The Tides Turn

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A/N: Couldn't leave you guys hanging... More revelations revealed!!!

A very anxious Omega Prion paced the titanium floor of the 1st deck, seeking consul with Mother Gaia over the immediate situation, when KALA, the mother ship lurched forwards, as if it was being shaken loose from its' roots.

The two statesmen grabbed hold onto the securely fastened table, as the ship rattled, shifting away from its' moorings below ground.

"PRION!!! You dare to command the Supreme Being?" Mother Gaia was in a state of shock, as the ship began to heave and roll violently.

Mother Gaia knew that this was unheard of and could very well result in a major catastrophe. Soon, the ship was literally being pulled from its' earthly grave, but by what, everyone could not have guessed.

Back at the compound, a furious Dante stood at the terrace doors, eyes black as night, angered that someone would dare to intrude into his mind, without his permission. With his powers at his full command, the young man stood in defiance, refusing to yield to the unknown force beckoning to him. Instead, he reversed the polarities, using magnetic force to bring the anomaly to him.

Damien stood with the others, mouths agape, as a gigantic spacecraft entered the barrier zone, having been forcibly ripped from where it had been hidden peacefully for ages. The massive structure, heavily decorated with flora and fauna rumbled, as it continued on its' treacherous journey towards The Organization's base headquarters, to be deposited unceremoniously in the backyard of the mansion at Dante's feet.

Mara and Ilya braced themselves for impact. Yet, the force that held them was well-controlled, unknowingly by the young man. The one whom they named 'The Supreme Being' now orchestrated this wild move, with sheer determination to be reunited with his family, even if it meant sacrificing the others.

Somehow, Dante had sensed the collective on board – families, kinsmen of his own kind, in deep meditation and prayer, for their deliverance from whatever had caused this sudden upheaval...and he heard them.

As the humongous ship, the size of eight football fields in diameter loomed, it came not quite crashing down, but on a slightly bumpy touchdown on the soft green lawn, just before the terrace doors. Everyone sighed heavily with relief, as huge bay doors slid open, with the collective spilling out onto the lawn, breathing laboured from that sudden upheaval.

The infirmary had been alerted and Doctors Narayan, Garett and Commander Sam Grenley and their teams rushed to the scene to help the stragglers. Head nurse Sylvia and her team also aided and welcomed the strangers. All passengers aboard the massive spaceship were led to the immigration clearance center, containing larger rooms or holding areas, so that at least they could manage to provide some form of comfort for their new guests.

Meanwhile, Dante spotted his parents amidst the throng of newcomers and quickly dashed towards them, throwing his arms around the disoriented duo, as they set their feet upon the grassy surface.

"Papa, Mama" He cried out, tears of joy spilling from his eyes, as he welcomed them. Damien stood, grinning from ear to ear at their reunification. But that was not all. Mother Gaia beamed to see the family not only united, but now had the pleasure of meeting her sovereign.

Now Una and Arkaya presented their off-spring to the muddled Omega Prion, who gasped at seeing the one who would be their leader, and promptly sank to one knee. Mother Gaia and the others followed suit, heads bowed in reverence to the young man, who was confused by their actions.

"'s so many of them..." Bron remarked, as the rest of the community came, spilling out of the ship. Alma and her staff, as well as the nurses were alerted as there might have been some who had sustained injuries during their unchartered trip.

"I'm not sure what you can drink..." Alonso spoke to one of them, who gratefully accepted a glass of cool, refreshing water.

"This will be fine, thank you" The male spoke, nodding politely towards him. "My name is Kryon (Kree-Yon). What's yours?"

"It's Alonso...My name's Alonso. Pleased to meet you..." He grinned.

The others were also taken into the giant rooms used to process new arrivals or visitors to the compound. The area was under high-level security in case of any unwelcome intruders.

The rooms resembled large atriums, decorated with water fountains and plenty of seating areas for guests while they waited to enter. It was the perfect place to house them temporarily, until Darius and his team figured out what to do with them.

"Whew!!! What are we going to do with that???" Marcus pointed to the humongous alien obstacle that sat in the backyard.

"I guess we'll have to store it in one of our bigger hangars, and check it to make sure it wasn't damaged, right, Zack?" Darius scratched his beard, eyeing the monstrosity.

Zack nodded, commanding his team of bulkier AI units as they proceeded to clear the craft from the mildly battered lawn, housing it in one of the many secret hangars below ground. Zack's task was to inspect the craft for any damage, as a disillusioned Omega Prion staggered out onto the lawn to be greeted by a familiar face...

"You sure know how to bring attention to yourself, don't you???" Bron chuckled, eyeing Dante from the side.

"I just hope the government authorities don't get wind of this. Zack, I'll leave you to deal with the usual formalities coupled with this kind of situation. Take Arturo with you..." Darius ordered him.

"Yessir, right on it. Come on, Arturo...Arturo???" Zack's eyes widened, as a small childlike female looked up with marvel at the AI unit, gently reaching up to stroke his face, as he bent down towards her out of curiosity.

Arturo smiled and patted her head, before following Zack back to the lab. They had to make sure that none of the media had captured the flight of the ship as it came flying at great speed towards them.

Prion, Gaia were led into another, more private room where they were given light refreshments as Gerry, Deke, Bryant and Darius filed in, followed by both Damien and Bron. Both Mara and Ilya, together with their son also entered, and the door slid shut.

"I take it, these are not all your people...and there's more?" Gerry questioned Omega Prion.

The elder statesman nodded, "Yes, that is correct. The other ships are still remaining where they are...hopefully not to be found..." He replied, with a look of worry upon his face.

"Don't worry. We'll see to that. Our best technical crew are on it right now," Darius reassured him.

"I certainly hope so, Lord Zarynthian..." Omega addressed the familiar face...

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