she aimed to kick me in the face.

I grabbed hold of her ankle, twisting it slightly to one side, causing her to yelp out loud, losing her angle and faltering, taking me down with her. We grappled on the floor and I swore I would never hit a woman but it was her or me, so I pulled my fist back with all my might and socked her one, right in the kisser. She immediately lost consciousness.

My dad was grinning from ear to ear as he pulled me up from the ground. No sooner had I managed to gain my footing, I yelled 'DUCK' as another man swung his fist at us. But my father was too quick, punching the guy hard and deep in the gut, knocking the wind out of him.

"Who is she?" I asked, finally regaining my breath after the assault ended abruptly.

"One of Egon's by the looks of it. She'd been tipped off that we were going to inspect the new premises together with some very important people. We've got to rid ourselves of these moles. Dammit!" My dad acknowledged.

Bryant nodded, holding an ice pack to his now swollen jaw. ARTURO had animated some worker droids to gather up the rest of the men that we had managed to disarm earlier, putting them into a holding cell, until military police, the FBI came to collect them, with their leader.

She spat at us from within the cell, stating that we would all meet a grisly end sooner or later. Randy chuckled but I silenced him with one look, meaning she was serious had we had to take any threat seriously.

"Damien thought of the whole thing while we were in the car. He's going to be a great agent!" Nik gushed, making me blush at his words.

"Oh, I'm sure he will and so will Randy and Bron too!" Alonso confirmed.

"Where's Bron?" Felix asked, looking around. Bron had suddenly disappeared...

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