The Mysterious Stranger

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A/N: Sorry for the delay, everyone! Life's been pulling me every way here and there, all good but trying to pace myself, which sometimes isn't easy. As I sit here, desperately trying NOT to doze off (yeah, story of my life lately) I dedicate this to all of the readers who loved Visualdiva's stories. This is for you all!

Before saying anything more, the man grabs me and shoves me into a small alleyway between the diner and the parking lot, shielding me with his body from the two dark-suited men who rush past.

"All clear..." He motions to me once he checks the parameters around the area. His peripheral vision is enhanced by the unique eye-piece that hovers over his left eye. "I'm bringing the subject in...Has Martha made contact? Good...And Rob's condition?... At least he's stable...Grey Rabbit is coming home..." He mentioned Rob in his com-link. My heart jumped for a milli-second when he mentioned them both. At least, I least they were safe.

We head out to another unmarked car, a Ford sedan with tinted windows discreetly parked slightly further away from the diner. Somehow, I felt that I could trust this man. I couldn't understand why but I just felt it in my gut instinct to go with him.

I scooted into the backseat and was told to lie low which wasn't easy for a big kid like me but I tried. He quietly chuckled to himself as he glanced over, finding me half-slouched with my legs half-entangled underneath me.

I tried to decipher the words that he mentioned in his com-link during the conversation with whomever he was speaking to. He mentioned 'grey rabbit'. Instinctively, my hand flew to the zipper of my book bag. As he drove around, I fiddled with my bag; my hand delving in to search and finally fish out the small grey rabbit my grandma had given to me. I once again recalled her words...She had mentioned that it was from my father's only gift to me which made it all the more special.

I was aware of my heart palpitating as I clutched the scruffy little grey rabbit in my hand. It seemed so miniscule in my large hand now but as a child, I was always holding onto it with awe and wonder...and love. I had always dreamt of meeting my dad but not like this. This was just crazy!

The man in the front seat was now driving like a maniac on the highway, rapidly talking into his com-link. We are being tailed by another car and I bet it was the men in suits following us. I watched as he reached for his gun while keeping a hand on the wheel at the same time.

Shots rang out as I ducked, covering my ears and shutting my eyes out of sheer fear and desperation. I recited a small prayer my grandma had taught me in times of trouble but it failed to give me comfort as I was tossed around in the backseat like a rag doll. He fired shots and I heard the car behind me screeching before a loud crash unsettled my eardrums.

"Bingo!" He muttered, snapping his gun back into the holster. He then revved the engine as police cars buzzed passed us towards the crash scene. Apparently, the car bearing the two dark-suited men had done a horrendous flip and landed on its' head exposing the chassis below still with the wheels rotating, trapping the two men inside.

"The police are going to have a field day with those two! Yessir!!!" He chuckled. There was a pleasant ring to his laugh which I found comforting. I felt a sudden anxiety with this whole situation. I had come to the realization that I had been living a lie the entire time!

I felt some deep-seated resentment rising to the surface as I struggled to keep it in. I had been lied to, by people whom I thought I could trust. I began to feel a bit weak in the knees and getting cramps since I had been crouching down for a long period of time. He must have noticed this and motioned for me to finally sit up.

I then saw my surroundings and balked in disbelief. We were ascending a private driveway up to the most luxurious mansion I have ever seen. The thick stone walls and highly ornate fence surrounded the mansion, which sat atop a hill over-looking the bay.

He finally stopped the car, right in front of the mansion's lavish entrance. A butler, dressed immaculately in uniform approached the vehicle, opening the car door, in order to allow me to get out. He did the same for the driver's side. My rescuer handed him the keys as the butler extended his hand.

The man cleared his throat and said," Will that be all, sir?"

"Yes, thank you Hawkes. Please kindly see to it that our young guest is shown to his room to freshen up, will you?" My rescuer gesticulated my way, while finally pulling down the hood of his hoodie. It revealed a handsome-looking man whose face seemed very familiar to me, perhaps now older than before with a touch of grey along his temples. He removed the hoodie altogether, his tight tee-shirt revealing a well-built, muscular frame underneath which rippled as he walked.

"Of course, sir, with pleasure. We have been awaiting the young master's return for a very long time" The man smiled genuinely as he eyed me from head to toe. "He certainly has grown, hasn't he?" He remarked with a twinkle in his eye.

"Yes, Hawkes, he has. I never expected a big, strapping young man but yes, he has..." My rescuer chuckled, throwing a glance my way. He stared at me with a gleam in his eye that made a blush creep up my cheeks.

I followed the butler, Hawkes, into the mansion. I gawped at the lavish interiors as I recognized some of the paintings and sculptures which seemed to decorate every single corner where I turned. Where these real or were they perfect reproductions? I didn't dare ask.

Hawkes quietly led me through the kitchen, where a silver tray sat, laden with a bottle of fizzy water and a glass. He then, indicated to me that the bottle and the glass were meant for me. I smiled and poured myself a glass, gulping the contents down quickly. I had no idea that I was that thirsty.

Hawkes then led me upstairs to a hallway with a set of doors from left to right which seemed to extend for miles and miles or so I thought, since the mansion was huge! People dressed in suits kept popping in and out of these rooms, communicating with others, either by mobile device or directly conversing with one another. They suddenly stopped, took one look at me, smiled and then immediately went back to what they were doing.

We did a right-hand turn into another hallway, which was sealed by a touch pad that Hawkes accessed with a touch key. This hallway was also full of doors, but of a lesser amount and there was no hustling and bustling here. The floor was extremely quiet. I was getting anxious as the end of the hallway led to a huge set of double doors which I assumed was a main suite, guarded by two very formidable-looking men who were heavily armed with weapons that seemed out of this world.

I stopped in my tracks as my rescuer opened one half of the large doors, clad only in a towel. He appeared fresh from taking a shower, holding the mobile phone in his hand while perusing his tablet. He briefly looked at me and smiled before popping back into the suite.

I didn't expect the view but he was clearly as I imagined, with a taut, muscular physique, just as formidable as those men who stood on either side of those heavy doors.

Hawkes cleared his throat, seeing as how enthralled I was with that man's presence that I seemed to have lost myself completely in his gaze as I watched him disappear behind those doors.

"Hawkes, I realize I don't know his name..." I suddenly asked.

Hawkes simply smiled and said "You due time, sir...Your suite..." We came to a halt at another double-doored suite and he flung open the doors with much aplomb to reveal a room, triple the size of my humble bedroom at home. I was flabbergasted.

"This must be the wrong room, Hawkes. Surely, I am not expected to stay here?" I turned to him, clearly shocked at the massive, fluffy bed that sat in the middle flanked by two bedside tables; the huge bay windows that overlooked the sea and a bathroom that was equipped with a whirlpool bath and superior multi-jet shower system. There was a walk-in closet that was filled with clothes, shoes and accessories marked in my size! How the heck did he know what size shoes I wore?

Above the fireplace, there were some photos. As I looked closely at them, I saw the young man whom I met with grandma a long time ago when I was still a child. I must have forgotten these moments because apparently grandma had taken these photos of us together where he pushed me on the swing and bought me ice-cream.

My eyes began to well up with tears. I hadn't noticed Hawkes leave the room as I stood there, looking at the images before me intensely. I felt a pair of strong hands settle gently on my shoulders.

"You were such a shy child at first...Cora told me how you were teased at school. But I always knew, deep down in my heart you were my brave little boy..." He whispered in my ear. I turned to him, no longer able to control my emotions as he wrapped his arms around me, and I wept silently into his chest. At long last, I was home.

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