Chapter 15: Daddy

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"But how will I meet him with my brothers and the guards here?"
"I'll tell them you're staying at my place. Make them believe that you're still upset. Go out front to the gates and wait for your man girl." With that being said Teresa went back inside to talk to my brothers and I walked to where I would meet Nikolay.

I stood outside of the gates of my home, waiting for Nikolay. I should have brought a jacket. I should have changed. I'm still wearing the same outfit from tonight's date. Maybe I should go back? NO Amelia! You can do this. I was too lost in thought to realize Nikolay's car had already pulled up in front of me.

"Hello again, Amelia." Nikolay says walking up to me. He was wearing the same outfit but looked a little disheveled, but he somehow still managed to look good. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and escorted me to his car.

" a nightcap?" I wasn't sure what to say and honestly, I'm still a little confused about what a nightcap is.

"Yes. I thought we would have drinks at my house." Nikolay says as he starts the car and drives off. Hmm, drinks don't seem that bad. Maybe watch a movie too?

"What have you been up to since our date, my printesa?" He says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh uh, nothing." I doubt he wants to hear about the drama after I came home. My brothers are going to be pissed if they find out that I am not with Teresa. Maybe I should call and see if everything is covered. Wait. I didn't bring my purse! So no phone.

"We're here." I look up to see that we pulled up in front of this huge mansion. It's bigger than my house. Nikolay's house is beautiful. It reminded me of a castle because of how grand and classical it is.

"It's beautiful. You live here all alone?"

"Yes...for now." I heard him mumble as he opened my door.

"What about your family?"

"They're gone." He said in a cold tone. Nikolay left me by the car and walked inside. I walk in after him to see Nikolay pouring a clear liquid into a glass. Vodka? Tequila?

"I'm sorry." I say walking up to him.

"Don't be." He says downing the whole glass. Well, this isn't awkward.

"Would you like something to drink?" Nikolay asks, looking down at me.

"I'll have what you're having please." I said smiling up at him. Teresa is right I should have a little fun tonight, let loose. Plus it might ease the tension too.

"You know this is vodka, right? I thought you don't drink, printesa?" Nikolay chuckles but grabs another glass and pours the vodka. He hands me the glass and I drink all of it like he did.

"Oh god! *cough* How can you drink this?!?" Nikolay busts out laughing.

"Amelia, that wasn't a shotglass. So you weren't supposed to drink all of it." He said still laughing.

"Oh. Well, now I know." I could already feel my cheeks heating up from embarrassment.

"Would you like to try that again or stick to your lemonade?" He taunted.

"Haha. I'm a big girl I can hold my liquor." And with that, Nikolay got out smaller glasses and started to pour.

Third POV

As Amelia downed her third shot of vodka she started to feel the effects of it. But she wanted to let loose and forget about her troubles.

"Nikki! Do you think apples know they have seeds?" Amelia giggles staring at the apples on display. Nikolay couldn't help but smile at Amelia and her new nickname for him. He hates to admit but he has grown feelings for Amelia. Nikolay knew that caring for someone in this dangerous lifestyle was dangerous, but frankly, he didn't care.

"Printesa, they aren't alive. How about we switch you to water." Nikolay tried to take the bottle from her but she ran out of the kitchen towards the living room. Somehow she managed to get the vodka bottle, while he wasn't paying attention.

"Come play with me, Nikki." Amelia sang twirling around the living room. Amelia's dress had risen a little revealing her thighs, which Nikolay had taken notice of. Even in her drunken state she still looked innocent and alluring.

"You don't know how much I'd like to play with you, soarece mic. (little mouse.)" Nikolay couldn't help but be slightly aroused from her exposed legs and cleavage, it didn't help that she was bouncing and twirling around. Amelia was in her little world. This being the first time being drunk, each glass of vodka hits her hard. "Okay soarece mic, it's time to put the bottle down. Now calm down and come here." Nikolay says walking towards her.

"Nikki you sound like a daddy. Do you want to be mine?" Amelia giggles.

"Soarece mic. I suggest you keep that pretty mouth quiet." Nikolay said stalking towards her.

"Let's play daddy." Amelia says jumping into Nikolay's arms. This surprises him and he stumbles a little. With Amelia in his arms, Nikolay took the vodka bottle and held Amelia in his other arm. Nikolay puts the bottle down on the floor and then carries his little mouse upstairs. "Where are we going daddy?"

"To bed. You need to sleep this off." Once upstairs, Nikolay walks down a long hallway stops at the third door on the right, kicks the door open, and lays Amelia on the bed.

"I don't wanna *yawn* go to bed, Nikki." Amelia says between yawns.

"If you don't sleep you'll regret it in the morning," Nikolay said like talking to a small child. Amelia just shook her head. "I'll be right back." Nikolay walked out of the guest room and made his way to his bedroom, to get some clothes for Amelia. When Nikolay walks back into the room with one of his t-shirts he sees Amelia passed out on the floor. She must have fallen. Nikolay thought.

"Guess I have to dress you myself, lucky me."Nikolay couldn't hide the smirk that appeared on his face. The thought of seeing Amelia in her bra and panties would arouse many men.

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