Chapter Thirty Five | Finale

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"No book can ever be finished. While working on it we learn just enough to find it immature the moment we turn away from it"

~Karl R. Popper


Megatron was quick to act, pushing Optimus out of the flames before they permanently burned him, the Prime hot to the touch even after the brief second of flames.

The Predacon stopped, puzzled by this action, transforming into his Cybertronian mode with a growl.

"Why did you spare him? Have you not wanted Optimus Prime dead all this time?!" The Predacon flexed his claws.

"I did. But things have changed." Megatron stalked forward, not allowing himself to be intimidated by the Predacon's massive size. "And I am in need of your spark."

Predaking took a step back and placed a servo over his chest in an unconscious move to protect his precious organ. His optics narrowed. "You have changed, and I do not believe you are lord Megatron."

"Believe what you want, but it is I! Resurrected from the dead!" Megatron boasted almost proudly. "I have made a deal with Primus, one I intend to keep. Now surrender your spark, or I will cut it out by force!"

Predaking's animalistic instincts took over, his body crouching as it transformed into his Predacon form, roaring at Megatron and preparing to charge.

"It is by force then. So be it." Megatron unsheathed his sword, and then charged.


"How are you feeling, Jack?"

The boy grunted slightly as he shifted, the drugs clouding his processor somewhat, but it numbed the pain. "Like I've been drugged and prepped for surgery."

Ratchet did not seem amused by his quip. "But do you feel any pain? Discomfort?"

Jack shook his head. "The only reason I know my spark is beating is because of the monitor." He nodded to the screen just a bit to his right, which showed a somewhat steady, but still increasing erratic spark beat.

The medic seemed more satisfied by that answer. "Good, good. Once Megatron and Optimus get the Predacon spark, we can focus on our next step." He looked towards Arcee. "Arcee, if I am able to neutralize the infection, Jack may need a donor."

Dread flooded her systems, and it must have shown on her face, because Ratchet gave her a confused, silent question. Why didn't she want to donate? Parting with any piece of her, no matter how little or vital, scared Arcee. Even a cortical psychic patch made her feel immensely uneasy. She had to admit to herself that it was an irrational fear, yet no part of her wanted to go through with it.

"I . . . Wouldn't Optimus be the better candidate?" She suddenly blurted, too prideful to admit her fear. "He has a strong spark, and I'm sure the hole Megatron's piece left will be too big for any of my shards-"

"If you're too afraid to go through with the procedure, just say it." Ratchet almost snapped. Arcee was slightly taken aback. He just personally attacked her! The situation was stressful, but was that really necessary?

"I might have a better solution to your predicament, doctor." Shockwave spoke as he opened to doors to the medbay, June scrambling towards Jack automatically for protection, Arcee tensing considerably while the medic frowned.

"What could you possibly have that could help me?" He demanded.

Shockwave paused before speaking, his monotonous voice almost sounding condescending. "Megatron has deceived you; there is another possible way to save the experiment's life without destroying the Predacon." He paused again, for affect Ratchet assumed, the scientist a bigger drama queen than what he lead on. "We have preserved the human bodies."

"What?!" Ratchet sputtered.

"That's impossible!" June bolted to her feet. "Human bodies decompose within hours, given the right conditions! Not to mention we don't have any technology that makes preservation for over long periods of time possible!"

"But we do." Shockwave pointed out. "When the humans were successfully transferred, our first test was to determine if Cybertronian stasis, or what you may call cryo-sleep, has an effect on humans. In addition, because we only transferred the human consciousness from the body, the body remained living, but in a vegetative state. And so, with the three living bodies, we enduced stasis. Soundwave had gathered plenty of medical supplies from his trips to the human world, and thus we were able to utilize those supplies to monitor each body. They have remained living and perfectly preserved through the course of this . . . experiment. The only remaining question we had were what could we do with three human bodies at our disposal."

The medbay was silent for a long time, Arcee's servos curling into fists.

"This . . . Entire time . . . You've have their human bodies . . . And none of you thought to mention them?!" She was livid.

"At the time, we were more focused on subduing Jack and locating his mother than restoring their humanity."

Ratchet growled under his breath. "Once again, Megatron is using us to achieve his own ends." His optics bright with anger, refocus on Shockwave. "Does Knock Out still have the neuron refractor? Rafael mentioned that's what you used to transfer them to different bodies."

Shockwave nodded once. "Affirmative."

"Wait!! Are you sure this is safe?!" June cried. "How do we know Jack will go back to his body, safe and sound?"

"Nurse Darby, we have very little time and options. This may be the only way." Ratchet countered, becoming exasperated.

"In addition, it would be logical for Jack's transference to go much more smoothly into his human body, considering that is where his consciousness originated from." Shockwave posited.

"Why don't you ask the patient?" Arcee gestured to Jack pointedly. "Since you know, he's standing right there?"

All eyes fell on Jack, who spoke slowly.

"Will I get the chance to be human again?"

Ratchet nodded. "Yes. As will Miko and Rafael. If you transfer successfully, Jack, then we will know for certain that they too can return to being human."

The boy only paused for a second before making his decision. "I'll do it."

"I will have Knock Out retrieve his neuron refractor." Shockwave made his way to the door. "Doctor, if you wish to retrieve his body yourself, then allow me to show you where they are stored."

Ratchet followed without another word, hope blossoming in his spark.

They can be human again.


"Rrraaahhhh!" Megatron roared as his blade collided with Predaking's incisor, sparks flying. Optimus attacked his flank, his machine-gun tearing into the Predacon's side and causing him to shriek in pain, tail whipping around and the Prime dodging it just in time.

The gladiator grinned as he got an open shot, driving his blade towards Predaking's chest and driving it up to his neck, the heat radiating from the creature almost too hot to touch.

Optimus leaped onto his back, gripping the dragon Cybertronian by the sides of his head and jerking him back, trying to snap his neck or at least give Megatron better leverage. It was amazing, how in synch the two former enemies fought together. They knew each other almost too well.

Predaking shrieked and shook to dislodge the Prime, feeling terrible pain radiate from his stab wounds and the new one he was just inflicted, primal urges to flee kicking in as he scrambled toward the flight deck, blind. He didn't make it very far, Megatron slashing his leg and crippling him, causing him to fall.

Optimus seized the opportunity, the back of Predaking's neck exposed, and stabbed down on him, destroying the back his skull and, most importantly, his vital processor regions. The mighty beast gave a terrible shudder, then went still, his optics dimming.

"Quickly, we must retrieve his spark." Optimus jumped from the beast, but Megatron made no move.

"That will not be necessary." The warlord took his digits from his comlink, gazing at the Prime with a smug look. "Dear Ratchet has found an alternative."

The Prime's optics narrowed. "What alternative?"

When Megatron told him, Optimus Prime felt like an incredible fool. Angry, hurt, and once again betrayed, he grit his denta behind his mask.

"You used us, Megatron!" He desperately tried to keep his cool, but his complete disbelief at the blatant apathy of who he thought could change was astounding. "Once again, you have done nothing but lied and manipulated so that you could remain in power!"

"If we had not dealt with the Predacon, then we all would have been at the mercy of the beast!" Megatron argued in return. "I only did what I thought I had to do!"

Optimus shook his head. "You had no reason to trick us, Megatron. The truth would not have been any worse; in fact, it would have been much better." He stalked past the warlord, now in a foul mood; a mood he rarely felt. "Deception is not always the answer, Megatron. This is why you were denied the position of Prime."

With those words and a last gesture to the Predacon, Optimus Prime left Megatron with the corpse of Predaking, heading back to the med bay and silently wondering to Primus:


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