Chapter 5 - Death & Life

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As I felt my life slipping away I laid on a dead field surrounded by nothing and for a second i felt the light as if i was passing to the other side but before i could i felt a pain on my arm unlike anything i had ever felt in my life it started in my harms before spreading throughout my body it felt like acid was burning my organs as it travelled through this veins.

As it spread i began to scream, screaming as loud as i could except it was only on the inside to the outside world u was dead and my body laid there numb not moving and I didn't know what was going on but i knew i was changing but i wasn't sure what i was turning into.

And after a while the pain stopped In my body and the wound on my hand healed over but left a scar and i just felt numb, I could hear noises around me it sounded like running every noise and smell around me was heightened. As i laid there my body felt weak i couldn't move as i laid there my body began to feel more powerful like anything else i had felt. As my eyes opened he still laid on the field for some reason.

But i sat up looking around him i saw more clearly i could see everything every light, i could hear animals from so far away and everything looked closer as if i was wearing binoculars. As i began to stand up he saw Bella with a frightened look on her face "what's going on" I asked sounding confused I felt as if I had died and came back but that wasn't possible, but I felt more alive than I had ever felt

"Bella," I said because she hadn't answered me the first time which began to worry as I saw my cousin look at me different I knew that she knew what was going on or what had happened to me and it scared her "I'm so sorry, Nick" Bella said as tears began to fall down her face which scared me. "Bella," I said again holding she would tell me what was going on because I was pretty scared right now "You're a vampire, Nick" Bella said which made me feel frozen.  If it made everything strange thing in Forks make sense the fact the Cullen's were never seen when it was sunny, there ice cold looking skin and there yellow eyes.

But the thought of being a vampire scared me because if the stories and tales of vampires were true then i was a blood sucking monster that was a danger to my family, so I ran off however this time I ran it was as if I was a quick as the wind and everything felt different which made me scream and laugh with happiness as if an I could see all the colours of nature, the flowers and animals around me and I began to think more clearly than I had in a long time but what was I going to do next.

As I ran, I ended up in the road a car began to steer to one side trying to stop as quickly as possible looking at me before I put my hoodie up and continued to run throughout the forrest I wasn't sure where I was going but I following my instincts until I reached the Cullen house it was empty and no one was around. As i reached the Cullens house he sat outside on the path before reaching to my bag and opening my bag before pulling out Dr Cullens file i had stolen it before hoping it would give me some information why the Cullens had left so that I could help Bella but now I needed there help.

But as I read the file there was nothing so i quickly shoved it into my bag before getting up and staring at the Cullens house from the driveway staring at the house before walking over and grabbing a brick before walking over to the window and throwing it before clearing the remaining glass away and stepping through i knew I had to be quick because there was more than likely a silent alarm which would made the police aware by now so I quickly ran from room to room searching until I reached Carlisles office.

Looking through everything until I looked up at a painting, I looked through the books until I found one that was about the volturi they sounded important so I quickly shoved everything I thought was important into my bag before heading downstairs to the kitchen because I could smell blood which made him begin to realise how hungry he was so i opened the fridge and ripping open bags of blood before drinking it as the first drop hit his lips it made him hungrier so he ripped open bag after bag before he was covered in blood, bags all over the floor as well as blood.

But as I heard police sirens approaching I looked up so I shoved as much blood I could in my bag before looking at the window. Before running at it before falling out of the window before landing on the ground I looked at the police approaching me "oi" the police officer said as he saw me as I looked at him I saw that it was my Uncle Charlie which began to scare me so I began to run trying to control my speed so that I didn't seem out of the ordinary it took everything I had not to rip his throat open.

I ran through the forest for a while before reaching the house Bella & Charlie were out to I ran around the house filling up a camping bag with clothes, a bunch of Charlie's camping gear & a small portable cooler which I could use to store the blood in because I needed it if I wasn't going to be a danger to people. As I packed up everything I looked around the house one more time because I wasn't sure when I was going to be back before grabbing a piece of paper and pen and leaving a letter "Dear Charlie & Bella, i have to go away for a while to sort somethings out please don't contact me I will contact you when I can. Nick" before leaving it on the table.

I knew that I could trust Bella with my secret because he had kept the Cullen's secret since she had arrived in Forks but I knew I couldn't trust Charlie, it would also put him in danger I had read the book I had stolen from the Cullen's house the Volturi were the vampire version of the royal family if anyone revealed the secret to humans, I couldn't believe I was referring to Charlie as a human but if humans knew then they would kill them.

I placed the bag on before heading to the door as I was about to leave tears began to fall down my face which I wasn't sure was possible before I smiled the reason I smiled was because I was leaving to protect Charlie & Bella from myself and the Volturi.

End Of Chapter 5

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