the fourth chapter

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"It's her, it's her." Paul muttered to Chris beside him. "It's Kenzie!"

"Where?" Chris asked.

"THERE." Paul gestured, turning back to look at where the two girls were standing. But they were gone. All that was there now was the body guard. "Where are they.. Where are they?" He began to walk towards the spot where they had been quickly.

"Hold it, Mr Dakers. Where are you going?" A security guard questioned.

"Umm, over there," he didn't take his eyes off the spot where they once stood, the security followed quickly. When he arrived at the spot, proving the obvious that they were no longer standing there, he began to look around, searching the crowd for a flash of orange.

"THERE. Come on." he spotted her.

Paul's mother suddenly appeared behind him. "Paul!" she exclaimed. "You are making yourself look like an idiot in front of thousands of girls, not to mention the photographers who are snapping your every move! What do you think you are doing?"

"Mom, it's her! Mom. I saw her, I saw my girl."

"Nonsense, Paul, you are talking nonsense. You cannot simply find her. Wait for the line up, I have picked out some nice girls for you...." she placed an hand on his arm, trying to gently usher him into the museum.

He shook her off, "no, mom! It was her, I know it. And unless the line up in now and she is in it then I will not wait."

Mrs Dakers mortification showed clearly in her expression. "Paul. Get in the museum now." she insisted.

"No, mom. I'm 17. And I'm going after her. Now."

And with that he made a head gesture towards his security and towards Chris who quickly came to his side. They walked quickly after the girl in the orange scarf, hoping to find her before she was gone.


Kenzie and Nora arrived at the train station in time for the 1632. They quickly got on and found seats for themselves as it wasn't busy. Kenzie had been acting weird. As soon as the body guard had pointed out who was standing there she had sobered. She glanced up, and Nora saw the smile go. She had grabbed Nora's hand, pulling her swiftly into the sea of girls and away from Paul. It was incredibly out of character for her; and even especially now, as they sat on the train. Kenzie was pale. And she hadn't spoken a word, excluding to the train staff as she bought her ticket. Nora never had to make conversation, but it seemed that, on this occasion; that if she did not, then conversation wouldn't happen.

"Kenzie, are you okay." she asked hesitantly.

Kenzie looked up surprise in her eyes, it was almost like she had forgotten she was in another person's company. "What....? What? Yeah, I'm okay. Why?"

"You don't seem it."

"I am fine."

"You're not." Nora told her bluntly.

Kenzie sighed. "It's....well....." she grunted in frustration and thumped her elbows down on the table and scraping her fingers along her scalp. "I met his eyes...."

Nora titled her head, "...and?" she nudged her to carry on.

"...and that is it. Well, it should be it. I met his eyes, and in his eyes was recognition. Nora, he isn't freaking kidding, he knows me from somewhere that isn't on this earth. He is searching for a girl and that girl is me. What the hell am I going to do?" she asked desperately.

Nora's mouth dropped. "Well, what is there to do K?" she asked.

Kenzie sat quietly for a few minutes, staring out the window as she watched the countryside pass by. "I need to face him. I-I-I need to talk to him. He will find me, he will. How? I don't know. But he will."


Kenzie was right. He would find her. And although it wasn't on that day, he had his plan. They couldn't find her in the sea of girls who seemed that they would do anything to touch him on the arm or cut a lock from his hair. She had disappeared like Houdini and after a few hours, they had given up and returned to the hotel to receive a mouth-full from his mother.

The following Monday, a note was passed around Johnan High from class to class, free tickets were being given to every 14 year old girl who went to this school to a Paul Dakers concert that would be held the coming Saturday. These tickets were coming courtesy of the man himself and it wasn't taking Nora and Kenzie two guesses why.

"So this is how he does it." Nora said that lunch time as they sat in their common room. She, in her hands, held a glossy ticket to a performance to be held in Glasgow with "Paul Dakers ~ Finding the One Tour printed onto it in vibrant colours. "It's simple. He will have people scouring every corner of it until they find you. I wonder how he knows you go to this school?"

"Oh my days, Nora! He know cos of that Chris guy, we were in our uniforms when he met us," Kenzie said, pacing.

"Well why doesn't he just march into our school then, he can do that. He is an international star!"

"Dunno. Maybe he is wanting to keep it a secret or something..."

"Maybe..." Nora said. "So, what are you going to wear?" she giggled.

"Ha!" Kenzie projected, "don't even know if I'm going never mind what I'm wearing!"

Nora gasped. "But you have to go! He is doing this all for you!"

"But Nora, who said I want this, who said I want to be this special girlfriend of Mr Paul Dakers, huge star, known worldwide, sex icon, actor, singer, loved particularly by teenage girls who are particularly good at b*tching and cat fights? Cos I didn't. I most certainly did not." Kenzie sat down with a thump on one of the durable plastic chairs.

"Maybe you don't get a say. Maybe it's fate. Maybe it's just the way the tables have turned and life has panned out. Maybe you are one of the lucky ones who find their soul mate early." Nora said quietly.

"Yeah maybe." Kenzie crossed her arms huffing like a child.

"And because it is fate, I feel a bit of intervention is needed. You are going to this concert. And you are going to wear what I say you are going to wear."


Saturday night came too quick for Kenzie. Her mind had been turning, imagining every situation from him taking her up onto stage and shoving a guitar in her face, demanding a song to it not even being true; to her going, and him saying that she had found his girl, and then bringing some blonde booby girl up onto the stage who stood there giggling idiotically.

On the Wednesday night, she had dreamt that he appeared on her doorstep in a tuxedo, sitting on an elephant and holding a bouquet of balloon flowers with his hair back combed and geled. It was a comic sight, but he had then proposed using a haribo ring which she had not accepted in the most ungrateful manner ever; she had simply eaten it. When Kenzie awoke that morning, she had been relieved actually that it hadn't happened and still cringed when she thought about it, a good few days on.

On Saturday morning, Kenzie had done one of her usual disappearances to think with a note pad. She had left at 6, after a restless night of attempting to sleep and returned at 12, with a rumbling stomach and a notepad filled with thoughts poured into music. After having something to eat, she headed to Nora's house.

This was actually the first time she had been to Nora's. Usually they were just school friends, but over the passed week, that had seemed to change. Nora lived in the town, in a little apartment above the hairdressing salon her mum owned, it was quaint and the interior design was quirky. Kenzie instantly fell in love with the clashing colours and furniture .

In Nora's room, the girls sat, Kenzie in front of a mirror, Nora behind her, styling a glossy straight do. Once her black hair shone and stood high after a good half hour of back combing, Nora moved onto her makeup. To be fair, it didn't take long, Kenzie had good skin and large eyes, so no concealer was needed to hide blemishes, and if Nora was to use mascara of eye liner on Kenzie she would probably sport more of a 'deer in the headlights' kind of look rather than a 'sexy and sensual' look.

Nora's mum constantly brought them snacks and advice. She was a tall woman, with brightly dyed hair and a 'hippy' look. She wore clashing colours, and fitted right in with the colours in her house. She spoke in riddles and spoke very childish to the girls about men and their disadvantages. At one point she did attempt to help Nora choose an outfit for Kenzie, but after giving her first idea, which was an orange number hemmed with a green Hindu pattern that sat on the mid shin, Nora quickly ushered her out of the room giving her a job to do. They were well and truely a role reversal house.

After a good hour or so of trying on dresses and scrutiny, it was finally settled that Kenzie should wear a purple one shoulder dress with careful ruffles sewed on by Nora herself. The dress clutched with a belt style at a high waist, before pleating out and emphasising her hips and coming to a tight finish just above her knees. It was Kenzie's dream dress, she had fell in love with it from the moment Nora pulled it out from the back of her cupboard, one of her samples from long ago.

They were ready by 6, Nora had a orange mini dress on that had an extremely high cut at the top, and was a solid bright orange down to the waist, where is exploded into colours, lace and netting stabled onto it, giving a texture that made the dress a mixture of rock chick and scene, but it also a classy edge. She had her mum curl her hair into loose ringlets that fell in front of her shoulders and with a touch of foundation and some heavy 'smokey eyes' they were ready to go.

The train was their chosen method of transport, most other Johnan High girls seemed to have the same idea, and so they commanded a few carriages as their own practically shooing passengers out with their loudness and the fact that some idiotic girls were getting drunk. The train journey was slow as Kenzie's nerves built.

Nora chattered on, mostly to herself about outfits that other girls were wearing, many were matching, their predictiable short dresses from Quiz and Primark. Some were classier, for River Island, and a few richer girls had 'accidentally' left the £200 price tab on their Juicy Couture and Prada numbers. But, of course, no one had the same outfits as Kenzie and Nora, it was impossible for them to anyway. Nora had made them both with her trusty sewing machine and two hands.

The venue was buzzing. Thousands had decended on the arena and swarmed the place like vultures looking for their pray. Kenzie and Nora had grabbed a drink from the bar, bought a cute little t-shirt (Nora saying 'I HAVE FOUND THE ONE,' with an arrow pointing to her right to Kenzie's dismay. And Kenzie simply saying 'Paul Dakers, The Finding the One Tour.) and headed into the concert hall. They handed over their tickets to a staff member, who studied them both, astonishment flickering across his face after seeing Kenzie, and they moved inside to their seats.

Their seats were okay. Not great, but neither were complaining, it was a free concert! The arena filled quickly after they took their seats, and about 20 minutes later the place was full.


A desperate knocking on the door surprised Paul, who was sitting back stage in his dressing room reading a book.

"Yo." he said, inviting the man in.

A medium built man burst in, his forehead damp with sweat and his eyes wide. He was wearing the arena work uniform and sounded as if he had ran from the other end of the building to get here.

"Mr Dakers, sir. I am more or less positive I just saw the girl. I did." He bobbed his head.

Paul's face lit up, "Really? Is she at the concert?"

"Yes, block M she is sitting in! Block M! he kept bobbing his head.

Paul frowned, "Move her closer, she can't be sitting in the stands! I won't see her!"

The scrawny man continued to bob his head, he was beginning to look like one of those annoying bobble heads they would make of football players to sit on car dash boards. "Yes, sir. Front row sir? Front row?" Now he sounded like his own parrot, why did he say everything twice? Paul thought, his manner a cause for annoyance.

"Yes. Where I can see her!" he said.

"Okay, sir. No problem, sir. There will be no problem. Okay sir." he bobbed before waking out the room.


"Umm, ahem, excuse me, yes, you two girls there. Hello." a man dressed in a polo shirt sporting the arena logo and suit trousers caught the attention of Kenzie and Nora.

"Yes?" Nora raised an eyebrow.

"Ummm, we have two spare seats right up front row, your seats have been drawn out of the hat to get the privilege of moving forward." the man strained his neck towards them, and Nora could tell that his motives were not correct.

Kenzie laughed, thinking the same as Nora, "really? Oh wow, that's cool," she said.

"Yeah, what luck! Front seats!" Nora joined in sarcastically.

"Yes, yes, yes." the man said, "I can escort you to your seat now."

They were moved swiftly to centre front seats. "Enjoy the show, madam," he bobbed to Nora, "madam," he bobbed to Kenzie, wonder in his eyes.

He quickly shuffled away, leaving the two girls in stitches. "Your man is smart! He must have people watching every girl that came in here, and know what? I be he has people watching you now!" she went into fits of giggles.

"Oh shh, Nora you creep! He ain't my man...yet." she laughed. "No, no, no no no no actually. He ain't my man Nora! I bet this is a coincidence. Bet it is!"

"There is no such thing as a coincidence, Ken, there is only such a thing as fate. Now shh, not another the on the subject."

The lights were dimmed and out onto the stage stepped one of the warm up bands. They were led by a pretty girl, with colourful streaks through her hair and thick eyeliner. 'He is touring with her, why would he concider me.' Kenzie thought to herself. Another warm up act came on soon after her, but they were more indi based and actually had really good music.

It was around 9 when the band came off. The crowd of thousands began to chatter among themselves as the stage sat empty.

"ARE YOU READDDDDDDDDDDY," a voice instantly recognisable as Paul Dakers suddenly burst from the speaker. The crowd erupted into screams. "I CANT HERE YOU, I SAID ARE YOU READDDDDDDDY?"

"Yes! Oh god yes." Nora said to Kenzie, who was suddenly nervous. The crowd screams got louder and louder.

A body ran from back stage, dressed in stylish jeans and a jacket. "Well I am." he said. It was Paul Dakers the one and only. The girl beside Kenzie burst out crying and Kenzie, who had been holding onto Nora squeezed her arm tightly. Nora screamed along with the crowd, a huge fan of Paul's.

The famous opening chords of his hit single 'My Girl' were struck on the guitar and he began to sing tunefully. As he sang, Kenzie could see his eyes searching the front row. 'he is looking for me.' she realised. Nora's thoughts mirrored her own as she turned to face her smiling. Her mouth formed the words I told you so, but it was immpossible to hear over the noise blasting from the speakers. And Kenzie's nerves soared to an all new level as she contemplated what could happen if he saw her.

She didn't get long to think, because as he reached the pre chorus he met her eyes. His face little up, a smile sparkling and as he sang the chorus, he sang to her,

It would break my heart to know you weren't my own

I'll be with no one else and I just think you should know

The fact that you are my girl just brightens my day

And I would follow you anywhere if you walked away...

So don't go-o-o, don't go-o-oh, oh, don't go oh, oh baby.

Kenzie was hypnotised by the truth in his words and even when, after the chorus he brought his attention back to the crowd, Kenzie stayed in that moment, her face soft and a cheesy smile on her face, Nora bounced beside her to the tune grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the daze as they danced together for the rest of the song, both Kenzie and Nora witnessed quite a few times Paul's eyes wandering to her, and giggled about it every time.

The concert was amazing, there was only one way to describe it. By 10 o'clock Paul had sang his way through a lot of songs, and chattered away to the crowd in between, he often made references to his girl, snatching sly glances in Kenzie's direction. Half way through the concert he announced a set and clothes change, before curtains were drawn and the lights were brightened. Nora and Kenzie took this opportunity to scream slightly over the first half.



Kenzie threw herself back in the chair, "it's like a freaking dream, what am I supposed to do if I meet him, what am I supposed to say." she pondered aloud. "Nora, what if I don't like him for a person?" she asked quietly.

"Aww, Kenzie, stop thinking! You'll like him. And if you don't. He will go to the end of the earth for you to make you like him. So suck it up. We. Are. At. Paul. Dakers. Concert." she finished.

"Uhh, god. I'll think later. Come on, I need to go pee."

They walked quickly towards the toilet, not wanting to miss his entrance back onto stage. They passed a crowded back stage door on the way, and Kenzie thought about how magical it would be to be let through that door.

After going to the toliet, they arrived back at their seats with minutes to spare until the concert started.

It began with a man Kenzie didn't recognise walking in front of the curtains with a mic. He had an American accent and began with a crowd warm up, the usual Mexican wave and jumping.

"I, have exciting news for you all." he said with a twang. "We had not originally prepared to use this setting tonight, but amazing circumstances means that we will be. She has been found. Paul has found his girl. She is here tonight. And although Paul hasn't actually met her yet, he is sure she knows who she is. And so, little missy who is out there tonight, this, is all for YOU!"

He opened his arms wide and pivoted to show the audience the stage. And as the curtains were pulled back, Kenzie let out a gasp. It was magnificent. A giagantic pink love heart decked the back with "Hello Mrs Dakers?' written on it in elaborate calligraphy decked the back wall, confetti floated from the ceiling. Soft music played as Paul walked onto this stage. He held an acoustic guitar and was dressed in a fancy tuxedo.

He glanced down to look at Kenzie, his eyes shining, be lifted his head, as if to say, 'do you want to come on stage.' she shook her head no and he nodded. He looked up again to the audience and slip his lips into a breathtaking smile.

"She knows who she is, but she doesn't want to come up here onto stage....maybe tomorrow! But still, I wrote this song myself baby. And I wrote it for you. You are perfect."

He strummed the opening chords on his guitar and played a short intro, his voice filled the concert hall as he sang,

I never thought that having a soul mate was true,

I never dreamt I would find someone like you-ou

And now I have my life is complete

Nothin' else matters but you and me

And baby, be mine forever and always

Don't run or hide away from me cos

I'll love you 'til the day I die and after

I'll give it all for a ring on your finger.....

I would give up my singing if you told me to

I would change religion if it meant being with you

I would move to Greenland if you said you loved snow

And I would take you on a road trip wherever you'd like to go-o

So baby, be mine forever and always

Don't run or hide away from me cos

I'll love you 'til the day I die and after

I'll give it all for a ring on your finger

I will fall at your knees begging please

If you don't give a chance for us to to last

How could this end before it has ever begun

I ain't over reacting cos it my life

And if your not in it then I don't wanna be either,

Please baby, be mine forever and always

Don't run or hide away from me cos

I'll love you 'til the day I die and after

I'll give it all to see that ring on your finger......"

The crowd burst into thunderous applause and Kenzie jumped up screaming along.

"Kenzie, come back stage at the end...." he said to the crowd, careful not to look down to her while he said it.

He knows my name, Kenzie thought smiling stupidly. Nora turned to Kenzie and screamed loudly.

"OHMIGOD." she said jumping. Kenzie joined her jumping.

"And, now," Paul said from the stage, "I'm going to sing my version of firework by Katy Perry. He began to sing.

The concert stretched on for another hour while Nora and Kenzie enjoyed the music. Kenzie didn't get time to think about the events that were about to happen until the end of the concert. Paul walked off the stage to deafening cheers and his last words were in reference to Kenzie coming backstage, and as the crowd began to file out, Kenzie panicked.

"Nora, I can't just go back there. This is stupid, he is still looking for the happily ever after! No. I can't go to him with him expecting me to hug him, big kisses and next week for us to be engaged to be engaged in a couple years! It's stupid, it is, it is!"

Nora rolled her eyes at Kenzie, grabbing her shoulders and staring pointedly at her. "Kenzie, don't take a panic attack. You know that everything he has done in the last few weeks was for you. He is here for you. He'll probably be sitting back stage right now a nervous wreck, wondering if you're going to come or not. What you do right now could define your life. So suck it up, stop your blubbering and let's go back stage."

They sat on the tiled floor for a good 15 minutes as they watched they girls reluctantly walk away, Kenzie sat quietly, nervous and panicking.

"Excuse me, girls. But you will need to leave now." a large man stood in front of them. "Mr Dakers does not take fakers politely, if you do not leave now then I will have to do it by force."

Nora jumped up and lifted her chin to meet the tall man's eyes. "Is that so, I them you'll find that here you don't have a faker." Nora grabbed Kenzie pulling her to her feet. "Say hi to Kenzie, mister."

The man laughed, a horrible noise that made Kenzie shiver, "just cos you change her name and her hair doesn't mean that she is a different person. Now move."

"Ha! Well that's the thing, we haven't changed her hair or her name. In fact, I practically had to drag her here after Paul said to come back stage...." Nora stared at Kenzie, rolling her eyes, "so yeah, don't waste my efforts. And let her in."

"Nice try girls, now go." they were shoved towards the exit, Nora putting up a fight and Kenzie silently relieved that she wouldn't need to meet him today.....

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