Chapter 3: The Kiss and The Whore

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"Duh. You're my best friend. Now let's get you ready for tonight!"


Teresa and I are getting ready at her apartment, and Ashton is guarding the apartment. Teresa said that I needed to bring out my curves so she chose for me a bodycon burgundy dress with black heels. She wore a black fitted jumpsuit with gold pumps. As usual, Ashton is wearing a black perfectly tailored designer suit. After we finished getting ready we made our way to Belong. I have personally never been to this LA club but from what I hear it is one of the best.

We walked into the club and it was packed. Men and women are dancing and grinding on each other everywhere.

"Let's go Ammy!" Teresa said. She grabbed my hand and led me to the bar. I looked back at Ashton to see him checking me out, which made me blush and turn around. Once we are at the bar Teresa orders a shot called the "three wise men" for the three of us. I took the shot and already knew I was drunk from that one shot. It was hard for me to keep my balance so I leaned on Ashton.

"You okay there?" Ashton said. I could hear the humor in his voice. I am not much of a drinker and could probably tell that.

"Yeah, I'm okay. That was stronger than what I expected. Do you wanna dance?" I looked anywhere but at him.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. I swayed my hips to the music and closed my eyes letting the music move me. Wait! What happened to Teresa!?! My eyes looked everywhere for Teresa. I let go of the breath I was holding to see her making out with what looked like a man in his mid-twenties.

"What's wrong, love" Ashton whispered in my ear. I can feel his breath in my ear and his hands are on my hips. Right now I can not think of anything else but how close he is towards me.

"Umm Ye-s-s" I stuttered. It was all that I could manage at the moment.

"Do you know what you do to me, love?" I feel little kisses going up and down my neck. I gasp and glance at Ashton to see him continuing this act.

"You drive me wild, love. Everything you do is amazing... My love." He groans. Ashton pulled me closer and turned my face so that I was facing him. I looked him in the eyes then at his lips, he did the same. Ashton leaned in closer and kissed me. I found myself kissing him back.

"Uh, I gotta go to the restroom. Bye." I broke the kiss and ran off the dance floor. I cannot believe this is how my first kiss happened!

"Hey! Hey Amelia! Wait up! What's wrong? Did something happen? Teresa came and rushed over to me, concern evident on her face.

"Nothing happened, Teresa. I just have to use the restroom." I hate that I have to lie to her but if I told her what just happened between me and Ashton she could tell one of my brothers or Rosa, who would tell one of my brothers.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No no, I'm fine." I have no idea where I am going but honestly, I just needed some time to think about what Ashton said and did. I was now away from the dance floor and completely away from both Teresa and Ashton. I saw a staircase leading to the upper level of the nightclub and decided to go upstairs to help clear my mind. I looked around and realized this must be where the "ballers" come and play. From what I see there are booths each filled with five or so men in tailored suits with more than half-naked women all over them. I have a feeling I am not supposed to be up here.

"Draga, vino aici si stai pe pula." (Sweetie, come over here and sit on this dick.) A obese man who looked to be in his late forties said in some language, unknown to me. I didn't need to know what he said to know that it was sexual from the lust-filled look in his eyes for me. I should leave now.

I quickly turned around and key word tried to walk away from these sketchy men. But I felt a tight grip on my wrist. I looked back to see an overly muscular man around seven feet and the expression on his face almost made me want to shit my pants.

"Vei sta cand ti-a spus sa stai, curva." (You will sit when he tells you to sit, slut.") I still didn't understand  this language or what the overly muscular man just said. My silence seemed to anger him, he tightened his grip on my wrist and dragged me towards the obese man. I struggled against his will but it was useless. What I now assume is the bodyguard for the obese man puts me on the obese man's lap. The obese man instantly wraps his fat arms around me. This man smelled of a mixture of cigars, sweat, and alcohol. Why did I have to leave Teresa. .?! I should have let her come with me, should have known what to do...

"Please let me go.." I whisper. Looking around I see there are three more men in suits in the booth and six women in different color G-strings and as tops, they are wearing just nipple cover-ups. Oh god! What have I gotten myself into!? The obese man slides his hand slowly up my thigh to where he is almost able to touch my flower.

"You're mine now. Get used to it, whore" What does he mean I'm his? It felt like little pins were stabbing my eyes. I'm trying not to let the tears fall but they do anyway.

"Uita-te la tarfa." (Look at the slut.) All of the men, including the obese and overly muscular man looked at me and started to laugh at me. I couldn't stop silently crying.

"Ce dracu se intampla aici?" (What the fuck is going on here?) I didn't dare turn around to see the man who spoke. Everyone around me instantly became serious. The obese man took me off of his lap and placed me next to a woman next to him.

"Seful. ne-am distrat doar cu noua noastra curva." (Boss. We were just having some fun with our new little whore.) One of the men in a suit said.
"Lasa-ne. Lasa-ma sa o vad." (Leave us. Let me see her.)

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