Chapter 17: Where Did The Time Go?

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"Clean this shit up!" Nikolay yelled. Maids scrambled together to clean the area as he walked away back upstairs.

The Xander's Household:

It is the morning after Amelia and the boys had their big argument.

"Do you think we were too harsh on her? It's not like she actually knows the real Pavel." Amelia and I have always been close, the others used to joke and say we were separated at birth.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Max? You were yelling at her as much as anyone else. You do what he is most known for right?! FUCKING SEX TRAFFICKING AND PROSTITUTION!! Max, I get there is a lot of money in prostitution but the way he does it is disgusting." Bradford said. How the hell did she even meet him in the first place, he wondered.

"I bet he already knew she's our little sister. Do you think he met her when Ashton was her guard? This isn't good, especially with the anniversary coming up. What do you think we should Alex? Do you think she knows anything?" The idea of Amelia knowing about their world scared Nickolas. He still saw her as the little girl that their father brought home.

"I'm not sure, to be honest. There was a rumor about Pavel coming back to California. Max should talk to Amelia and see if she tells us anything. Bradford integrates Ashton and see what more information you can get from him. Nickolas and I will be in the office." Bradford couldn't believe that his innocent little sissy was hypnotized into Nikolay Pavel's trap. Everyone agreed and dispersed to follow Bradford's plan.

Max did not have a clue on what he should say to his Lia without sounding angry or judgmental. After all, this was the first time Max had heard anything about her having a crush or any type of romantic relationship. He's always been the closest to Amelia since he was the youngest of the brothers and closest to her age. When their father was still alive his main focus was having Bradford as the next heir, then Alexander to be his second in command, finally he trained him and Nickolas on the general business and protect the family. Since Max was the youngest there wasn't much focus on him, which he didn't mind now but growing up that was a different story. That was one of the main reasons he became close to their new little sister.

"Lia? Can I come in? I'm sorry about last night." Max knocked on her door a few times before walking in. "Lia?" He looked around her dark room, the blinds still down. Walking into the bedroom he saw the bed already made up and her purse and phone on it. Opening the blinds and looking around he didn't see Amelia anywhere. Maybe the bathroom? He checked the closet and then the bathroom first and she was nowhere to be found. "Lia?! Where are you? Amelia, this is not funny! Come out now!" Searching all over the room, in search of her, yet couldn't find her anywhere. "Brothers!!!" Max yelled running out of her room to their private office. He slammed the door open, revealing Alex, Nickolas behind the desk, and Bradford in the corner changing his shirt.

"There's no need to yell. How did it go?" Bradford asked. He was able to get some information out of Ashton before he killed him. Besides grinding against his sister, he also lost her for almost an hour. A small part of him knew that Ashton had a little crush on Amelia, but to dare act on it was considered treason in all of her brother's eyes.

"She's not here." An out of breath Max said.

"What do you mean? She's not here." Alexander looked up from his laptop at this news. Could this be Nikolay's move against them? Alexander knew him longer than anyone of his brothers, he could still remember his father and himself meeting that cocky bastard for a possible alliance.

"Do you think she was abducted? I still don't understand. Could we have a traitor in the organization?" Nickolas finally spoke and from the look on everyone's faces that was exactly what was on their mind. Bradford got up and walked to the wall that held all of the camera security footage and played what was recorded last night, completely ignoring his younger brothers. If there is a traitor in his house, there will be hell to pay.

Last Night Security Footage:

"I need to talk to you NOW!" Amelia grabbed Teresa's arm and led her outside.

"Is everything okay? You're freaking me out a little.." Teresa said nervously.

"Guess what? Nikolay called me and wants to have a nightcap."

"Wait. So he just called? That's great it means he really likes you if wants to see you this fast or he wants a little fun.." Teresa said winking at Amelia.

"You think he only called me for sex?" Amelia whispered.

"It's a possibility Ammy. If anything you'll get some great head out of it." Teresa said smirking.

"Oh gosh! Teresa! Stop being nasty." Amelia said playfully slapping Teresa's arm.

"Hehe. Calm down, Ammy. He could actually just want to talk some more. Plus that will help you forget about what just happened with you and your brothers. "

"But how will I meet him with my brothers and the guards here?"

"I'll tell them you're staying at my place. Make them believe that you're still upset. Go out front to the gates and wait for your man girl."

End Of Security Footage

"She snuck out and Teresa helped. That little bitch." Alexander was beyond pissed. The relationship he had with her, was just a warm wet hole to get a good fuck once in a while.

"Where are you going, Bradford?" Max asked. Right, Bradford didn't give a shit if Teresa was her "best friend" or if her mother worked for the family for years. Right now she is just a bitch who put Amelia's life in danger. Storming out of the office on a mission to Teresa with his brothers following.

Amelia's POV:

"Thank you for the ride, Nikki." Looking away as I said his new nickname.

"Of course, soarece mic. But I wouldn't mind you calling me daddy like last night." Nikolay grabbed my chin to make sure I was looking into his eyes while he said that.

"Well, I was drunk and not thinking ha." I retorted.

"Oh that's right, but trust me, sweetheart, you will call me that again in the future." He said with such intensity in his eyes. Before I had a chance to respond I felt his rough lips against mine. It was a short, soft, and sweet kiss. "I'll text you later, soarece mic."

"Huh? Oh right. See you later, Nikki." Unbuckling my seatbelt and trying my best to sneak inside. I had no problem with gate security, now I just need to be quiet getting inside. Taking my heels off and unlocking the front door with my spare key, I tried sneaking my way upstairs without getting noticed. Keyword: Tried.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN ALL NIGHT?" Turning around I see all over my brothers looking pissed and disappointed.

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