Chapter 6: Snitch

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"Umm ok. ." Well this sucks, some girls' night.


I woke to the sound of all of my brothers arguing. I got up to see what my brothers were discussing so loudly. I move to hide behind one of the hallway pillars that lead to the kitchen.


"What was he even doing here?" Max asks, more to himself.

"WHY THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER!? He should have been watching her." Nickolas questioned.

"Enough. You'll wake Amelia" Bradford says, in an neutral tone.

"Lia, come on out. I can see you." I gasped. How can Max see me? I stayed where I was hoping that they would just assume I was just a shadow of the pillar. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands grab my waist and I let out a squeal, looking up  to see a smirking Max. He carries me like a baby to where the rest of my brothers are.

"Look brothers, I found a baby," Max said. I couldn't help but giggle at his silliness. I tried to get out of his arms but he wasn't having that. Nickolas and Bradford laughed while Alex just smiled. Alex was the first one to speak.

"Why didn't you tell us what happened last night?" My brothers' eyes were all on me now, as Max set me on the kitchen counter.

"I don't know." I mumble, suddenly finding the floor interesting.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Alex asked.

"Teresa told us what happened upstairs at the club," Bradford stated. I glance at him and know that I've been caught.

"We are doubling up your protection. Ashton will no longer be one of your bodyguards." Nickolas stated. I am kind of glad that Ashton won't be one of my bodyguards anymore because I don't want him to get the wrong idea about us. I only know him as my bodyguard which meant I only knew that he was supposed to protect me.

"What about Michael?" I asked. Michael is the only bodyguard I have had besides Ashton.

"He will still be one of your bodyguards," Bradford stated.

"Why do I even need security? You guys act like someone is out to get me. . ." I mumbled. My brothers looked at each other. What was that about?

"Amelia, you will stick to your security team and will not wonder. We will not have a repeat of last night."  Alexander said to me but it sounded like he was speaking to all of us.

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