the second chapter

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As predicted, the next day the school was buzzing. Girls giggled, all of a sudden 4 inches shorter; their heels shoved under their bed in favour of cute little dinky pumps, and some had actually cut their hair, with plans of dying it that night. Of course Kenzie had done nothing to change her appearance, she had put on her uniform and went to school. She laughed at the girls in clusters gossiping. Passing by them, she headed towards her common room. Nora was already sitting in there, reading a book on her kindle in the far corner. She had her feet propped up on the plastic chair and she was leaning against the white wash walls, her long blonde hair falling down masking her face.

She didn't look up when Kenzie walked in. And so Kenzie just sat down at one of the desks and brought out her iPod and homework. She had all her recorded tracks on her iPod, and listened to them constantly so she could think through anything she wanted to change. Every song had to be perfect. Although she never planned to make an album, or let anyone hear her songs for that matter. Her songs were her heart and soul. Anything that had passed through her mind was written down in a song somewhere hidden deep inside her wardrobe.

It was about 10 minutes later when Nora realised she wasn't in the room herself. "Oh geez. Hey Kenzie, you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah Nora, what you reading?" Kenzie pulled her earphones out.

"Oh just this book called Finding Skye, it's actually really good...."

"Nice one, I'm just doing my history homework, I kinda forgot...." Kenzie blushed.

"It happens," Nora shrugged, laughing. " So....what 'cha think of the crazy girls going goth?"

"Just cos they dye their hair black don't mean they're goth...." Kenzie defended, "it's when they discover eyeliner and think it is to also go on the cheek bones and the whole eyelid!" she laughed.

Nora joined her laughter, "but it's crazy, ae?"

"Big time."

"You are his exact description by the way."

"Whose?" Kenzie played ignorance.

Nora rolled her eyes, "You know! Paul Dakers!

"Oh haha Nor. You're so funny. That guy must be mentally ill or something. Does he really think that he can just snap his finger and every small, black haired, 14 year old Scottish girl will line up to be examined?"

Nora laughed, " I know it's mad. But it seems that the girls in this school are prepared to. You are bang on what he is talking about. Right down to the fact you compose your own music...."

Kenzie widened her eyes, "I do not!"

"Oh I'm sure you don't." Nora sang.

"I don't." she persisted.

"But anyway. PERFECT DESCRIPTION. Word for word."

"Oh shh, he didn't say much on MTV."

Nora's eyes widened. "You haven't read the full version?!" She squealed.

"What full version?" Kenzie asked curiously.

"He wrote a profile. It had everything he knew, plus just overall what his perfect girl is. It is literally word for word you."

"AHAHAHAHA. You're funny Nora. You do realise I'm not gullible. Oh and I wouldn't go near the guy. He thinks he has the word in the palm of his hand. He doesn't. So I am so not lining up to be counted."

"Fair enough."

The bell rang signalling the beginning of first period and the girls, gathering their bags headed towards their classroom. As they walked together, no one spoke to them or acknowledged their presence; they were loners.


First period buzzed with the usual chatter. Paper balls flew back and forward across the classroom carrying notes, and peals of laughter came from every corner. Nora and Kenzie moved towards their normal seats, but instead of the usual ignorance, girls stared, they glared, shooting daggers at Kenzie's resemblance towards Paul's girl. Kenzie faked ignorance to the situation, laughing blissfully at Nora, who was shooting daggers straight back and staring them down.

They sat at their seats, Nora muttering all about 'if looks could kill' and how these girls where so shallow and all of a sudden they were changing their looks and falling over some guy they had never met. Kenzie switched off as Nora began to rant and voice her very opinionated point of view. Classes passed quickly that morning, and soon enough, it was lunch.

Kenzie and Nora decided to walk to the village for their lunch, and they headed as soon as the bell rang. The crisp autumn air had warned off a lot of other pupils and most had stayed inside and so the 10 minute walk to the shops was quiet, only broken by the crackling of the leaves. They walked in comfortable silence and on reaching the village, they only spoke a few low words about where they were going to go.

The Terrance Tea House was their final desicison, the quaint café nestled away in a back street was a favourite with the two girls, although not many other school children knew about it. It was the kind of café that pensioners would go to on a nice day to get out of the house for a walk, and that was why both Nora and Kenzie loved it, it was away from all the stereotypes of high school, no one judged anyone else and it was all happy smiles and good home cooked food.

The little bell rang as the girls walked in, and a short, stout woman bounced up from her seat at the back beside the counter.

"Kenzie! Nora!" she said walking towards them.

Both girls said hello, addressing the lady as 'Aunt D' as they were pulled into a bear hug.

"How are my two girls?" the woman asked.

"We're good." Nora answered for both of them while they were led to a table. They café was quiet, with only an old lady sitting towards the back sipping tea, and an almost suspicious young man sitting in the far corner with a newspaper and a tall mug of coffee.

Aunt D fussed around them, bringing them drinks and asking for orders. She was a round woman, with short cropped hair and smile lines. She had wide blue eyes and hands worn down from washing dishes all her life. Her brown hair sported a few grey strands and she was beginning to age gracefully into her 50s.

They ordered and their food came almost immediately.

"Who's that guy?" Nora muttered to their server gesturing to the mysterious man in the corner why she came with their food.

"Beats me," the young girl replied, " he came in, sat down and asked for a mocha. I just gave him coffee in a fancy glass! Think he'd have noticed?"

Kenzie laughed, "probably..."

"Oh well, it's a bit odd getting someone like him in here, he isn't a local, infact he had an American accent! What it he doing in Scotland? Not to mention the fact that he is alone, there is no one with him at all - how do you find this place without somebody. We are in no yellow pages! This café is virtually impossible to find!" the girl whispered, laughing.

"Something is weird about him." Nora stated.

Both girls agreed, and the server left. Nora and Kenzie ate quickly, with hope of getting back to school with about 10 minutes to spare. Nora quickly forgot about the man in the corner, but Kenzie didn't; she caught the man staring at her from the corner of her eye numerous times and it made her uneasy.

Another 5 minutes passed and the girls finished their meal, they said their goodbyes to the staff, with the usual promises to be back soon and headed out. They were closely followed by the unknown man.

Spiders crawled over Kenzie's shoulders as she pulled on Nora's arm, alerting her to the unwanted tailer. She began to walk faster, her legs shaking slightly as she dragged Nora along.

'I'm just over reacting, just over reacting.' she thought, desperately trying to convince herself that she was just paranoid.

But the footsteps stayed closely behind them, and her imagination began to run wild from mugging to kidnap.

"Run." she muttered to Nora, and they joined hands before suddenly sprinting. Nora glanced behind, to see the man following them still. Fear enveloped them as they kept on running.

"Wait!" the man shouted.

"F*ck you!" Nora screamed.

"I'm not trying to hurt you! Please I need to talk to you!" he was quickly gaining on them

"Nora get your phone out and be ready to phone the police. I'll talk to him okay, I can throw a punch..." Kenzie tore her hand from Nora and stopped, she spun around and took the defence stance.

Fearlessly, she lifted her chin, Nora whimpered behind her, scared of the inevitable.

"What?" Kenzie growled.

The man stopped a few metres away. "My name is Chris Knowles. I need to speak to you about something."

"Which is?" Kenzie stared him down.

"I'm a scout for Paul Dakers. He has sent me and many others here to Scotland and we have basically to look for the girl with black hair and a petite frame. I'm sure you have heard of his search?"

"Well yeah..."

"You fit the description perfectly. Infact, it is almost scary. Look," he brought out a piece of card, "this was drawn by a professional with Mr Dakers help, he described these features, and this is what he says is the girl he is looking for."

A gasp sounded from behind her as Nora saw the artist impression. Kenzie's eyes widened slightly and her jaw dropped. The drawing was her, right down to the little freckle under her left eyebrow. After few seconds of pure shock, Kenzie compsed herself and gave a bitter laugh.

"You are not funny in the slightessed. This big publicity scam is terrible. In fact, you know what? I bet you probably don't work for that Paul, you're probably just a random American guy who thinks he can make money off this. So, I bet I need to pay for you to arrange a meeting with Dakers, and the you'll take my number and will 'get in contact directly' and disappear into the sunet looking for your next girl! Wel guess what mister, no thanks, even if I was 'the one' I wouldn't want to be with him, he is a huge star, everyone knows him, and frankly, I'd rather have a life. So tell dear Dakers that if he wants to make his scam really real then come get me himself and attempt to charm me. I need a laugh! Right okay bye!"

Kenzie spun on her heels, grabbing Nora's arm and pulling her backwards towards the school. The man stood, mouth wide at her outburst and frozen to the spot. The portrait slipped through his hands fell to the ground but he made no move to pick it up. It was just his luck that the one girl in the whole world who would refuse to meet Paul Dakers and maybe even be the one he wants to marry was infact the girl. He could tell Paul had his work cut out to impress this one, there was no way she would scamper to his feet at the thought of fame.

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