Chapter 3

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Hey back, sorry for another delay. Just wanted to spend some of my summer relaxing ya know? Anyway, another chapter being done for you all. Hope you enjoyed!

Zane's POV

     I woke up to the sound of my ringtone. Looking over at my bedside desk, I saw that it was 7:30 in the morning. Groaning, I picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, it was Aaron. 'Why not? I had a great time with him yesterday.' I thought, as I answered the call. "Good Morning Zane. Uh, how are you?" Aaron asked. "I'm good, just tired. I didn't expect you to call this early in the morning though." I answered while yawning. "Oh my bad, I'm used to calling people this early." He chuckled nervously on the phone. "It's fine, I'm not much of a morning person. Well anyway, how are you this morning?" I asked, to break the ice. "I'm good, just got done jogging around the block. How about you?" Aaron replied. "Cool, well I'm fine. I've actually kept thinking about last night, I really had a great time. It was my first date, but you made it special. I-I mean it."

     I mentally slapped myself for stuttering on my last sentence. Why did I become so shy all of a sudden!? "Oh, uh really? Wow, I'm glad that I was the first then! Also, don't forget that we're hanging out today!" Aaron reminded me. I smiled, then I remembered what I did last night. Blushing, I replied to Aaron, "Oh yeah. I'm looking forward to hanging out with you today. So what time shall we meet up then?" I asked, not wanting to come over too soon. "Time? Well I mean you can come over at anytime! I honestly don't mind at all, but if you have something important to do... Then maybe we can hangout some other time?" He responded with a slightly worried tone.

     "No! Uh, I mean no. I was just asking since, I didn't want to come over at a bad time you know?" I explained, since I didn't want to make it seem like I was bailing on him. "Oh, I understand. Sorry if I sounded a bit worried there, I just wanted to see you again." Aaron replied, somehow I could feel him shyly smiling. I chuckled, and rubbed the back of my neck feeling a little embarrassed. "Yeah, same here. Well I guess I'm coming over then, I better get ready since I'm already up." I said as I stretched, feeling relaxed. "Right, sorry again about waking you up so early. I'll remember that you're not a morning person, before I call you so early in the morning again." Aaron chuckled. "Okay, I'll see you soon then." "Later!" I hang up, then proceed to go get dressed for the day.

     After that, I went downstairs to grab a quick bite to eat. It was a tough choice, a cupcake or a doughnut. I chose the latter, so I went for a cupcake. My taste for sweets will always get me through the day. Making sure I had everything with me, I walked over to my front door and took a deep breath. Opened the door, and look around at the outside world. It would be a while, since Mystreet is a little ways away from where I live. I shrug, locking my door behind me, I set out towards Aaron's house.

Aaron's POV

     After Zane hung up, I began to clean up my house a bit. I don't want my house to look like a pig sty when Zane gets here. Although my house is always clean, since I'm a clean freak. Especially when it comes to the placement of certain objects around the house. It's sort of my pet peeve when someone just places their stuff anywhere. Then I come in and try to fix it but, we then just get into a fight. Soon enough one of us just gives in and the little fight is over with. Well enough about me, time to prepare for when Zane gets here!

     About after 38 minutes of cleaning and preparing the house. I sigh in relief and wipe my forehead to get rid of some sweat. Soon enough I heard a knock at my door, I rushed over to it in a second. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I opened the door to see Zane. My heart skipped a beat as he looked up at me, he's so short. "Hey Aaron." He softly said as he moved a strand of hair behind his ear. "Hey Zane! Come on in, you can seat yourself on the couch, while I go get us some snacks!" I said, as I welcomed him into my humble abode. Zane sat down on the couch, looking around at my house in awe. "Your house is really nice, it's so clean." He said awestruck. "Yeah, I tend to keep things clean around my house. One small mess, and I'll be there to clean it in a flash." I replied as I brought out some cupcakes I baked earlier.

     Making sure the cupcakes are perfect, I bring them over to Zane whose face automatically lights up at the sight of them. "Cupcakes!? How did you know?" He asked in an excited tone, as he grabbed a pink frosted one. "Well Aph actually told me, so I thought I could at least bake you your favorite delicacy." I explained as I sat down next to him, smiling. Zane began to munch out on the cupcakes, I chuckled at cute scene unfolding in front of me. He must have noticed me staring, since he looked at me and looked away in a split second. "Uh, sorry. I just get kinda excited when I see cupcakes. They're just so good!" Zane explained in a slightly embarrassed tone.

     I chuckle at this, "It's fine honestly, it's just cute to see you act this way in front of something you like. As if you feel comfortable doing this kind of thing in front of me. It shows that you trust me, and that makes me happy." I replied with a soft yet accepting tone. Zane sat there silently with his eyes sparkling, as if he'd been told something great. "Wow, I never thought of it that way. It really explains a lot about me then, you're really smart. Amazing even." He said in amazement and surprise. I smile, feeling great that I was able to open up Zane a bit.

     He feels like a fox, misunderstood yet very caring once you get to know him. Someone just needs to come along and help him open up, maybe it could be me. Yet, I shouldn't take all the credit, Aph helped him as well during last year's Christmas party. That was the first time anyone has seen Zane happy, even for Garroth. I mean, I can understand why Zane isn't happy with Garroth. He was the guy everyone would love to have as their friend, while he casted the shadow over Zane. Making Zane shut himself off from the rest of the world, refusing to open up to so many people. Maybe, just maybe, I can help him. It will take a while, but Zane can be helped. That is if he wants someone to help him, someone to help destroy the chains that keep him locked in his own mind.

Zane's POV

     Aaron has been staring for a while now, I think he's lost in his own thoughts. I wave my hand in front of his face, "Aaron? Earth to Aaron, do you read?" I said, catching Aaron's attention. He shook his head, "Huh? Oh sorry, I was thinking again." Aaron chuckled as he sighed. "What's wrong?" I asked thinking I did something wrong to upset him. "Nothing, I just get really lost in thought when something just pops into my head. Then again, it's always about something serious, but nothing to worry about really." Aaron said as he tried to reassure me. I smiled and nodded, yet it didn't hide the fact that I was worried about him.

     After some small talk, Aaron and I decided to watch a movie. We couldn't decide on a movie, so we just chose to watch The Lion King. This Disney movie is so amazing when it comes to the story. Especially the animation, it's so beautiful when every moment is either full of suspense, laughter, or plot development. You never know what could happen next, but since it's an old movie, people who first watched it already know the whole thing. Well whatever, it's still fun to watch even when you're an adult. Before I could think anything else, I noticed that the scene where Simba and Nala reunite was on.

     Funny to see childhood friends reunite after such a long period of time. Probably similar to a lot of people out there in the world. You never know who'll you'll meet again after such a long period of time has passed. That person could've changed, or still be the same depending on if you really know them at all. For certain people I guess I haven't changed since high school. The same goth kid that never really stood out in the crowd, except for when I became the talk of the school. Spray painting the whole cafeteria, to show how tough I was than the worthless Shadow Knights. Treating me like I was nothing, well after that fiasco I was worth something for once. Yet, I made my own gang, one where kids actually feared me or joined along side me. The Jury, the most feared gang in all of Phoenix Drop High.

     Well that was the old me, I'm different now, since Aphmau actually stepped up to become my friend. I have her to thank for opening up a new world to me. If it wasn't for her, I guess I wouldn't have met Aaron either. Maybe I should try to open up a bit more around others, it wouldn't hurt to try right? Well baby steps Zane, baby steps. Don't wanna rush into anything that you're not ready for just yet. Even if you have close friends who are there for you, they can instantly turn their back on you if they find out something they don't like. I sighed after thinking that, I must have alarmed Aaron, since he turned his head toward me. "You alright?" He asked, worried I presume. "No, I'm fine. I guess we have getting lost deep in thought in common. That's for sure." I chuckled at this, making Aaron smile as well. We both began to talk about our interest and hobbies, seeing if we had anything else to talk about whenever it comes up.

     I found out that he loves to play the guitar, and that he has an OCD for cleaning or keeping things neat. I can respect that, since I don't like untidy things either. After learning about that, I shared that I sometimes like cute things and that I love watching My Little Horsies. Not opening up too much about myself, I only told him small things. I just think that telling him personal or secret things about me would be too pushy or would make me seem needy for attention. I would know that, since I've met a lot of people who were like that. Anyway, getting off topic there, I decided to talk about friends. Turns out Aaron is only friends with Aphmau as well, since he isn't very open with the others on Mystreet like me. He does look intimidating, but I think he hides something behind his eyes and Bandana as well.

     After chatting with Aaron, I noticed that it was getting late. I pointed that out to Aaron who agreed after looking outside. He seemed disappointed, but understood that I never get out of my house that much. Unless it was my job, or to hang out with Aph. "Well I should see myself out then, I don't want to take up too much of your time." I said as I got up from the couch. "Wait, um... How about I walk you home again? You know, since you never know what can happen out there in the world." He exclaimed. I chuckled at this, but nodded my head, accepting his offer. We both walked out of his home, and made our way down to my house. Maybe their could be something blooming between us, something special maybe. Oh well, only time will tell as life goes on.

Phew!! Got this chapter done, finally. Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it took my whole brain trying to create this chapter. Oh well, at least this story is getting somewhere. Welp, see you all in the next chapter, Bai!

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